Letter seven [EDITTING]

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Dear Relief,

I don't believe it. This is the last thing I would have expected to happen. This teacher is great so far! Maybe I'm just saying that because he didn't make me say anything in front of the class but either way, I'd call it a win.

So, me having warmed up to Mr Carter had decided to lean back in the chair. I didn't kick my feet up or anything like that (I didn't want to tick Mr Carter off now) but I did place my interlocked hands behind my head. Some teachers tell me off for doing it for some reason, but Mr Carter didn't seem bothered and continued to rant on about 'metonymies'.

This class would have seemed interesting to me if I hadn't already done 101 lessons on figurative language at my old school, not to mention I'd done it this year and last year. It was a discussion of which he involved everyone but still, boring for me. Sally was getting quite into these discussions and said whatever the hell she felt like, not holding back at all. It was kind of intimidating, I guess, since I'm not really used to hanging out with people like that. I'm more of the person who sits at the back of the classroom and makes random and irrelevant conversation with my friends. Just by the simple fact that Sally had chosen to sit at the front of the class tells me that it's not going to be the same as back at my old school.

Still, I am glad that I ended up getting a buddy assigned to me to begin with. Who even knows if I would have made any friends to guide me around if it weren't for Sally. I know for a fact not many if any of the other schools I'd seen around the area would have done that for me. And the fact that she seemed genuinely interested in helping me and being my friend just made all of my butterflies ease.

So, the class went on, going from discussions on whether hyperbole should be pronounced 'hi-per-bo-lee' or 'hi-per-bowl' (I swear, every English class where hyperboles are brought up this joke is always made) to talking about similes like we're savouring the taste of pizza. I was drumming the desk and praying for the discussion to go on to something I hadn't learnt so I could least focus my attention somewhere.

Soon enough, I'd gotten what I'd been begging for; something to do. Mr Carter got one of the other students to hand out some worksheets to each of us.

"Complete this worksheet. You have 20 minutes and you may talk in a quiet voice. It shouldn't take you the whole 20 minutes so once you are done you may talk with your neighbours. If I catch you distracting anyone you will earn yourself a one-minute lunchtime detention for every time I have to tell you off." Mr Carter instructed. "Any questions?"

"Oh, sir?" An eager hand shot up into the sky beside me and waved around like a flag being tossed around in a wild storm. "I do."

"Yes, Sally?"

"So, the difference between an allusion and a metonymy is that allusions reference stuff from the past like places, events and literary works, like 'I'm going to build an ark' but a metonymy is an object that refers to a larger thing, for example, the crown representing the monarch of England?"

"Correct Sally, very good. I'm glad I wasn't too boring and you managed to catch some of what I was trying to get across." Mr Carter chortles.

"Yes, I knew it!" Sally proclaims loudly, with a bright grin on her face and a fist pump to the air.

I heard some of the girls at the back, whom I recognised from form, giggling. At first, I thought they were laughing with Mr Carter, but upon turning my head around and looking at them I could see they were whispering and taking turns to send mocking looks Sally's way. I wasn't too surprised to be honest. It was kind of weird and embarrassing how Sally had just, well you know, gotten so overdramatic over words. If I didn't know Sally I probably would have giggled too, to be quite frank. But since Sally was sitting right next to me and I didn't want to lose my only friend, I resisted the urge.

Instead, I looked down at my sheet and began to do something productive for the first time this day. I knew I was going to like this English class if none of the other classes were any good. Anyway, you should probably go now Relief, it was nice seeing you!

See you later,

Content girl

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