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Kenma texted you later on in the day, saying that he finally got his phone back. He also said that Kuroo had sent him a total of 237 messages consisting of that one picture. This made you laugh. Kuroo had also sent you that picture several times. When you looked at it, you saw that it was a nice picture of the two of you talking.

Before you knew it, it was time for practice. You headed down to the gym and ran into Kuroo on the way there.

"Hey, it's one of the lovebirds!" He said, almost shouting.

You didn't know what to say in response, so you uttered out a weak, "Hey."

Kuroo leaned down so his head was close to your's. "Aw, would you look at that? You're blushing!"

You tried to hide your face. Kuroo did nothing but laugh. Your brother then called out to the two of you, saying that you should wait for him.

Oh no, the teasing is just going to be doubled. You thought.

You were right. As soon as your brother caught up, he said, "So I heard my little sister's got a budding romance with the team's setter?"

You said nothing. Kuroo responded before you even would have had the chance to speak. "Yeah!" He loudly replied. "I totally caught them eating lunch together today."

I'll never hear the end of this.

Your brother laughed. "Yeah, didn't you send that picture to the entire team?"

"Oh, yes." Kuroo chuckled.

I might as well just plan my own funeral now. The whole team knows. Does Kenma know that they've been told about it?

You were thankful that you had reached the gym, meaning that both Kuroo and your brother would finally leave you alone.

Finally. I can breathe.

You looked around the gym to find that Kenma was between two of the team members. They appeared to be teasing him.

Well, at least I'm not the only one being teased. You tried to think positively.

"Ohoho!" Laughed Kuroo. "Let's go!" He pushed you towards Kenma.

You didn't have anything to say in response, but you tried to fight back. Unfortunately, Kuroo was quite a bit taller than you, and not to mention stronger.

The other team members pushed Kenma towards you as well.

"H-hey!" Said Kenma. "Stop that!"

Rest in peace, me.

Kenma was also not a very strong person, so you both ended up sandwiched between the pushing teammates and your brother.

"I said stop that!" Kenma said, slightly louder than normal. He kicked out his legs and hit one of the players in the shin.

This allowed for you to be freed from the trap and you both ran away in opposite directions.

"Aw, c'mon, that's no fair!" Yelled Kuroo.

You glared at Kuroo and your brother, and sat down on a bench. Kuroo is insane. Almost this whole team is insane.

Once you had recovered from the situation you were thrown into, you stood back up and helped the team get through their practice. Everything seemed to be flowing just as normally as ever, except for the occasional players who would glance at you or Kenma and then turn away and laugh a little bit.

Should I be mad? I feel like I should be mad. I probably shouldn't say anything though. I'll talk to Kenma about it after practice.

You used the practice to distract your mind. It wasn't long before everyone was cleaning up.

Your brother stayed behind to discuss something with the coach, so you headed out the door, hoping to avoid another situation with Kuroo and the others.

Kenma had done the same thing, and was waiting outside for you. He ran up to you, apologizing for the team's behavior.

You smiled. "It's fine, it's not like we had any control over that anyway."

"True." He replied. "Let's head home, before the others leave."

You set off on your walk. Kenma really didn't seem affected by what had happened between the two of you before practice, so you didn't say anything about it.

The two of you talked about gaming for most of the way home. Everything seemed fairly normal, which was relieving to you. You were about halfway to your house when you realized Kenma was walking really close to you. Whether he was aware of it or not, it made you blush.

Kenma seemed to notice you were blushing, but didn't say anything. He tried to continue the conversation, but stopped as his hand lightly brushed against yours. Now both of you were blushing and staring straight ahead while trying to think of something to say.

His hand just touched mine! You screamed internally. What do I do? Should I say something?

You felt his hand lightly touch yours once again, which surprised you. You responded by intertwining your fingers with his. Neither of you said anything, but you continued walking forward.

Your mind raced. I'm holding his hand. You thought. You could barely comprehend what was happening, but you knew that it made you happy.

The rest of the walk home was full of silence, but you never stopped holding hands.

When you reached the point where you split up and head your separate ways, you both muttered quiet goodbyes. You turned and headed down your street, still in awe of what had just happened.

You walked into your house and immediately went into your room, face-planting onto your bed. With a sigh, you let the night's events sink in.

You had finally stopped blushing when your brother bursted through the door to your room.

"My little sister's growing up!" He yelled.

"What?" You asked.

Your brother pulled out his phone and showed you a picture. You stared in shock.

How? You wondered. It was very clearly a picture of you and Kenma holding hands, but you didn't understand who took the picture. You never saw anyone behind you on your walk home.

That's when you saw who sent the picture to your brother. Kuroo.

You immediately shoved your brother out of your room and locked the door.

"Why?" You muttered, sitting down on your bed.

You pulled out your phone and typed out a message to Kenma, saying that Kuroo had caught you.

A few seconds later, Kenma replied, "Yeah, the whole team knows now."

His message was followed by another one. "Kuroo sent everyone, including
me, the picture. He ran up to me after you left, laughing like mad."

"Maybe things will cool down over the weekend." You typed.

"Maybe... But it's highly unlikely." Kenma replied.

You sighed. Kenma was right. You would probably never hear the end of this.

Cat Got Your Tongue? (Kenma X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now