Games of the past

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                                                         -Zane's POV-
I woke up and saw Travis and he had a faint blush on his face and I was still in his lap against the bed.
I played with his hair and curled it with my fingers. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got up.

I put my other pair of clothes on and brushed my hair then walked out the door.
I walked to Lucinda's house and knocked on the door.

"Oh hello Zane please come in." She said sweetly and I walked in and sat down.
She came out with a cup of tea.
"Here this will get ride of your cat ears and tail." She smiled.
I took the cup and drank it all and felt my head spinning and then things went black.

I saw a faint light and then sat up and a long pice of black hair fell in front of me.
"What?" I whispered holding the hair with my two fingers.
Then I put my hand to my back and felt my hair grow about 10 inches.

"Oh look your awake!"  I herd Lucinda laugh.
"What did you do to me!?!" I covered my mouth herring it be higher pitched and a little ....girly?
"I put a potion in your drink stupid, now welcome to being a female." She laughed harder.
I stood up and yelled.
"Hey now you can look even cutter with your cat ears and tale." She squealed

No what if anyone sees me holy crap!

"How do I fix this?" I demanded
"Just like the cat ears you'll be your self in about a week." She replied whipping away a tear.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?" I yelled.
She walked closer to me and I leaned against a wall and put her lips to my ear.
"Because I love to see the two of you play." She grabbed my chin and then moved her finger from under my lips to my neck.
"H-how did y-you know what we were doing?" I asked blushing.
"I have my spells and I was still there idiot." She said then backed away slowly.
I fell to the ground and put my head in my knees and sat there and I herd the door open so I kept my head down. My ears fell and I curled my tale on the floor.

"Hello Travis!" She said so I could here.
I shot up with my face covered and ran into her bathroom and locked the door.
"Who was that." I herd him ask
Wow his voice is so charming and sweet how could I noticed it before.
"Oh she's a friend." I herd her say.
"You can come out I'm not that scary!" I herd I'm say then laughed.

I hesitated then I opened the door slowly and then i saw him falling and I caught  him and helped him up.
"Thanks!" He smiled and I still had a tight grip.
I felt my face flush red then I saw Lucinda push Travis towards me and our lips touched and he went wide eyed and he blushed then he pulled away. I felt my tale pop up along with my ears.

"I'm so sorry!" He apologized.
"I-it's f-fine..." I stuttered softly.
"You two are so cute!" She said.
"Yah and your looking  at them you just kissed him or should I say her now." She laughed.
He turned around and my ears fell and my tale swooshed around.
"S-surprise?" I said a little questioning.
"Wait Zane?!?!?" He shouted.
"Yeah..." I said then blushed harder and looked at the ground.

He then hugged me and then Lucinda quickly.
"W-wait what?" I said surprised.
"FINALLY!" He yelled and jumped up.
He looked at me with a super happy smile and I backed up slowly.
He grabbed my hand and ran out the door and I gave Lucinda a look for help and she just smiled.
He ran and ran and I was running out of breath.I didn't want to say anything so I tried to keep up and then I tripped and pushed him down and fell on top of him gasping for air.

"Oh my gosh zane I'm sorry!" He leaned up and then picked me up in a bridle style and I leaned my head against his chest.

He walked to Aphmau's house andlutme down then knocked on the door.
"Hey Travis, Zane." Aphmau said happily.
"Wait how did you know it was me?" I asked.
"Lucinda told me and the others." She smiled.
"Great." I mumbled.
"Okay I'll let Zane barrow one of my swim suits and you get the other guys."
"WHAT!" I screamed.
"Hahahaha!" She grabbed my hand then ran to her bedroom and and then handed me a two pice swim suit.
The pushed me in the bathroom.
"don't you dare go and do stuff with your body!" She yelled

Zanvis Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon