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                                                    -3 months later-
I looked at my self in the mirror, and the began to pace the floor. I mumbled to my self and I kept thinking about all the bad things.

"Zane! Everything is going to be fine don't worry." Garroth said and smiled.
"What if we get into another fight or he dies!" I said running my hand through my hair. " Zane." He said and put both his hands on my shoulders. "You and Travis are going to be happy together, and if you fight you two will make up." He said then brushed my bangs out of my eyes." Think on the bright side, he's not making you wear a dress!" Garroth laughed. "Shut up." I mumbled.

I walked back to the mirror and looked at my self once more. I was wearing a white suit. With black bow and I knew Travis was wearing a black suit with a white bow. He seems to really like the black and white thing we share. "O-okay I can do this." I sighed.

I stood at the doors and then I put my arm around Garroth and then the music started. I walked down and for the first time all day I smiled. I stood in front of Travis and then Garroth stood behind me with Vlayde, and my dad. Behind Travis was Dante, Laurence and his father.

"We have gathered here today because of a uniting. Zane do you take Travis to be your husband and be with him through sickness and Heath?" The pastor asked. " I do." I said. "Do you Travis take Zane yo be your husband and be with him through sickness and Heath?" He asked. "I do." He said and smiled. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom." He said and closed his book. I grabbed his suit by the caller and pulled him into a kiss. He kissed back and then be broke. People stood up and threw flowers in the air.

I looked over and then my dad out me in a choke hold and messed up my hair."Way to go son!"he said happily. "Dad!" I yelled embarrassed. Then my two brothers gave me a tight hug. "Who thought you'd get married first." Garroth joked. "Hey your next!" Laurence said crossing his arms. "I know I know." He said.
Then they all hugged me at once, Travis was holding me the most. "Can't.....breath!" I squeaked. They let go.
"Now let's party!" Travis yelled.

(After party!!!!)

So the cake was brought out and then Travis thought it would be funny to through icing on my noes and then I put a handful on his cheek."Zane common I only did a little." He whined. I leaned up and licked his cheek and then licked my lips and smiled." Sweet." I joked. He got a Napkin and cleaned his cheek and my noes. We fed each other the cake, and then we talked a lot with realities. During that a band was playing music and then Travis was about to fall on me and I caught him. "Trust fall!" He joked.

"Hahaha....funny." I said sarcastically and pushed him up. "Any way you should sing us a song Zane!" Travis's mom suggest. "Oh I can't." I said bashful. "Oh heck yes you can as your mother in law I order you to or else your grounded!" She threaten. "Can she do that?" I whispered to Travis. "I don't know but let's not risk it." He whispered back. Then he started pushing me to the stage. "Hey guys Zane's going to sing a song!" Laurence screamed. I gave him the you-are-so-dieing-after-this look. "Let's go Zane!" Garroth yelled. I sighed. "Fine but only for you." I said looking at Travis.

"Ready?" The drummer asked."yes!" I replied

This sinking feeling sets,
It feels just like a hole inside your chest.
I know you're thinking,
No, no, no, no, it is easier said than done,
But please let me attest.
I know it's hard.
You're feeling like you're trapped,
But that's how you react,
When you cannot see the light.
But try and see the light.
I'm tellin' you,
No, no, no, no,
You're the only one
Standing in your way,
Just take a breath, relax, and tell me...

Please tell me why do we worry?
Why do we worry at all?
Just tell me why do we worry?
When worry is never helping tell me
Why worry at all?

Why do we insist,
On crossing bridges that do not exist?
Let's take these issues
Step by step by step, to work it out,
Day by day by day we're falling down,
But life goes on.
I've got some questions,
Are you sick of feelin' sorry?
Uh huh,
And people sayin' not to worry?
Uh huh,
Sick of hearing this hakuna matata motto,
From people who won the lotto,
We're not that lucky.
Have you noticed that you're breathing?
Uh huh,
Look around and count your blessings,
Uh huh,
So when you're sick of all this stressin' and guessin' I'm suggestin' you turn this up and let them hear you sing it.

Please tell me why do we worry?
Why do we worry at all?
Just tell me why do we worry?
When worry is never helping tell me
Why worry at all?

Chin up, quit actin' like you're half dead.
Tears can only half fill how you're feelin'.
Don't worry, be happy baby.
Stand up, life is too damn short,
That clock is ticking.
Man up, if ya feel me,
Everybody sing it.

Please tell me why do we worry?
Why do we worry at all?
Just tell me why do we worry?
When worry is never helping tell me
Why worry at all?

Please tell me why do we worry?
Why do we worry at all?
Just tell me why do we worry?
When worry is never helping
I'm not buying what they're selling
So if worry's never helping tell me
Worry at all?

The crowed cheered, and everyone was happy. Garroth was going to be getting married soon, I just got married and have a life to spend with the one I love, we decided to adopted a child, aaron had found a new person, things are turning out perfect. I guess my mom was right.

"Life can suck but you can change it by showing a little bit of love to someone."

Hey guys this is the end of the book! Thank you all for your support! I will be focusing more on my Laurence x Garroth book now but will still have my bill x dipper and one shots! Now if there is a mane book you would like me to write please comment below! I will be picking ONE of then and start writhing it! Once again thank you for the help on this book. Though time I have become a better writer and that is because of your support!


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