The New Kid

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Alright, alright. You thought. I'm going to be fine. I've got this.

It was your first year of high school, and you were extremely nervous. You were attending Nekoma. All of your friends had gone to different schools, leaving you here completely alone. With a deep breath, you set foot on the school campus.

You decided to leave the exploring for after school, and headed straight for your classroom. You peeked your head through the doors and saw that only a few groups of two to three people were inside. Not too long after you had sat down, a noisy group of boys entered.

You sat quietly in your seat by the window and observed the people outside. So far, it hasn't been too much of a difference from my old school. You decided.

It was then that the bell rang and your teacher walked in. The rest of your class didn't take much longer to settle down into their seats. The boy who was sitting next to you had already fallen asleep, and you were pretty sure he had only sat down minutes ago.

Throughout the school day, you listened to boring introductions and short lectures on classroom rules. You never really understood why they had to do this every year, as it was the same thing each time.

By the time the school day was over, you already felt exhausted. However, you still wanted to explore the campus. Your older brother, a third year, had club activities anyway, so you needed to kill some time before you would walk home together.

Your brother was the manager of Nekoma's volleyball team, and he had offered to let you become his assistant manager, if that's what you wanted to do. You decided to check out the volleyball club later, after you looked around a bit.

While exploring the campus, you stopped at the track to watch the kids run laps for a little while. I could never do that... You thought. I have no running endurance at all.

By the time you had reached the volleyball club, their practice was almost over. The boys were taking a water break. You peeked your head through the door, just to take a look at the gym.

"Y/n!" Your brother called, running over to you.

Darn, I was hoping he wouldn't notice me.

"Have you decided to take up my offer?" He asked.

"I haven't decided yet." You replied. "Can I watch you guys practice?"

Your brother walked over to the team and asked them if it would be okay for you to watch. They showed no signs of opposition, so you walked over to your brother's side.

Wow. you thought. They're even bigger up close.

You stared up at each of their faces until you reached a pair of eyes that was only an inch above yours. You were almost startled by the huge height difference, and wondered if he ever got to play in the games.

"Woah," said one of the boys on the team. "You guys have, like, the same face."

"No we don't!" Your brother shouted.

While the rest of the team teased him about it, you couldn't help but smile. You both knew your faces were almost identical, yet you always denied it.

When you watched the team laugh about the subject, you noticed that the shorter boy seemed unamused. In fact, he was staring right at you, with a plain look on his face.

Before you had the chance to say anything, the coach announced that it was time for the last drills of the day.

After he told his team what to do, he made his way over to you.

"Who might you be?" He asked. He seemed like a very kind man.

"I'm y/n," you said.

"She's my sister, and she's interested in becoming the assistant manager." Your brother filled in.

The coach smiled and extended his arm for a handshake. "That's great! I look forward to working with you. Nice to meet you, y/n."

"Nice to meet you, too." You said, cheerfully returning the handshake.

Your brother seemed to get along with the team really well. Before you knew it, the practice had ended and the team was cleaning up. You observed and tried to see if anyone needed help.

You noticed the short boy trying to pick up more volleyballs than he could handle. His longer-than-average hair had fallen in front of his eyes. He really needs to touch up the hair dye. You thought. His black roots really contrast with the blonde dye.

While the boy continued to struggle, you decided it would be a good idea to go offer your assistance. That's what an assistant manager does, right?

"U-um," you stammered. The boy blew his hair out of his face and looked at you with his large, cat-like eyes.

"D-do you need any help?" You asked. Damn it, why am I so shy? I keep stammering.

The boy stared at you for a moment before muttering, "That would be nice."

You smiled and picked up the rest of the volleyballs. "I don't know where these go, so you'll have to show me." You said.

"Yeah." The boy replied.

He's not one for conversation. You realized.

The two of you carried the volleyballs over to a basket and dumped them inside.

Before you could walk back over to your brother, the boy spoke. "What's your name?"

"I'm y/n." You replied. "And you are?"

"Kenma Kozume."


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