Chapter 16 Pranks and Cuddles!

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Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of snoring and something wet on my nose.I opened my eyes and saw sans fast asleep and drooling blue saliva and it seems it's gotten on my nose.I slowly get up and wipe it off and make a disgusting face then cover my mouth trying not to laugh.I was about to get up until I felt a tug on my shirt,I looked and saw sans hand holding my shirt tightly.'He must've gotten over protective or something in his sleep.'I smile softly and gently move his hand and he snores louder and I cover my mouth trying not to laugh and it's really hard just so you know.I move his hand and more drool goes down his mouth and even his tongue is sticking out."Oh my god I'm defiantly taking a picture it's just too cute."I giggle quietly and get my phone and take a picture.Then I tip toe out of the room and close his door quietly then go down the stairs laughing quietly.When I was done I went to the kitchen and got myself some juice.I was drinking the juice then all of a sudden.


I choked on the juice and spit some in the sink and kept choking.Papyrus looked at me worriedly and pat my back.I stopped and started to breath heavily and I smiled.


I smiled softly."Yeah you just,you just scared me that's all papyrus."

Papyrus:"OH I APOLOGIZE HUMAN I DID NOT MEAN TO STARTLE YOU."He rubbed my back and I chuckled.

"It's okay papy just don't do that again okay?"

He nods happily and goes to the fridge to get some left over spaghetti.


"I'm okay thanks papyrus."I smile and he smiles back and nods and takes the spaghetti and leaves the house while he left a note on the fridge.I then go to the couch and sit down and turn on the T.V. I flip through the channels and saw a movie.After a while sans came down stretching and popping his bones.

Sans:"Hey babe."He smiled and I smiled back.Instead of sitting on the couch he layed on it taking up the whole space.


Sans:"Whaaaaaat?"He chuckled.

"Your taking all the space."I pouted playfully.

Sans:"Well just sit on the floor or in the kitchen."

"Wow that's cold sans."I giggle and lay on his chest.He chuckles.

Sans:"Kidding Y/N."He chuckles and closes his eye sockets.I look at him with a stern look then giggle.

"Did you really just come down here to take a nap when you just woke up like two minutes ago?"I giggle and he snores and I smile brightly as I get an idea.I take out my phone and press record."This is what happens when you take my spot sansy~"I giggle and I lay on his chest for a little bit and then scream to the the top of my lungs and he jolts up with his left eye glowing a bright blue.I laughed so hard that  I fell to the floor and he looks at me with a serious look then chuckles.

Sans:"Not funny Y/N."He lays back on the couch and I sit up still laughing that I'm crying.

"Y-You should've seen you face hahahaha!I-I can't hahahaha!"I fall back on the floor and keep laughing while he looks at me and chuckles.

Sans:"Very clever Y/N you know I'm gonna get you back right?"He chuckles.

I cough and smile."Oh my god I'm dying."I cough and giggle."And I know you won't your too much of a softy."I get up and lay on his chest and stop the recording.

Sans:"Oh really?"He shrugs and smirks."We'll see about that Y/N."He chuckles and I hug him and kiss him.

"I love you sans."

Sans:"I love you too Y/N."He kisses me back

~About Two Hours Later.~

Sans P.O.V
Y/N was in my room sleeping so this was the perfect time to get her back.I teleported into my room quietly and saw her asleep in my bed.I chuckled quietly and I teleported onto the bed and hovered over her.I then leaned in and poked her cheek.

"YYYY/NNNN~Wake up babe."I chuckled and she opened her eyes and saw me and her eyes widened and she jumped and accidentally slammed her head into my skull and I rubbed my skull but I couldn't get up.I opened my eyes and saw that her nose was stuck in my nose socket.I started to laugh as she tried to pull it out.I then snickered and helped get her nose out of my nose socket.She rubbed her head then we looked at each other and laughed.

"Wow Y/N I did not expect that to happen."I chuckled then I just lost it and laughed and fell off the bed as blue tears flew everywhere.Y/N started to laugh to.

Y/N:"Okay you got me sans."She giggled."That was pretty funny and I never seen you laugh this hard."She giggled.

I got up and wiped away the blue tears and chuckled."I know ah that's too funny babe."

I got up and rubbed her head."You okay?"

She nodded happily and hugged me then I let go and I tried to go downstairs but she grabbed my wrists and she looked at me and pouted.

"What's up kid?"I chuckled and she put her arms out.

Y/N:"Cuddles!"I chuckled.

"Right now?But I thought you wanted to sleep?"

Y/N:"Well you woke me up then I slammed my head into your skull so I think you owe me some cuddles boney boy."She giggled.

"I don't know kid."I smiled brightly.

Y/N:"Cuuuudddllllleeeeessss pweeeeaaasssseee!!!!!"

I chuckled and I laid down next to her and pulled her into me.She snuggles into my chest and giggled."Why so giggly sweetheart?"

Y/N:"Oh I just took a picture of you sleeping like a baby."She giggled and I blushed a bright blue then looks at her.

"Y/N you did not."

Y/N:"Oh yes I did baby!"She giggled.

"You better delete it Y/N."

She pulled out her phone and showed me the picture she took and my eye sockets widened."Y/N!"

She giggled.

Y/N:"You were sleeping peacefully sans like a little fluffy bunny!Well except the part where you drooled on my face but the point is you look cute!"She smiled and I rolled my eyes then kissed her forehead and smiled.

"Well your not the only one who took a picture."I chuckled and she looked at me with her eyes widened.

Y/N:"Sans you did not!"

"Oh yes I did babe,well more like video."I pointed to the video camera and she saw it and giggled.

Y/N:"Well played my boney friend well played."She giggled and snuggled into my chest and we both out like a light.

My Lazybones Sans X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now