Chapter 8-Taking Leave

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Chapter 8- Taking Leave

It was early the next morning when I awoke. The air was warm and already, fingers of sunlight were seeping through the canopy. Lothlórien was beautiful; even in the pale morning light.

I lay in bed for a few minutes, taking in my companions in their sleeping state. The Hobbits it seemed could fall asleep anywhere at any time. Their faces were so serine and content; I loved listening to them talk in their sleep. Often I've heard them remark about a place in the Shire called the Prancing Pony, but still I hadn't asked them about it.

Gimli snored terribly at night, but I had finally gotten used to it. Boromir and Aragorn were restless, constantly turning this way and that; always ready for an unexpected attack or a surprise. Legolas however, slept as still as I've ever seen. He was quiet, but shot up like an arrow when he needed to. Usually he was the first to wake in the morning, but on this occasional morning, I was the first to wake.

Quietly, I rolled out of bed and tiptoed past my sleeping friends. I had grown to think of them all as family in the past three months. They were the family I had never had- and I loved all of them. I loved their senses of humor, their personalities, the way we all looked out for each other- more importantly, I loved them for giving me a chance.

I finally broke through the mallorn tree roots and into the clearing, and was welcomed by Haldir. "Good morning, Lady Lothrayel," he bowed his head.

"Good morning, Haldir," I greeted him, unsure why he was here so early.

He nodded across the clearing, silently asking me to follow him. I abided to his request and followed him, ready to defend myself in need be. "Hear me out," he asked, after we were out of hearing distance from my campsite. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you and your Companions when you arrived. I had no right to behave as I did, and I apologize."

A faint smile danced across my lips; "I am not one to hold a grudge, sir. I accept your apology, on one term."

"Name it."

"Forgive me for being so discourteous," I frowned. "I did not know you, nor did I trust you. This is nonexclusive of my conduct, but I ask for your forgiveness none the less."

"You have it, my lady."

There was a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile back. "I'm glad that we are on fair terms."

"As am I, Lothrayel. You are not one I would like to call an enemy. A maiden as fair as you deserves all the friendships in the world."

I blushed, "I'm flattered."

"Would you grace me with a favor?" he asked.

I nodded.

"My sister, Brewndyawin recently left Lothlórien in search of her own adventure. We last heard that she was in Rohan... If you happen to find her-," his eyes were pleading. "Please ask her to return when she can."

"It will be done, Haldir."

"Thank you."

I averted my eyes toward the bath houses and the elder Elf chuckled. "My Lady Galadriel has had your Fellowship's garments washed. I will send someone along shortly to give them to you." He bid me farewell and hurried off.

I stood alone in the courtyard, still wondering about what had occurred last night. I had almost kissed Legolas- or maybe he had almost kissed me. But something had happened that shattered the moment... What did I do? I wondered.

"Good morning," I heard a voice behind me.

I turned and a thin smile crossed my lips. "Hello Boromir."

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