I have voices in my brain so dark and damning they won't shut up, ordering me to do unspeakable, murderous things I'd rather not. For instance, right now the voices command that I enter the basement where I keep Adelaine in captivity-also courtesy of their instructions-that I drive a blade through her chest. Completely opposed to this idea but unable to do jack about it, I head towards my sword volt in grief. Maybe if I walk real slowly, It'll give the voices time and they'll reconsider their decision.
Yeah, fat chance there, buck-o. The voices whispered all together. Trudging along attempting at prolonging this situation Isn't helping, although It makes me feel slightly better. My feet move on auto-pilot as well like they're dreading this event, too. Standing here in a black designer suit and thinking about what torment lays waiting for Adelaine, the hole inhabiting my insides so greatly I can almost revolt against those pesky voices grows larger. Immeasurable loathing of these voices eat me alive every day I fear I'm losing humanity, inquiring if the war is already lost. It all commenced on October 20, 1999, the day I gave part of my soul so Alanna could live.
You know what? No! I will not kill the love of my life, the voices can go screw themselves for all I care! Ciao, bitches, rot in hell! As I push my favorite coffee table out the way, that resolve that's fond of me builds like a balloon when I leave the ocean paintings unattended and my depressing gray walls to hear a beautiful mind scream of release. Let the echos come, darlings, because I'm breaking free.
* * *
Speed walking down the longest hallway I've ever laid eyes on in one-thousand and eleven years of breathing, it bared no significance on my existence so I didn't stop. Literally I didn't stop for crap until my old ass skit across a huge brown door that resembled many restaurant doors, don't ask why: It's so weird. Opening it with this brute strength I acquired over time, I descended down flights of stairs that were creaking and groaning under me as if yelling out, "Help us!"
Aiming for the piled-up woman laying in the corner, gray-blond hair is a hot mess of tangled waves on her head. Peering at me through weary brown eyes with the laced-up cherry red dress I bought seemed to have a fiesta in dirt. "Are you finally going to kill me? If so, I have a few choice words I would-"
"Shh, I'm here in order to save you and our daughter's life. You're possibly the only person she'll hear out, but be cautious that she doesn't attack before you have the opportunity to explain yourself fully," unlocking the cuffs around her wrist and feet, both arms sag to the side with relief. "How do I know for certain your trust Isn't meaningless? I've trusted in you prior to this-"
One kiss shut her mouth up, a beautiful crazy-wild touch of skin on skin, lips on lips. She caved to fire, while I cave to her like I was ravenous, as if we were a storm near explosion. When she touched my cheek her kisses became desperate and consuming, like letting me go would be the end of whatever spell I was under. Hesitantly pulling back, I whispered: "You have to go, Patricia's already filled Savannah's head with lies she manufactured! God only knows what she's been force-feeding our child, love. Go now!" I whisper-shouted.
Adelaine's hands crackle with electricity and magic as she flew away by sheer will, leaving behind the promise of beautiful pandemonium.

"The Sacrifice:;The Sacrifice Trilogy"[Book 1.]
FantastiqueSavannah Grace Fey died in a horrific car accident on April 22nd 2015. However, she is soon thrust into a world called The Underworld filled with demons, lies, betrayal and romance! Burdened by a prophecy that involves her four friends-Noah, Braide...