Meeting the Boys

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Stephanie's POV

"Stephanie!!!" I heard Kaylee yell. I turned around and saw Kaylee running over to me with Taylor Caniff.

"Hi. Umm...why are you with Taylor?"

"Ummm...He asked me to hang out with him and the rest of the boys. I said yes, but then I asked him if I could bring you because Shawn is here." Kaylee said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"What seriously?!!!" I yelled, causing a lot of people to turn their heads to us.

"Yes seriously."

"Duh! Of course I want to come. Like Shawn is totally my bae!"

"And you are my bae, beautiful." I heard a guy say from behind me.

"Umm....Kaylee who said that?" I asked Kaylee.

"Just a certain singer...." She said slowly.

1...2...3...4...5. Come on Stephanie. Don't embarrass yourself. I said to myself.

I turned around and said, "Hi Shawn. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Yay, I finally got to meet my bae!!!!!!!!" He sang loudly.

I blushed hard and looked down. "What's wrong beautiful?" He asked me, lifting my head up by my chin.

"Umm...nothing." After I said that, I just got lost in his eyes and it seemed like he was starting to get lost in mine. We both slowly leaned in and his lips met mine. Oh my god, I feel like I'm going to die.

"Move bitch." the orphanage's slut said. "Hi Shawn. I'm Sierra."

"Hi Sierra. Um...I don't care who you are because you just shoved my girlfriend." Shawn said.

Wait, what? Did he just call me his girlfriend?

Ooooh!!! Cliffhanger!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys. I have a lot going on this summer. Plus, I have a boyfriend. So yeah, I'll be talking to him a lot. I promise to try and at least update every week or whenever I have the chance. Thank you guys! Love you, bye.

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