Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: What about bonding?
Autumns P.O.V

'Because no ones stopping me. And because of who I am, I don't think, anyone will.'

What does that even mean? Who was he, exactly?

We kept driving and driving until Dylan pulled into a parking lot. The parking lot was surrounded by trees, so I have no idea where we were.

"Where are we?" I asked Dylan looking over at him.

He tilted his head back slightly and smirked. He really does that a lot.

"Come on, you'll see." He slid out the car and I did the same.

Okay, so a boy that I just met yesterday is now my boyfriend and he just took me out driving at like...six in the evening. I don't know where we are and I'm starting to get nervous by the minute.

I stood there at the side of the car thinking about the possible scenarios that could happen at this moment.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Dylan asked me raising his eyebrows, leaning against the car, waiting for me.

I turned to him. "How do you know I'm thinking hard?" I raised my eyebrows back.

"Whenever you're thinking about something a lot, you furrow your eyebrows, and for some reason, you always look at your shoes."

I just stared at him and he looked at me expectingly.

"How many times exactly have I been 'thinking hard' around you?" I asked him.

For him to notice that I do this every time, I must do it around him often.

He just shrugged. "More than I can count on my fingers. That's not the point, though. I can tell that you think too much. Or more like worry about things."

"That's not true." I defended softly.

"Pretty sure it is. Autumn, when's the last time that you went out and had fun?"

I don't understand what he's getting at. What is he trying to prove?

"Depends. What's your definition of fun?" I asked cautiously.

He chuckled at me. "I meant getting shit drunk, dancing all night, and forgetting about all your problems and letting lose."

I clicked my tongue. "See, I don't drink. I hate clubs. Strangers grinding on each other and one night stands are disgusting. Then you wake up with a terrible hangover and regret everything you did the night before, only to do over and over again." I rambled. "That's not fun for me."

Dylan just stared at me with an amused look. "So what is you're idea of fun?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. If I'm having fun then I'm having fun."

Dylan shook his head and let out a low laugh. "You're one weird girl, Autumn."

"I can say the same about you." I told him with a smile. "No one is that perceptive."

It's no secret that Dylan is good at figuring people out. Hell, he's great at it. It's actually pretty amazing how he does that.

"Well, there's you."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What about me?"

"If I didn't know any better, you pay a lot of attention to people as well."

He wasn't wrong. Back in my hometown, I would notice certain things about people that others wouldn't.

It's not a bad thing. You get to learn more about a person than you already do. It's like gathering pieces of a puzzle and eventually putting them together. It's sort of natural for me.

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