Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: What about Messing Around?
Autumns P.O.V

"Okay, well, when I told my family that I was bringing you over for break, it was around the time we were still 'dating'." Dylan explained.

"Well, are you going to tell her we broke up?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

Dylan gave me an incredulous look. "Hell no. So I can hear Lucas not shut up about it?" I tried not to laugh.

Okay, was it bad that I was really happy? Dylan and I get to date again, even though it's not real, I liked it when we 'dating' back at Stone Brook.

Whoo Hoo! Maybe love doesn't suck after all. Well, just a little bit.

"So, what are you trying to say?" I asked a smile forming in my face. Dylan chuckled.

"Autumn, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Dylan asked lowly.

I shrugged my shoulders teasingly. "Hmm, I'll have to think about it." I chuckled.

Dylan Made a mocking face and I laughed. "Have to think about it my ass." He came forward and picked me up before throwing me over his shoulder. I laughed even harder.

Dylan took me up the stairs and made his way into one of the rooms. When he put me down I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"I wouldn't be laughing, look at your hair." I turned in the mirror and then back to Dylan.

"Screw you." I told him before patting down my hair. Dylan now stood behind me, and he whispered in my ear.

"I really wish you would." I blushed before looking at the ground. Dammit.

I finished fixing my hair, which was pointless, since I was going to bed soon.

Wait......oh my goodness, I have to share a bed with Dylan.

Not that I'm complaining.

It's just going to be very...interesting, if you know what I mean. "We should start packing out our luggage." Dylan told me.

"But, were only staying for ten days."

"So?" I rolled my eyes at him and went over to my suitcase. I opened it and began taking out some of my clothes.

I started to pack them in the dresser and I froze when Dylan let out a curse.

"Damn." I turned around to find him holding one of my bras.

Oh, come on! Why does this keep happening?"

"Dylan! Put it down!" I told him.

"I didn't know you were a 36C." He mumbled then looked up at my chest. You've got to be kidding me. I threw my shirt at him.

"Dylan, give it back."

"Damn." He cursed again while still staring at me. Unbelievable. I rolled my eyes and turned away when I instantly caught glance of a picture.


I walked over to it, and looked at it for a good second before picking it up. When I turned back to Dylan, his eyes were now on my ass and quickly looked up.

I would be blushing but I was too busy smirking. "Okay, Dylan. You win, keep the bra. I'm sure you won't mind if I send this picture to, Josh, Tyler, maybe even Chris." I dangled the picture of a young Dylan that had on the most adorable Halloween costume.

Dylan's face fell and he glared at me. "You wouldn't."

My smirk grew and I pulled out my phone from my pocket. "Oh, but I would." Dylan came after me and I jetted out of the room. We ran through the the hallway and I was laughing my head off. The lights downstairs were off, but he chased me down there anyway.

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