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Luhan's POV

"So when are you going to confess to her?", Sehun asked, kicking a small rock along the path. "I'm not sure when, I need to find the right time", I continued," It's not easy confessing to someone that you've known all your life".

Sehun shrugged,"Well yeah it might ruin the friendship an-", he was cut off by Yoona tackling him from behind.

"Geez woman, you could've broke my back!", Sehun dusted himself off. He looked up at Yoona and held out his hand,"A lil help?" "Yeah, no", Yoona folded her arms.

I chuckled and helped him get up. "Hey Yuri!",Yoona ran up to Yuri and threw her arm over her shoulder. "I swear that girl is strong", Sehun hissed once he began walking. "Yeah well you do like her", I looked ahead and began walking. "Yeah...-wait what?!", Sehun shouted once realising what I said.


Yoona's POV

I was slowly walking behind Sehun and Luhan hoping they won't notice me. I don't get why I'm being nosy, since I'm listening to their conversation, but after Sehun started talking about me I'm glad I followed them.

"Gosh Yoona is so annoying", Sehun spoke. "Me? Annoying?", I said out loud, but realized Sehun and Luhan might've heard me so I hid. Once they never looked back I kept following them. Luhan looked over at Sehun and began speaking, but I couldn't hear him.

So.... in the end I decided to tackle Sehun. "Geez women you could've broke my back!", Sehun winced once I got off him. He looked up at me and held out his hand,"A lil help?" "Yeah, no", I replied folding my arms.

Luhan chuckled and helped Sehun up. I then spotted Yuri and ran to her. "Hey Yuri!", I threw my arm over her shoulder. "Hey", she smiled. "Guess what?" "What?", I asked. She gave me a look, "Good guess". I laughed," I come up with amazing guesses, I know girl".

"So what is it?", I asked after I stopped laughing. "Want the good news or bad news?", Yuri asked. Good News and Bad News? "Um, good news first", I said. "The company accepted it", Yuri smiled. "Wow really?", I asked and she nodded her head. We jumped around and squealed.

"Bad news?", I asked remembering. Her smile dropped,"Um..." I look at her confused, "What is it?" "Once the company accepted it........ they said if I want the job I have to meet them in Paris", she mumbled looking away. "Oh", I replied short.

"Hey Yuri!", I turned to see Sehun and Luhan walking our way.


Seulgi's POV

"Here try this", I said handing Yeri jewelry to match her dress. "Thanks", she said placing them on her lap. "How much time do we have left?", Wendy asked Joy who was finding shoes in Yeri's closet. Joy pulled out her phone and looked down at her lock screen. "30 minutes".

"Hopefully I'll finish Yeri's hair in time", Irene said. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?", I asked Irene who continued curling Yeri's hair. "Yeah, it's easy, like ironing!" She giggled. We all turned to her. "What?" Irene asked. "Nothing", we all replied in unison.

"Just hurry up", Wendy told her. "Okay, okay, don't rush me-ow!", Irene blew air on her thumb.

"I'll go get an ice pack", I said walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

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