The Practice Match

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The sun was shining through your bedroom window. Not wanting to get out of bed, you pulled the covers over your head and rolled over.

Right before you could fall back asleep, you felt your eyes snap open. Today was the day of Nekoma's first practice match. You had to get over to the school early, so that you wouldn't miss the bus. Checking the clock, you noticed you were going to be late. With a sigh, you got out of bed and began to get ready as fast as you could.

You were leaving Tokyo and heading to a smaller city, where a school called Karasuno was. You'd heard rumors about how they were "flightless birds," meaning that they were once a great team, but had lost a lot of skill in the past few years.

This should be an easy game. You thought as you pulled your shirt over your head.

"Why are we even going out that far for a match like this?" You muttered.


By the time you arrived to the school, almost the whole team was there, packing their stuff onto the bus. Your brother, who had left earlier than you, was already helping everyone prepare for the trip. You walked over to them, ready to help, but they were already finished.

Kenma walked over to you and muttered, "You're late."

"Yeah, sorry." You replied. "I overslept."

"Want to sit by each other on the bus?" He asked, quickly changing the subject.

You were surprised. Normally, you would have expected him to sit with Kuroo.

"S-sure!" You replied, giving a cheerful smile.

The team filed into the bus, and you and Kenma took a seat towards the front. Your brother sat in the seat across from you.

You and Kenma spent almost the whole duration of the ride playing a video game together. This was how you spent most of your time together whenever he wasn't practicing.

You had already built up a pretty great friendship, even though you hadn't known each other for a long time. You were excited to get to watch him play in a game, since you'd previously been told that he really gets into it.

Before you knew it, it was game time. Karasuno had an interesting looking team. Their middle blocker was extremely short, which was unusual. Middle blockers are usually the tallest players on the team.

Brushing that thought aside, you observed their setter. He was a lot taller than Kenma, and had a really gloomy aura around him.


The game began with Nekoma's serve. The ball sailed back and forth between the teams a couple of times, before the shrimpy middle blocker suddenly hit a super fast spike. The ball flew past Kenma's head and smashed into the ground.

Your entire team was in shock. Even Kenma looked surprised.

"Woah." You whispered.

The coach chuckled. "'Woah,' is right. That number ten is extremely fast and agile."

"Wait." Said your brother. "Did he hit that with his eyes closed?"

He did that with his eyes closed? How? You wondered.

This went on for a few more volleys, but Kenma decided to stop the momentum by motioning to the coach that a timeout was needed.

You handed out water bottles and towels to the players as you listened to the coach talking to the team. Once a plan was figured out, the players headed back onto the court.

Cat Got Your Tongue? (Kenma X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now