Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: What about confessions?
Autumns P.O.V

It was Isaac.

It was Isaac!

"Mom, dad, gotta talk to you guys later. Love you, Okay bye!" I said in a rushed tone.

"Wait, what-" I clicked the green button cutting my mother off and my brother appeared into the screen.

I don't think I've ever smiled so big in my life. Isaac was there. Really there. It's been about two months since I've seen him over video chat. Yeah, we've talked over the phone but I missed seeing him.

"Oh my god, Isaac!" I squealed bouncing up and down in my chair. "I can't beloved it's really you!" I beamed.

He smiled back at me. "It's me," he laughed. "Happy Birthday, Autumn!" He said over dramatically.

"Thanks." I smiled at him. "I haven't heard from you in forever."

"I know, It's been like a month." He leaned into the camera. "You know, Winter keeps telling me that we may be expecting a fourth O'Ryan." He made a face and I laughed.

"I know, but I don't think it'll happen." I shook my head. "Is that a different tent, it's different from last time." I asked.

Isaac nodded his head. "Yeah, it is. Although shouldn't matter, I should be outta here by next month."

I smiled at that. Isaac was coming home for the holidays and I was so excited to have him back. I couldn't wait until winter vacation so I could go and see him. "I'm so excited. Maybe I've grown a couple inches, you won't tower over me anymore."

"Yeah right." Isaac scoffed. "Anyway, mom keeps telling me about this Dylan kid." He raised his eyebrows.

I instantly blushed at the thought of Dylan. Jeez. "Who is he?" Isaac asked.

"Don't freak out, Isaac. I'm serious." I pointed a finger at the screen.

Isaac groaned. "Oh my god, don't tell me you're pregnant. Autumn who the fuck is he, I aware to God-"

"Isaac! Okay, no, I'm not pregnant. Dylan's my boyfriend. I'm actually in Miami right how with him." I told him.

"You lucky bastard." Isaac shook his head and I laughed. "I mean it, though, any problems, just let me know."

I shook my head. Even though, Dylan wasn't my actual boyfriend, I liked saying it.

Was that bad?

Also, I'm not choosing sides but, if my brother and Dylan did get into it, Dylan would probably win. I mean, he is somewhat a 'professional' boxer. He's pretty tough, but there's also a fact that Isaacs in the military.

Now that I think about it, I don't really know who would win. I mean, seriously, just looking at Dylan's chest-

"Autumn!" I snapped my eyes back to the screen.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Oh my gosh, don't ever do that shit again. It looked like you were possessed or something."

I laughed and shrugged. "I was just thinking." I told him.

"Thinking about how amazing your brother is?" I laughed again.

"Actually, I was thinking how much you stink." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"O'Ryan, that's five." Someone yelled in the background. Isaac turned back to me with a sad expression.

"I gotta go, Autumn." Isaac told me softly.

I bit my lip. "Okay, j-just promise me one thing. You'll be there when I come home next month. Safe."

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