Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: What about my gummy bears?
Autumns P.O.V

I followed him all the way to the food court. Our walk was silent and the whole way, students were rushing past and trying to make it to their first class.

Mine didn't start until 10. I walked to the food court and as soon as we approached the doors, Dylan put his arm around my shoulders.

He pulled me close to his body and I didn't stop him. I agreed to this. A part of me wishes I didn't and another, is happy that I did. I truly don't know how to feel.

We walked to a table and he sat down. I sat across from him. "Well, are you gonna go get me breakfast?" I asked him.

Dylan furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would I do that?"

"Because your my boyfriend. Now go get me breakfast."

He rolled his eyes with a smile. I watched as he got up and made his way over to the food. As he walked away, a boy walking by him accidentally bumped shoulders with him.

Dylan turned around and glared at the guy. He mouth was twisted up in a scowl and I furrowed eyebrows.

Dylan said something to the guy and I could tell it was pretty rude. He seemed really mad and I don't even know why. The guy held his hand up in surrender and backed away from Dylan slowly. Once the guy was away from him, he continued to the food.

What the hell was that?

'You don't want to make me upset.'

His words came back from this morning. Maybe he has a anger problem.

Or maybe he's just not in the mood today. Or it could possibly be the guy he bumped into to. Maybe they don't like each other.

What if-

"Autumn!" Dylan waved a hand in front of my face. I looked up at him.

"What?" I asked.

He smiled at me before, "I got your breakfast. I know you like turkey bacon because you don't eat pork."

I heard some girl 'aww' at the table beside us. Dylan and I looked at her and she gave us a smile. I smiled back at her and and brought my attention back to Dylan who was already looking at me.

"How'd you know that?" I asked softly. He smiled at me again.

"I read some part of your journal." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

I would've been mad at the fact that he read my journal but I was thinking about how much this guy already knew about me. He's really attentive. Too attentive.

He's already figured out the things that most people don't know about me. It interested me. I wanted to know more about him.

"Okay, thanks." I mumbled the last part.

I was about to dig into my tummy bacon when the doors of the food court opened.

I frowned when I saw Alexis Anderson waltz through the doors with her arm linked with someone. Some guy, I should say.

I looked over at Dylan and he was frowning at the couple. I turned my attention back to them. We watched as the couple sat themselves at a table. Alexis sat herself on the guys lap and they began talking and giggling. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

I looked back at Dylan. He was looking at the couple closely and his mouth formed a thin line. I couldn't really read his expression.

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