Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: What about Pianos?
Autumns P.O.V

My eyes opened and I was met with the sunlight coming through the window. Ugh.

I sat up, and when I turned, I saw that Dylan wasn't there. I furrowed my eyebrows. Where could he be?

I picked up my phone and when I saw the time on the lock screen my eyes widened. It's almost eleven thirty!

Did I over sleep that late?!

I quickly jumped out of the bed and grabbed my things. I needed to hurry up, I already missed breakfast. Okay, I'm in love with Ms. Tanya's pancakes. There so fluffy.

Ten Minutes Later

I walked down the stairs and when I entered the kitchen, I saw Lucas sitting at the counter with his laptop. "Morning, Autumn." He looked up at me.

"Morning. Why didn't you guys wake me, it's almost noon."

Lucas shrugged. "Dylan said he didn't want to wake you. Are you hungry?"

I opened my mouth to say something but my stomach answered for me. "I'll take that as a yes. Ma left some pancakes for you."

I smiled. Yay! "So, how comes your not at work?" I asked sitting down next to Lucas.

"Decided to take the day off." He shrugged. "Plus, I got a lot of wedding planning to do."

I think it's absolutely adorable that Gwen and Lucas are engaged. They seem cute together. I told Lucas this.

"Thanks." He smiled. "So, why did you wake up so late?"

I thought about the conversation Dylan and I had last night. It was nice. However, the question he asked about Matt caught me off guard. And I have to say, I was happy to hear that it was only a kiss between Dylan and Alexis. Well I wasn't you know happy, but more like glad that it was only a get the point.

After that, we told each other things that we didn't know about each other. Dylan actually has four tattoos, not three. He has the one around his wrist, the angel wings on his stomach, the tribal music note on his chest, and he has another one of chains. I don't know where it's at, though.

"We just stayed up late talking." I shrugged. Lucas nodded his head in understanding. "Where is he anyway?"

"He's in the boxing room." I raised my eyebrows and stood up from the stool. I walked down the hallway to the boxing room and I could hear Lucas behind me.

The door was was slightly open and I peeked through. Surely, Dylan was in the room and his entire body was dripping in sweat. I could see the drops on his chest and his forehead. He was taking shots at one of the punching bags handing from the ceiling and the white tape around his knuckles were stained with blood. Oh my gosh.

He looked angry. Not like a, someone pissed me off angry, a different angry. He was mumbling things under his breath and it sounded Italian so I paid no attention to it.

I slowly backed away from the door and turned to Lucas. "Why is he so angry?" Lucas gestured me over to the patio on the back, and he closed the screen door behind him.

"Um, we actually got some news....this morning, that kind of shocked all of us." Lucas explained.

"News? What happened...if you don't mind me asking."

Lucas sighed. "Um, my mom found out that my dad, back in Italy, is having twins with his wife."

Shut. The. Hell. Up. Oh my goodness.

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