Chapter 10- The Fellowship is Broken

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Chapter 10- The Fellowship is Broken


I reached the bottom of the hill right as the Urk-Hai leader faced Boromir. The Gondorian was on his knees, three Urk arrows protruded from his chest as he glared menacingly up at his assailant. The Urk notched an arrow to his bow, pulling the string back, ready to fire the killing shot at my friend.

I threw my weight at the Urk, sending the flying arrow off to the side as both the Urk and me struggled to our feet. This Urk was quick, I’d give him that and I faced him with my blade in my hand. The Urk grabbed for the shield of one of his fallen comrades and snarled at me murderously. He swung his blade up at me and I parried.

He tossed me backward into a tree where my sword fell from my grasp. As I tried to recover, the Urk threw his massive shield at me, which became fused to the tree holding me against the rough bark by my neck. I struggled against the shield, trying to free myself while the Urk swung his blade, threatening to behead me.

Just as the blade was merely inches from my neck, I was able to free myself from its hold on me and duck under the shield. The blade came splintering through the tree as my foe growled at me angrily. I threw my fist into its stomach but it fought back, knocking me to the ground, raising his blade above my body once more. I rolled, just managing to avoid the blade as I kicked him in the thigh. While he was momentarily distracted, I drew my dagger from my side and thrusted it into his leg, pushing it deep into the muscles and bone.

He roared in pain and punched me in the side of my head, sending me sprawling to the ground where he lifted me off the ground by my collar and threw his head into my own. I was thrown backward by the blow and I fumbled around in the leaves, frantically looking for my blade. As my hands enclosed around the hilt, I saw that my foe had drawn my knife from his leg.

He brought the blade to his mouth, licking his blood from the iron and throwing it toward me, intent on ending my life. Without thinking, I swung my sword, managing to knock the knife off track and off into the cluster of bodies to my right.

I was on my feet again charging my enemy as came at me. It was a flash of metal against metal; I managed to deflect all of his blows and then I took my moment to strike back. With one, fluid motion I brought my blade down on his shoulder and with a powerful blow, cut his arm from his body. While he was distracted yet once again, I drove my sword into his chest. The Urk-Hai growled at me, leaning into my blade and pulling it deeper and deeper into his chest, snarling all the while.

With a surprised and terrified look, I jerked my blade from his abdomen and sliced through his neck, severing his head from his neck. His body fell to the ground in a heaping mass. I stood still for a moment, breathing heavily when suddenly I was hit with shock.

No,” I breathed, rushing to the Gondorian man’s side.

Boromir was laying on his back, heaving heavily. Already his complexion had turned deathly pale and blue. Blood plastered around his jaw as he gripped my shirt with a shaky, gloved hand. “They took Rayel and the little ones.” He managed.

“Be still,” I whispered, though my heart grieved for the loss of my sister and the Hobbits. I took a look at his chest and the many arrows that had pierced him.

“Frodo?” he choked out. “Where is Frodo?”

I studied my friend with sad eyes, he would not last long and so I answered honestly. “I let Frodo go.”

“Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him,” he confessed.

“The Ring is beyond our reach now,” I replied, tears stinging my eyes.

“Forgive me,” he pleaded, gripping my neck with his weakening hand. “I did not see… I have failed you all.”

I shook my head, “You have fought bravely… You have kept your honor.” I reached down to pull the arrow from his chest, hoping to ease his passing.

“Leave it!” he said shakily. “It’s over… The world of man shall fail,” his skin turned a sheet of deathly white, already the life was draining from his eyes. “Gondor shall succumb unto darkness, and my city to ruin.” He gripped my chest hard.

“I do not know what strength is my blood, but I will not let the White City fall!” I promised. “Nor our people fail,” tears glistened in my eyes as they did in his.

“Our people?” I nodded. “Our people,” he nodded faintly smiling at the thought of the White City.  “Take Rayel to Gondor when you find her, and tell her I say goodbye and that I love her like a sister…” his eyes darkened slightly. A strained look crossed his face and I noticed that he was reaching for his blade.

I reached over and moved the sword into his hand as he smiled gratefully, crossing the blade across his chest. “I would have followed you, my brother. My Captain. My King.” He exhaled, and his spirit left his body and ascended to the Hall of his ancestors.

“Be at peace,” I whispered. “Son of Gondor.” I leaned forward and placed a kiss to his forehead. I stood from my squatted position by my fallen friend.

Behind me, I was aware of the presence of both Legolas and Gimli. Already I could sense the worry coursing through the Elf’s mind; it was no secret of his feelings for my sister.

“He spoke of Rayel,” he whispered.

I nodded remorse, “She has been taken along with Merry and Pippin… They will look for his return at the White Tower,” I looked down at Boromir’s fallen body. “But he will not return.”

After carrying Boromir back to campsite, we laid him down into one of our boats, placing his sword on his chest, grasped his hand. We places his shield and Horn with him as well, and sent him on the river with mournful goodbyes. Already one boat was missing and across the shore I could just see Sam and Frodo making their way to Emyn Nuil.

We could make it to them and reach their side within a few minutes if we left now, but I couldn’t leave my sister and the other two Hobbits to their fate.

Legolas, Gimli and I gathered our things, and put on what armor we had brought with us. Legolas wore Rayel’s blades and carried her satchel in hand, hoping to find my sister. The two stood in silence, waiting me to make the final call.

“You mean not to follow them?” the Elf asked, referring to the two Hobbits, now on the Eastern Shore.

“Frodo’s fate is no longer in our hands,” I answered honestly.

“Then it has all been in vain,” Gimli stated. “The Fellowship has failed.”

I came up between my friends, placing a gloved hand on either of their shoulders. “Not if we hold true,” I replied. “We will not allow Merry, Pippin and Rayel to be tormented to death.”

Legolas’ eyes glinted at her name, his jaw set.

“Not while we still draw breath!” I pulled back,  grabbing one of my knives and sheathing it. “Leave all that can be spared behind; we travel light. Let’s hunt some orc.”

Legolas and Gimli smiled and the dwarf cheered. With our weapons in hand, we charged into the forest to save the Hobbits and our damsel in distress. For Not All Who Wander Are Lost.


That's the end of Book One! :)

Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting! I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you have any suggestions for the sequel!



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