First Day Back

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It was finally Monday. Your first day back at school since you and Kenma became official. You were pretty nervous, but decided to put that past you as you walked out the door.

It's not like we have the power to change anything the team says anyway.

You approached the street corner and found Kenma waiting for you. Once you had greeted him, you both headed towards school, ready to face whatever would be waiting for you.

"Kuroo knows already." Kenma said. "Which means the whole team probably knows now."

You laughed. "How did he find out?"

"He asked me, so I told him." Kenma replied.

You nodded. Makes sense.

By now, you'd reached the school and were about to step into the gym. Kenma pushed the door aside and you peeked inside. A few people were warming up while the rest of the team was standing on the side, talking.

"Good morning, Kenma." Said the coach. "You too, (y/n)."

"Good morning." You both replied at the same time.

The entire morning practice went by, and not a word was said about you and Kenma.

"Well that was unexpected." Kenma said.

You nodded in agreement. "Maybe things really will die down."

"We'll find out later, I guess." He shrugged.

The school day was about as boring as ever. During lunchtime, you told you friends about your new boyfriend, which was followed by a lot of playful teasing. They told you that you would have to introduce them to him, and you agreed that you would do that sometime.

You impatiently awaited the end of the school day. You were actually feeling kind of excited to see if anyone on the volleyball team would say anything at practice.

The time finally came, and you were out of your seat as soon as the bell rang. You quickly made your way down to the gym. Only Kuroo and your brother were inside.

"Oh, wow, you're here earlier than normal, (y/n)-chan!" Said Kuroo.

You smiled and nodded, but didn't say anything.

Kuroo didn't stop there. "Could it be that you were hoping someone else would be here already?"

Why did I think this would be a good idea? You asked yourself.

"Your brother told me you're in a relationship now!" He continued.

You blushed a little. "Y-yeah." You said, avoiding eye contact.

"Aww, your little sister is growing up!" Kuroo exclaimed, lightly punching your brother's shoulder.

Your brother laughed. You looked up at him, your eyes giving off a silent cry for help. This was met by a shrug from your brother. There was no saving you now.

It wasn't long before Kuroo started talking again. "I also heard that it's a member of the volleyball team!"

You nodded, still avoiding eye contact. No matter how hard you tried to stop it, your face quickly grew to be an even darker shade of pink.

More members of the team were in the gym now, and Kuroo's teasing was causing quite a commotion.

"Kenma and (y/n), sitting in a tree!" Kuroo sang.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The team sang back.

He has the maturity of a seven year old. You thought, irritated.

At that moment, the door slid open and Kenma stepped inside. He immediately took note of what was happening, turned around, and walked out.

Less than a second later, two more team members entered. They were holding Kenma.

"We caught him trying to escape!"

Kenma glared up at them. "Would you put me down, please?"

They ignored Kenma's request and carried him over to where the rest of the team was gathered.

Kuroo had a very mischievous grin on his face. He was staring down Kenma, and Kenma stared right back, not even blinking.

Before anything could happen, the door slid open, breaking the tension. It was the coach.

"Hello!" He said, cheerfully. His grin quickly turned into a frown. "Why aren't you warming up yet?"

The team immediately dashed off to warm up, leaving you on the bench.

Practice went by without the subject of you and Kenma being brought up. You both left at the same time, double checking to make sure Kuroo wasn't stalking you again.

"Do you mind if I walk you all the way home?" Kenma asked.

"No, I don't mind that at all." You replied

Kenma smiled. "Okay."

You stopped at a small shop nearby and bought meat buns. It was then that you realized how hungry you were, and gratefully chowed down on your food.

Before you knew it, you were in front of your house. It was already dark, and you knew you needed to make sure your brother was feeling alright.

Just as you went to say goodbye, Kenma stopped you.

"Wait." He said.

He was really close to you.

Really close.

You immediately felt yourself blushing. He put his arms around you, and you did the same to him. Both of you were blushing quite intensely at this point.

For a moment, the two of you stood there like that. You stared deeply into his eyes, noticing how the stars reflected, making them shimmer. It made your heart pound.

He's so attractive.

It was the only thing you could think about in this moment. If you hadn't already fallen in love before, you certainly had now.

Kenma leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against yours. You kissed him back. Your mind melted and all you could feel was a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Once the kiss broke, you stayed in an embrace for a few more minutes. You rested your head on his shoulder. Neither of you wanted to leave, but you knew it would have to happen sooner than later.

"Well, I really should be going." Kenma whispered.

You smiled. "Yeah. Me too."

After pulling away from the hug, you both waved goodbye. You watched Kenma leave for a few moments before heading inside. You knew you were still blushing like mad, so you went straight to your room. Your brother was probably sleeping, anyway.

I can't believe that just happened. You thought.

You quickly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of that same warm feeling you had felt just minutes ago.

Cat Got Your Tongue? (Kenma X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now