The Deal

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Yeri's POV

I woke up the next day and did the same routine I always did.

"Hey bear", I said to my purple teddy bear. I just stared at it without blinking."Dang it you win okay?!", I shouted at it. I heard noises behind me and saw Yoona eating a waffle while Yuri laughed.

"C'mon Yeri! Eat breakfast so we can get you to school early", Yuri said. We walked down stairs and I quickly ate some waffles and grabbed my stuff before walking out with Yoona and Yuri.

Yuri started the car and drove. "Is it to late for me to say sorry~", Yoona sang once we stopped on a red light. Someone honked and we looked to our right to see Luhan driving while Sehun sat in the passenger seat. "You suck!", Sehun said. "Like you can sing better", Yoona smirked.

Sehun glared at her.

"Hey Yuri", Luhan waved to my sister. "Hi", she waved back. I must be invisible. "Lovebirds", Yoona mumbled but I heard it. "What?", Yuri asked. " can go now", Yoona pointed at the green light.

I laughed and Yoona looked back at me with a smile.

*2 minutes later*

"We're here!", Yuri said. Yuri and Yoona got out. "What are you guys doing?", I asked them. "Visiting our highschool", Yoona said. "So many memories", Yuri smiled.

"Yeri!", I turned to find Wendy running up to me followed by the others. "Hello", Wendy smiled at Yuri and Yoona. "Hi", Yuri and Yoona smiled back. "Guys meet my sister and her bestfriend", I said realizing I didn't stutter.

"Omg they're so pretty", the girls all said. "Aww thank you", Yuri said. "Thanks guys you're so sweet", Yoona said.

"Oh Yeri forgot to tell you guys this, but she wanted to invite you guys for a sleepover on Sunday!", Yuri clapped. I gave my sister a 'You've got to be kidding me', look. She just smiled. "We would love to but isn't school going to be the next day?", Irene asked.

"We'll drive you guys here just bring your school stuff with you", Yoona replied. "I'd have to tell my mom first to make sure", Joy said nodding. "Is there going to be any Pringles?", Seulgi asked. "Of course!", Yuri said. "Yes!", Seulgi said with a smile.

The bell rang and they all pulled me along with them. I looked back at Yuri and Yoona with a glare but they just smiled and waved.


Cooking class. I walked in and ignored the stares. "Yeri!", Wendy called. I looked up at her. She patted the spot beside her and I sat down. "This is so exciting!", she squealed. "Why?", I asked. "Because I love to cook", Wendy replied still smiling.

"Morning class, so today we're going to work in partners and bake muffins", the teacher said. "You may choose a partner". "Want to be partners?", Wendy asked. "Sure", I said. Stuttering hasn't happened. Yet.

She went and grabbed some oreos and other ingredients. "We're going to bake oreo muffins", Wendy said placing them on the counter in front of us," and I'll teach you".
She told me what to put in and how to mix it.

After putting it in the oven for 10 minutes. She put oven mitts on and took the muffins out.

"Oh, something smells good", Mrs Anderson said. She looked over at our muffins and smiled. Wendy told me that we should let them cool off before letting Mrs Anderson try them. Wendy tried half of one just in case and gave me the other half. "Mmm". "It tastes so good", I said and Wendy nodded in agreement.

After letting it cool off we handed one muffin to Mrs. Anderson on our way out. "We should give some to the others at lunch", Wendy said. The lunch bell rang right after, so we went to our lockers and grabbed our lunch and muffins.

"What did you guys make?", Irene asked fixing her glasses. "Muffins", I replied sitting down. "And we made you guys some", Wendy handed them each a muffin. "This tastes amazing", Seulgi said. "But not more then Pringles". We laughed.

I felt more comfortable with the girls. I seemed to have stopped stuttering. But that doesn't mean my anxiety is gone.

"Shoot, I forgot about the science project I'm working on with a partner", I said. "Who's your partner?", Joy asked taking a bite out of her second muffin.

"Bambam", I said looking over at Got7. "He's from Got7?", Wendy asked. "Yeah", I replied short. "You should do it on explosives", Joy suggested. "Nah", Seulgi shook her head.

"Ugh, I wish my phone would charge faster", I heard someone say. That gave me an idea. "Me and Bambam could create something that would charge your phone quicker", I stood up. "That's a great idea!", Wendy said.

The bell rang after and I waved goodbye. I went to my locker and grabbed my stuff for science and walked into class. I looked to where Bambam sat and he was listening to music while closing his eyes.

"Class sit beside your partners I assigned you with", Mrs. Lynch spoke as she handed out papers. Uh... 'You can't walk over there you're a nerd to him', the voice in my head said. I can't let my anxiety get to me, so I took deep breaths before sitting down beside BamBam. Who am I kidding, I thought and stood back up. "Yeri you can do this", I said to myself.

I sat down beside him again and watched him bob his head as he listened to music. He then opened his right eye and I quickly looked away. Please don't kill me. 'ugh why do I have to deal with an idiot like you', the voice in my head spoke.

I turned to Bambam who was talking to Jungkook. But then there was Jane who smirked at me while going closer to Jungkook. I tried not to show that I cared. Bambam turned his head to me and just stared. He looked down at my outfit then back up at me.

I looked at the sheet with how Mrs. Lynch would grade us on. I kept reading and stopped when it said that our projects will be entered in a science fair. That means I have to talk to people without stuttering.

"So here's the deal", I jumped when I heard BamBam's voice. "You can do all the work and give me some credit". He looked at me as if he was burning holes in my face with his eyes. "B-but how a-am I
g-going to do t-this a-alone?", I just stuttered up a storm.

"You're smart right?", he continued,"since you're a nerd". He stared at me, waiting for an answer. 'I told you', the voice in my head laughed. "Um o-okay", I said brainstorming idea's and writing them down on paper.

*Bell rings an hour later*

"That's it for today class, see you tomorrow", Mrs. Lynch said before sitting back down at her desk. I waited until everyone left. "Bambam you better be going to detention", Mrs. Lynch said."You're not going to skip this time". Bambam rolled his eyes. "Whatever". He walked out.

"So Yeri what's your question?", She asked."Is Bambam giving you a hard time?" "Oh um, no", I replied,"I was wondering if I could ask Mr. Zink if we could work build our project in the Tech ed room". Mrs. Lynch nodded her head," Of course, as long as Mr. Zink allows you to".

"Thank you", I smiled and walked out of the room and down the hall. "Mr. Zink?", I knocked on his door. "Come in", he said. I looked down at the wooden heart he was sanding. "What can I do for you?", he asked.

"I would like to know if you would let me and Bambam work on our project in here", I asked hoping he'd say yes. "Bambam? And work? In one sentence?", he laughed as if I was joking. I didn't laugh and he stopped. "You're kidding me?" He looked at me. I shook my head.

The only thing is that I didn't say is that I was doing it alone. "As long as he behaves and doesn't break or do anything wrong, then I'll let you".

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