Chapter 3- The Pass of Caradhas

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  • Dedicated to Maggie Schoepke

Chapter 3- The Pass of Caradhras

It was early the next morning when I awoke; the sun hadn't risen, yet dawn was upon Rivendell. I had hardly slept last night, I was too excited about the adventure that I would be embarking upon in the morning. I had packed last night and decided to travel light. My clothes were durable and would last me at least six months at the most, so I needn't worry about bringing a change of attire. I had packed my satchel full of lembas bread, pommes, and several other small items including my sketch book and pencils. I even included a second book for journaling and a map of Middle Earth, both to document my travels.

It took me a while to find proper apparel and I would have been lost if it hadn't been for Aragorn. I ended up choosing a warm pair of brown trousers, and a long-sleeved, cotton chemise, with my leather breast plate. I wore fingerless gloves and dark, leather bracers on my forearms and my deer-skin boots. My Eregethian blades were sharpened and at my sides along with my hunting knife. I decided to braid my hair back again, seeing as it might be an issue on my travels and with a silent farewell, I exited my home, satchel over my shoulder and whispered goodbye to everything I had once known.

Lothrayel belonged in Rivendell, but Rayel belonged where adventure thrived. And that wasn't here, that was on the other side of the Misty Mountains and that was where I was going.

It took me but a few minutes to find my Companions, they were all heading to the gate from whence they had entered the day before. They looked eager, worried and sober, as if they knew that we would not all be together in Rivendell again.

"The Ring-bearer," Elrond started, after we had all quieted down. "Sets off on his quest for Mount Doom, and you who travel with him, no bond is laid upon you to go farther than you will." he looked on all of us with sad eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aragorn, but he was not listening to Elrond, he was looking upon my cousin Arwen. She was staring right back, and in both their eyes, I saw love, understanding and commitment. They loved each other and nothing- not orcs and not even the forces of Mordor- could break them apart.

"Farewell," Elrond bowed his head. "Hold to your purpose and may the blessings of elves, men, and free folk go with you." He raised both his arms and blessed us.

"The Fellowship," Gandalf said, holding his staff tightly. "Awaits the Ring-bearer."

Frodo, who had his back turned to us during Elrond's speech, turned around slowly and smiled. He took in the woods of Lorien and the falling leaves before he started toward us and lead us out of Rivendell.

As our party moved forward, I turned to look over my shoulder and mouthed "Goodbye" to Arwen and Elrond. I feared that I would not see them again for a long while. I bid farewell to my home and blinked away the tears that now stirred in my eyes. I was going on an adventure and I had no regrets.

"Gandalf?" Frodo whispered as we exited the Gate and crossed the great Bridge.


"Which way do I go? Is it left or right?" he nodded to the upcoming T in the road.

"Left," Gandalf murmured.

I smiled and turned to say something to Aragorn, but to my surprise, he was standing by the gate, still within the realm of Rivendell. His eyes were locked with Arwen's and she looked like she was holding back tears They exchanged a simple nod to each other and Aragorn followed, not looking back. .

"Everything will be fine," I whispered to Aragorn, finally breaking the silence.

"What?" he asked, he looked distant and forlorn.

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