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You felt your heart race as Kenma's face moved closer and closer to yours. You closed your eyes and he closed his. His lips pressed against yours gent--

Your dream was interrupted by the loud beeping of your alarm. You slammed your hand down, muting the annoying sound. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up and pushed your blankets aside.

I was having such a good dream, too. You thought. Why did my alarm have to go off?

Wait, what was I even dreaming about?

Once you were ready, you announced that you were leaving and headed out the door.

The picture that your brother had shown you the night before was still fresh in your mind. You had a lot of questions, but you knew you couldn't ask Kenma about it without making things awkward.

You let your thoughts wander on your way to school. Normally, the team would have morning practice, but they were given this morning off. You wondered if you should ask Kenma about the picture, since you'd been developing a crush on him since the first day you saw him.

Yet there's always the chance that he doesn't really feel that way, and I don't want to ruin our friendship...

By the time you reached the school, you still had not made a decision on what to do. You figured that by the time practice came, you would have figured something out.


It was lunch time, and right as you sat down with a couple of your friends, your phone buzzed. You checked it to find that Kenma was asking if you wanted to eat lunch with him. You were surprised, as he's never asked that before.

After some brief consideration, you told him that you would love to. You told your friends that you were going to go eat with a volleyball club member, which was followed by some teasing, and then headed to the spot in the hallway where Kenma said he would meet you.

He was there, waiting. He smiled and waved when he saw you. Yep. You thought. I have a crush.

The two of you sat down and took out your lunches. You made small talk about things like yesterday's practice match and your brother.

He seems really happy today. You realized.

Kenma looked at you. "What?" He asked.

That's when you realized you were staring. You looked away quickly and muttered that it was nothing. He laughed, which made you smile.

"You don't have to be so awkward about it." He teased.

You were about to respond, but you looked up and saw someone taking a picture of the two of you. It was Kuroo. He noticed that you saw him and immediately took off down the hall.

You lightly nudged Kenma's arm. "Did you see him?" You asked.

"Who?" He replied.

"Kuroo was over there, taking pictures." You explained. "He just ran down the other way."

Kenma's face turned a light shade of pink as he looked in the direction that Kuroo ran off to. "I'll ask him about it at practice." He said.

You nodded and continued to eat your lunch. For a few moments, neither of you spoke. You were still trying to decide if you wanted to confess your feelings or not, which made the situation even more awkward on your side.

Kenma pulled out his phone. "I've got a text from Kuroo." He muttered.

He opened the message to find that it was the picture you caught Kuroo taking. Kenma's phone continued to buzz. All of them were messages from Kuroo, who was repeatedly sending the same picture.

With a sigh, Kenma stood up. "I'm going to go find him."

You nodded and said that you should head back to your class anyway. Kenma headed off in the direction that Kuroo went, and you stood up and walked to your classroom.

It was then that you decided to hold off on confessing your feelings, as it may be better to go with the flow of things and see where everything ends up. You were sure it wouldn't be long until the time was right, anyway.

Right when you sat down in your seat, you got a text. Pulling out your phone, you saw it was from Kenma.

He must have found Kuroo. You thought.

The message was a picture of Kuroo taking a selfie with Kenma covering his embarrassed face in the background. This was followed by a message saying "Haha I stole Kenma's phone," as well as, "Look at how embarrassed he is omg."

You smiled and shook your head. Kuroo is quite a crazy guy.

Cat Got Your Tongue? (Kenma X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now