Lunch Pt. 2

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By the next morning, things had already died down in your household. Your brother didn't really seem to tease you unless his friends were around. At least you would have a peaceful weekend.

You weren't sure how you would handle things once it was time for school, though.

Maybe things will actually die down. You thought. Although we'll be dealing with Kuroo.

Before your thoughts could get too out of hand, your phone rang. You answered without checking who the caller was.


"Hey, (y/n), it's Kenma."

"Oh, hi!" You replied. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go out to lunch later?" He asked. "It's fine if you can't, I don't mind. I just thought I'd ask."

You didn't have anything planned for the day, so you figured it would be fine. "Yeah, I'd love to!" You exclaimed. "Where should we meet?"

"I was thinking we could meet at the usual street corner and walk somewhere from there." Kenma explained.

"Sure! How about we meet there at 12:00?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. I'll see you then!" Kenma said.

"Okay, see you later!" You replied

You set your phone down and looked at the clock. It was 11:15. You looked in the mirror, and found that your hair was still a very messy bedhead, and you were dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Oh, no." You whispered.

Without wasting another minute, you ran to take a shower. You took what was probably the fastest shower you had ever taken, and then dashed back to your room to get ready. While you were brushing your hair, you debated what you should wear.

Should I go with some shorts and a nice shirt, or something nicer, like a dress? You wondered.

You decided to go for a pair of jean shorts and a cute top. You admired yourself in the mirror, and then looked at the clock. It was 11:50.

Ack. I've got to get going! You realized.

You quickly put on a pair of shoes and ran to the door.

On the way there, you were intercepted by your brother.

"Woah, why are you in such a hurry?" Your brother asked.

"I'm going to lunch with... some friends." You said.

"Oh." He replied. "Okay."

You immediately turned and sprinted out the door and down the street. Once you were about halfway there, you paused to catch your breath. The time was 11:53.

Good. You decided. I have plenty of time to walk.

Just as the street corner came into view, you saw Kenma walking up to it. He saw you and waved. He was wearing his Nekoma volleyball sweatpants and jacket.

Now I'm really glad I didn't overdress. You decided.

When you were finally close enough to talk, Kenma blushed a little.

"Y-you look really nice." He stammered.

You smiled. "Thanks!"

The two of you didn't hesitate to start walking to a place to eat. You were very hungry, since you skipped breakfast.

"I have a question." Kenma stated.

You looked over at Kenma. His face was a bright shade of pink.

"Are we... a couple, now?" He asked.

You hadn't really thought about that. You felt your face grow hot. "Yeah." You replied. "I think so."

Kenma smiled. He looked quite happy with what you had said.

Thank God I didn't say anything to make the situation even more awkward.

You felt Kenma's hand brush against yours, so you took hold of it. You walked down the street holding hands, discussing where you were going to eat.

You both finally decided that you would stop at a small café. You went inside and ordered your food. The two of you talked about everything that came to your minds.

Once conversations had finally died down, you decided to ask Kenma a question.

"So," You began. "Are we going to try to hide this from the team?"

Kenma paused for a moment to think about this, and then shook his head. "There's not really any point, since the team will find out one way or another anyway."

"Yeah, you're right." You replied.

Once you had finished eating, Kenma walked you back to your house. He gave you a brief hug, and then set off on his way home.

You were still slightly flustered from the hug when you stepped inside your house. You were immediately greeted by your brother.

"Some friends, huh?" He asked, a glint of humor in his eyes.

"Shut up." You stated, lightly punching his shoulder.

"Nah, I don't feel like it." He replied.

You couldn't help but smile and laugh in embarrassment. As you walked passed your brother, you elbowed him in the gut. He responded to this by lightly pushing you away.

You went up to your room and let yourself fall onto your bed.

That was fun. You decided. We'll definitely have to do that again sometime.

I'd definitely put that down as a successful first date.

Cat Got Your Tongue? (Kenma X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now