Kenma's House Pt. 2

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Not much happened for the rest of the school week. You had returned Kenma's hoodie, and eaten lunch with him and your friends some more.

It was finally Friday, and Kenma invited you to his house for dinner after practice. You told your brother where you would be, and then headed down the road towards Kenma's house.

When you stepped inside, Kenma's mother poked her head around the corner.

"Oh, you must be (y/n)-chan!" She said, cheerfully. "I'm Kenma's mother. Nice to meet you!"

"Hello!" You replied.

"Dinner won't be ready for a little while, so you two can go find something to do if you'd like."

Kenma nodded. "Okay."

You soon found yourself sitting on Kenma's bed. He sat down next to you, staring at the ground.

"Your mom seems nice." You said.

"She is." He replied.

Since you couldn't think of anything else to do, you and Kenma played video games while discussing the events of the school week.

Not too long after, Kenma's mom called you to the table. She had laid out the food on the table. It was (favorite food), and you were excited. It looked delicious.

"Thank you for the food!" You said cheerfully.

The three of you enjoyed your meal slowly, with Kenma's mom getting to know you. She was quite social, unlike Kenma.

He must get his quietness from his dad. You thought.

"You know," Kenma's mom began. "Ever since the first day of school, Kenma could not stop talking about you."

"Mom!" Kenma protested.

"Once you two started talking, I don't think I've ever seen him smile so much." She continued.

You smiled, unable to think of anything to say.

Kenma's mom took care of your dishes once you had finished eating, and then Kenma lead you back to his room.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Sure." You replied.

You helped him decide what to watch, and settled on a comedy. You went to go sit down on the bed, only to find yourself being tackled. You looked up to find Kenma staring down at you.

"Gotcha!" He said, laughing.

He got off of you and you pushed him aside gently, pretending to be offended.

"Oh, did I make you mad?" Kenma asked, concerned.

You turned around and pushed him down. "Gotcha." You teased.

He smirked. "Clever."

You got off of him so that he could grab the remote and play the movie.

"Do you care if we lay down?" He asked.

"I don't mind." You replied.

Kenma put his arms around you and pulled you down. You stayed like that for most of the movie, taking in the warm feeling he gave off.

Towards the end of the movie, you noticed Kenma had fallen asleep.

You smiled. Everything was so peaceful. You managed to flip yourself around so that you were facing him without waking him up. 

You looked at his face.

He's such a little squish. You thought.

You cuddled up right next to him, absorbing his warmth. You pressed your head up against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. You wanted to stay in this moment forever. Everything seemed so pure.

You closed your eyes, and he pulled you closer to him. You weren't sure if he was awake, but didn't open your eyes to check.

Before you could fully drift off to sleep, you heard a whisper.

"(Y/n)," Kenma said. "Shouldn't you be getting home? It's late."

You opened your eyes and looked up at him, not speaking for a moment.

"I'm sure my brother wouldn't care if I stayed." You replied.

He smiled. "Are you sure?"


He moved his arm to your head and started running his fingers through your hair. "Okay."

Neither of you spoke for a while. Kenma continued to play with your hair, and you enjoyed the feeling.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." He whispered.

You blushed. "Me too."

He stopped playing with your hair and pulled you close, hugging you tightly.

"I won't ever let you go." He said, resting his head atop yours.

You smiled. It was reassuring to hear those words. They brought you a sense of comfort and safety. It felt like nothing could harm you when you were in his arms.

In that moment, you knew that you would never leave Kenma's side, just like he would always be there together. No matter what happened, you would fight through things.

He kissed your head lightly before dozing off. It wasn't long before you had fallen asleep as well, dreaming of your future.

The two of you would definitely have a long lasting future together.

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