A New Friend

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A few weeks have passed since you started your first year of high school, and everything has been going smoothly. You've gotten to know the names of everyone on the volleyball team, and they seem to enjoy your presence as well. However, Kenma had yet to warm up to you. You'd been told that he was just the anti-social type, but you were pretty sure he enjoyed when people talked to him. Kuroo told you that he was just insecure about how people saw him, even though he doesn't really like most people.

You continued to observe Kenma, trying to see if the two of you shared a common interest other than volleyball. You didn't get the chance to watch him at any time other than during club activities, since he was a second-year.

The only time that you and Kenma ever talked was when you helped him carry volleyballs to the basket. It was usually just you telling him that he did a great job in practice, followed by him muttering a quiet "thanks."

The last drill of today's practice just consisted of the team's setters tossing the spikers balls to hit. You watched in awe as Kenma expertly tossed the ball up into the air for Kuroo to smash back down onto the other side of the court.

Kenma never seemed to smile when he was playing. Does he even like volleyball? You wondered.

Your brother approached you, returning from filling up water bottles. He noticed you were staring at Kenma.

"Have you taken an interest in him?" He asked.

You were startled by this question. "N-no, I just noticed how he never seems to be having fun."

"Well," your brother explained, "Kenma doesn't really enjoy practice, but once we get to some games, you'll start to see him really get into it."

You looked back in Kenma's direction. He was too far away to hear your conversation, yet he was staring at you as if he knew you were talking about him.

You looked away before it became awkward.

After practice was over, you walked over to help pick up the volleyballs. Kenma spoke before you had the chance to say anything. "Were you guys talking about me?"

You weren't sure how to respond, so you figured that you should tell the truth.

"Yeah." You replied. "Sorry if that offends you."

"No, it's fine." Kenma said. "I don't mind."

You were surprised about this, but decided to change the subject. "You did a good job today," you said. "You're a really good setter."

Kenma didn't say anything, so you looked over at him. It was barely noticeable, but he had a slight smile on his face. "Thanks." He said after a few seconds passed.

After you were done cleaning up, you and your brother headed back home. Kenma happened to be headed out at the same time as you, so the three of you walked together. He was playing a video game on a handheld device.

You immediately recognized the game he was playing. "Woah!" You exclaimed. "I love that game!"

Kenma's eyes almost immediately lit up. "Really? How far have you gotten? I'm having trouble getting past this boss."

"I haven't gotten that far yet, I only started playing a few days ago." You replied.

I'm actually talking to him! You thought excitedly. And he's talking back!

It was then that you noticed something had changed about Kenma. He was smiling. A real, happy smile.

Woah... You were taken aback. That makes him like ten times more attractive.

Kenma looked up at you, his expression changing to concern. "Is something wrong?"

"N-no." You replied. "Everything is fine."

It was then that you heard a shout from a street back. "Hey!"

It was your brother.

"You idiot, our turn is back here!" He shouted.

"Shut up, I knew that!" You yelled back.

Kenma paused his game. "Well, I guess his is goodbye." He said. He was still smiling.

God, what is it about that smile? It completely changes how I see his personality!

"Yeah, I guess so. See you tomorrow!" You called, already running back to your brother.

"See you!" Kenma shouted back.

You finished the walk home with just your brother by your side.

"I see you've made a new friend." He stated.

You smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right!"

 "Yeah, I guess you're right!"

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