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"Happy birthday babe!" I yelled over the phone. He chuckled as I continued to drive to Licking, MO.
"Thank you baby girl."
"So whatcha gonna do for your birthday?" I asked him.
"Maybe go ride some bulls and get a cold one with the guys."
"Don't do anything that you'll regret."
"Don't worry one is gonna stay sober so we know what we did and keep us out of trouble." He told me.
"That's good to hear. Hey I'm pulling in gotta go talk to you later. Love you." I said as I pulled into the rodeo grounds.
"Love you too baby." He said before hanging up.

I got out along with Jack and we went to check in. Once that was done I went back to my trailer and unloaded my horse. He was ready to stretch his legs once I got him off the ramp.

I walked him around and even got him into a trot. Finally I climbed onto his back with Jack up with me. I got Crugar into a canter on the grass as we ran. With the dog in front of me I rode my horse over the grounds and found everything that was needed.

 With the dog in front of me I rode my horse over the grounds and found everything that was needed

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Bonner's POV
I walked up to the chute ready for round two. Vanita, Oklahoma was beautiful. I would definitely call my girl after this. Or wait until she gets lonely and wants to talk, nope I'll call.

Ever since I found out she started back up with saddle bronc I've been kinda worried but not that much. She's a tough one and I'll admit that. Marriage might be an option for us now and I guarantee that she'll say yes.

I got into the chute and was situated. Once I was ready I called it and it was opened. I counted in my head the seconds as they passed. As I counted eight the buzzer went off. She recorded the event just to watch me ride.

That night I went to my room and got a hot shower. My muscles relaxed as the water ran over my body. After I cleaned up I switched it to cold. I wished she was with me as I rode and traveled all the time I was away from her. I knew I was making myself hard just by thinking about her.

I faced the shower head and let the cold water calm the hardness. The guys partially knew what she did to me. I wasn't even going to tell them the rest of it.

LJ knocked on the bathroom door. "You done yet?" I turned the water off and got out. Yeah the cold water didn't help much. Plus it was sore from the rides tonight.

I put my boxers on and shorts then walked out into the room. LJ went into the bathroom and closed the door. I picked my phone up knowing she'll still be awake.

The FaceTime came up and I called her. She picked up pretty quickly. "Hey babe."
"How's my beautiful girl?"
"Well your beautiful girl got second in barrels and...... First in SADDLE BRONC!!!!!!"
"Congrats baby can't wait to see you in person again." I told her. She giggled and Jack jumped up behind her. My girl and her dog.
"So we still going to do the Fourth of July?" She asked.
"Of course we are. I wouldn't miss it for the world." I told her. She smiled and looked up.

"Hey June do you have any extra tack soap?" A male voice said.
"Yeah it's in the box with my brushes."
"Who's that June?" I asked her.
"It's just Mitch. You remember him don't you?"
"Yeah. Well I wish I could talk longer but I've got to go. I'll talk to you later beautiful. Love you." I told her.
"Love you too, Bonner talk to you soon."

I hung up just as LJ came out. "Talking to your girl again?" I nodded. I just wish I could have her in my arms and laying either under or on top of me with me kissing every inch of her skin.

LJ turned on the tv and then to the channel where it was playing the highlights of the night. I just sat there on the edge of the bed watching.

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