College Surprise

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<A/n: It was widely requested that I make some additional parts that happen after the original story was made. I have no clue how many of these I will make, but if you have an idea you want to see written, let me know! I might just hook you up. ;)

I can take any kind of request. ° ͜ʖ ͡°)

These are going to be mostly one-shots, some longer than others. If they get too long, I'll split them into parts.

Thank you all for reading! I'll let the story begin now. >

College Surprise
<I'll leave Kenma's college-aged appearance open to your imagination.>

You and Kenma had gone to different universities. You were just far enough apart that it made it hard to see each other in person. Of course this made both of you sad, but you refused to give up on your relationship, as you had already stuck it out through high school together.

It was Friday night, and you had just finished writing a huge essay that was due at midnight. Procrastination was not your friend. Rather than going to bed, you ended up cruising the internet on your computer. Fortunately, you didn't have a roommate to be annoyed with your late night tendencies. You were the only one in your dorm building who had a room with only one person. You considered yourself lucky.

On your computer, you browsed the depths of various social media sites. After a while, you pulled up Skype.

I wonder if he's still awake.

You clicked on Kenma's name and called him. He didn't answer.

A few seconds later, you received a message. "Sorry babe, I can't talk right now. I've been driving for a while and still have a ways to go. Don't worry, I'm at a gas station right now so I'm not texting and driving."

"Not even for a couple minutes?" You replied.

"Hmmm. I can do that." He typed.

Your computer started blasting the Skype ringtone. You answered before you could go deaf.

"Hi!" You said, happy to see your boyfriend's face.

"Hey, babe." Kenma replied. "Why are you up so late?"

"Well I was finishing an essay and then I ended up browsing the Internet for a while..." you trailed off.

Kenma laughed. "It's okay, I've been there too."

You asked him where he was driving to.

"Oh, just to visit some family over the weekend." He replied.

"Oh, I see." You answered. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, babe."

The two of you looked into each other's eyes, and just sat in silence for a few moments.

"Well, I should let you get back to driving." You stated.

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't talk for longer." He apologized. "I wish I could be with you instead of driving."

You smiled. "I wish I could, too. Now, drive safely! I love you so much!"

"I love you more!" Kenma challenged.

He hung up before you could say anything to beat him. You stared at your screen, smiling slightly, even though your heart longed to be with his.

You wanted to cry. You missed him so much you could physically feel a pain in your chest. You put your computer to sleep and climbed into bed, hugging the large teddy bear he had gotten you before he left for college.

He had visited you once before, but that felt like ages ago. He had come along to help you move into your dorm room, since his college started a week after yours. You had stayed closer to your home city than he had. You were about an hour away from the city, while he was about three. To make matters worse, it was in the opposite direction from where you were.

This meant it would take him four hours to get to your university. With as busy as college made both of you, it was near impossible to plan a visit. Particularly since it was volleyball season.

You clutched your teddy bear and drifted off to sleep.

When you awoke, you heard someone shuffling about your room. You wiped the drowsiness from your eyes and sat up. The person had their hood up, and you couldn't see anything that would help you identify who it was.

"Who's are you?"

The person froze. "Oh sorry, did I wake you up?" They asked.

You instantly realized who it was.

"Kenma!" You flung yourself onto him.

Kenma was unprepared for this and the two of you flopped onto the second bed. You got off of him and giggled.

"Sorry!" You apologized.

Kenma didn't say anything. He simply sat up and moved right in to kiss you. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around him, letting his familiar scent drift over you. After he broke the kiss, he spoke.

"I've missed you so much."

You rested your head on his shoulder, still hugging him. "I've missed you as well."

Kenma squeezed you tightly, and then let go, standing up. "I got you some things!"

"Aw, you didn't need to do that." You replied.

"...but I wanted to." Kenma said, pulling out a small bag.

You accepted the gift and opened it. Inside was a candle of your favorite scent, and the two latest volumes of your favorite manga. You set the gifts down and hugged him excitedly.

"Thank you so much! I can't believe you travelled all the way over here to see me!" You said.

"Anything for my love." Kenma replied.

You kissed him on the cheek and he blushed a little. You knew that was the one thing that always made him blush.

"Heehee! You're blushing!" You teased.

"S-shut up, you are too!" He responded.

You poked his cheek. "You're still blushing!" You giggled.

He jokingly made a pouty face and then poked you in the stomach. This caused you to flinch and he took that opportunity to wrap his arms around you in a tight hug.

"Hah, now you can't poke me." He said.

You kissed his cheek again. "Now you're blushing even mor--"

He interrupted your sentence by locking his lips with yours. You instantly stopped trying to tease him and kissed him back.

When you had a moment of pause, you thanked him for coming again.

"Of course, I couldn't bear to be apart from you for another day." He whispered.

You knew he wouldn't be able to stay for long, but you planned to make the most of your time with him. 

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