His help

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                                                                                 -Travis POV-
"ZANE NO PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES...please" i was sobbing all over him.
Then Garroth came outside and saw me yelling and ran over to me following after him was Laurance.
"ZANE PLEASE WAKE UP!" I shouted again.
Garroth called the ambulance and bent down to him.
"He's going to be okay." Laurance said.
I grabbed him and pulled him closer to me crying even harder. I was getting blood all over me but I didn't care the I herd the siren and picked him up and handed him to the people. They put him on this bed thing and told us to get in with him and we did and they rushed us to the hospital.

                                                                 - time skip / Zane's POV-.
I woke up and I saw all these cords attached to me and freaked out. I shot up and felt this horrible pain in my head and arm I looked at my arm and there was something raped around it. Then I noticed a lot of blurry people around me there I could only make out the colors Blue, black and wight , purple, light blue, pink, red and green.
" WHERE AM I , WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!" Then the people started to push me back so I would lay down the the red person forced me to lay down. The red person put his arms on my shoulders. I pushed him away not being able to see who it was.
" Zane its us Aaron, Aphmau,Garroth,Laurance,Kawaii chan, and Katlen." The voice said.
" wheres Tavis what happened is he okay why am I here ,did he get hurt, why can't I see you guys right, why does my head hurt so much , what is this thing on my arm ." I yelled

" Zane one thing at a time and don't worry Travis is fine." I herd my brother speaking.

The door opened and I herd a doctor speaking.
" Zane vision is going to be fine in a few days we got the splinter out. His head will be hurting for a couple of days so give him this. He hit that tree pretty hard but he but that scratch will heal with time. And his arm is broken so that will be like that for at least a couple of weeks 3 at most he didn't hurt it that bad."

"Thank Irenè" I herd another voice say.

"Wheres Travis did he get hurt?" I asked then the room went silent and I only saw one blurry Image. It was the green person. The person hugged me.

"I'm right here Zane."  He spoke softly.
That smell, that voice, that shirt feeling, the feeling. It was him. I hugged him back.

"Are you okay, I'm scared..." I said hugging him tighter.
"Yes what do you remember last?" He asked then broke the hug and held my hands.

"I remember me waking up then you made pancakes , we sang songs, then played tag I fell and felt pain then saw blood running down my face you picked me up and told me to stay awake , then things went black and now things are blurry." I answered.

"Okay good that's amazing you didn't forget anything , I was afraid you would forget who I was because of how hard you hit the tree." He said I could here him sniffling.

"How long was I out?" I asked
" we got here at 11 am and it's 7 me Garroth and Laurance have been here and the others got here 2 hours ago." He answered

"Travis?" I asked
"Y-yes?" He replied
"I want to go home." I said
"Okay just give me 10 mins." He let go and walked out and I fell back asleep.

-Time skip-

I woke up and felt like I was moving and someone was carrying me. It smelt like sugar , it was Travis.
"Where are we?" I asked
"We are at your house and I'm happy your awake now." He said with a cheerful voice
He put me down and I stood up I grabbed his arm holding him as my eyes. He laughed a little.
"What am I suppose to do now?" I asked
" get ready for bed silly it's almost 9:30" he answered.
" that's going to be a little hard considering I can't see." I said then laughed
" That's why I'm here, we need to get you in the bath before you go to bed and with your cast and horrible vision being in the way I'll help you ." He responded.

I felt my face turn a bright red
" Are you crazy?!?! I'm not letting you do that!" I yelled shaking my head no.
" To late bro sorry." He said then chuckled.
"NO NO NO" I tried to walk away from him but he picked me up and took me up stairs.
" there's no way I'm letting this happen!" I said but he kepped walking down the hallway and he opened the door. He laid  me down on the bed and then turned around locking the door. Then I herd him walk into my bathroom and started the bath.

"This isn't happening" I said crossing my arms

Next thing I knew I was in a bath tub full of bubbles.

                                                                                 -Tavise's POV-
He so helpless it is kind of cute. I took the shampoo and washed his hair he want happy about it and he was blushing a lot I could tell from behind him because his ears were also glowing red. I finished washing his hair.

"Can I get out now?" He said angrily.
"Nope I have to wash you know stupid." I said then laughed.
"No your not I won't let you get out or else!"
"Or else what Zane your going to kill me, if you did that you would have to stand up and did you forget you are in a bathtub." I said

He growled then turned back around. I cleaned his back and his good arm and what I could with is other.

"Are these bubbles ?" He asked with a little bit of excitement.

"Ya I thought it would make it a little less weird." I said

He picked up a hand full and blew them and did it over and over again. It's super cute seeing him acting so childish like this. Then he picked up another handful and put it in my hand. I clapped my hands causing them to fly every where.

I started to laugh and he did the same-thing and he laughed as well.

"Okay let's get you out of there and to bed." I said
I got a black towel and held it up so I he could get it and closed my eyes.

"You promise your eyes are closed." He asked
"I promise Zane." The smiled and he put his hands on my eyes and felt them he knew they were closed. He took the towel.

" you can open now" he said.
I got closer and put my hands on his hips and kissed him he was shocked at first then melted into the kiss and then we broke. I put my hand lower and he grabbed my hand.

" I'm blind not sinceless " he replied
"Ha ha ha you got me" I said with sarcasm.
" can I have my clothes please." He asked

I helped him get clothes on and then laid him on his bed.

" you don't have to keep holding me like a baby." He said then blushed then it seemed like he was looking at me. His eye lost its color and was a wight gray with a little blue. The doc said it would come back in about two days.

"I know but it's fun." I replied then I got in his bed with him.
"Wh-w-what are you d-doing?" He asked knowing I was there.

"Making sure you don't fall off the bed" I replied
"But I know whe~" I grabbed him and pulled I'm closer and his head was berried in my chest. He moved his head.

"Are you trying to kill me?" He said with a angry but blushing tone as his gray eye looked up at me.
I pushed his head back and curled up with him and just laid there not moving. I pulled him up so we was closer to my face and hugged him again.

"Im so sorry I let this happen to you" I said
He put his arms around me and hugged me too.
" it's not your fault." He said the kissed my noes.
I kissed him on his lips and he kissed back.

" I love you Zane" I said.
"Once again I love my self too" he said the smiled evilly.
I grabbed his butt for making that stupid comeback.
He griped my shirt really hard and barred his head in my chest.
" let's make a deal Zane." I said with a romantic tone
"A d-deal?"
" I'm going to say I love you once a day and if you don't say "I love you too Travis" I get to do something to you"
" what's in it for me?" He asked
" you can make me do anything if you don't say it " I replied.
"Anything " he asked
" anything" I replied
"Deal." He said
I grabbed his butt causing him to gasp then kissed him and played with his tongue as he laid  there blushing.


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