Chapter 6- Lothlórien

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Chapter 6- Lothlórien

After hours of perilous running and wooded terrain, we arrived at the boarders of Lothlórien. There was a large rushing creek to cross and already I could feel my strength returning. The forest was my home; I could survive here- I knew these places. Aragorn ran ahead, splashing across the river and standing relieved, in front of the tree line.

I cautiously made my way down the hill, ignoring the flaring pain in my ankle. “Have you e’re been to this place, meh lady?” Pippin asked, it was the first time he had spoken since Gandalf’s passing and I could still see pain in his eyes.

“I might have been here when I was young, but I have no memory of this place,” I smiled faintly. “My mother was from Lothlórien, and the daughter of the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn.”

Legolas shot me a quizzical look, “Your father was Elros?”

“Yes, his wife was Gelä, sister of Celebrain.”

This was a simple fact among Rivendell, everyone knew that my father had married Elrond’s wife’s sister. Elrond never told me how my parents had met, nor did he speak of his late wife Celebrain.

“Hurry!” Aragorn yelled from across the stream, it seemed as if everyone but Legolas and I had crossed the body of water. I splashed across the cool water and onto the other side where tall, lush green grass was spread across the mountain-side. Everyone made a break for the tree line and once we had entered the forest of Loríen, I smiled.

The golden, mallorn trees were tall and ancient, showing no sign of death or decay. Soft autumn leaves sprinkles down from the top and covered the forest floor in a blanket of green and orange. Bright light streamed down from the canopy above and warmed my flesh instantly. The moss-covered bark contrasted against the dark oak colors and I couldn’t help but feel like this was a second home to me.

After all, my mother lived here at one point.

“You bring great evil with you, Lothrayel,” a femine voice whispered.

My ear perked up and instinctively I reached for my blades, cautiously clutching their hilts will all my strength.

“Stay close, young Hobbits,” I heard Gimli whisper. “They say a great Sorceress lives in these woods; an elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell and are never seen again!” he held his axe close to his chest. “Well here’s one dwarf she won’t ensnare so quickly! I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox.”

Suddenly Legolas drew his bow and notched an arrow and I drew my blades, only to find myself surrounded by Elven archers. I glared at them, How senseless can they be to draw on their own people!?

I was just about to do something completely rash and irresponsible when one of the Elves spoke. He was tall, handsome and fair-haired with intense grey eyes. “Your dwarf breathes so loud that we could’ve shot him in the dark,” he smirked, looking somewhat satisfied with himself.

It was about two hours later when the Elven leader, Haldir, finally released us. We had been interrogated and were now standing on a tall platform, towering above the forest floor. The sky was dark now, and the fireflies were out, blinking their innumerable colors and drawing curious looks from Gimli.

“Welcome, Legolas, Son of Thranduil,” Haldir bowed to my friend and in return, Legolas nodded. “And Lothrayel of Rivendell.”

I didn’t trust this man.

Then again, I don’t trust people who pull their weapons on me- much less my friends.

“Our Fellowship stands in your debt,” Legolas thanked the Elf.

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