The Vampire's Stalemate

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The Vampire's Stalemate

I stalked down the creaking stairs, nervous about the noise that had been coming from the frigid basement for the past few nights. Cling! Beep! Swish! Splash!

"Experiment concoction 2134 is complete! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!" My dad slowly turned towards me, as he realized I was watching him the entire time. As he sprinted to tackle me, I tried to make a daring escape. I thought of breaking through the stained-glass windows and attempting to run away, but he managed to grab me and knock me out of precious consciousness.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!" BAM! I woke up in a cold sweat, lying on the bare hardwood ground of my room, waking up from the worst dream in history. My dad was an evil scientist in this dream, and he was making some sort of burgundy elixir, seeming very exhilarated. No, this is not true, I chastise myself. Why would I even think that? I hope this was not true, just a terrifying dream."I need a plan," I cry hysterically, multiple times, repeating it like a mantra. I started coming up with the craziest ideas, ranging from creating a lie detector, to interrogating my father, even torturing him until he tells me the truth. I finally come up with my dangerous plan.

My father was at "work" today, though I knew he lost his important job after mom died last month. I worked my way downstairs, and I mean really worked, I cannot feel half of my body correctly, and everything responded oppositely. 'If things don't go right, take a left,' I remember. I did just that. I took a turn to the left and see a random painting. I jumped, startled at the odd painting. Staring back at me from the painting were.... Two eyes? Did they just move? That is peculiar, we never had this sort of painting before. I feel like the painting has been misplaced.

"Ah, well, guess I'll find out." I shove the oil painting aside ruthlessly and I find something, a door? Or is it another painting? We did not have this object before, at least not to my notice. I must be hallucinating. I opened the door as quietly as a mouse sneaking into a maze full of cheese. This is not good.

The noise. The dream. All of those creations. Even my dad. Terrible lies. Horrible lies. No good, very bad lies!

Even more frightening is that this room is exactly how it looked in my rigorous dream, but the fact that the burgundy brew has gone missing, must be a clue. "I knew it!" I screamed as if I was saying eureka. My discovery is the expensive gold, and I was the miner. I suddenly heard a slight gurgle coming from my left. Why are interesting things always on my left?

"Bleh!" I am so close to regurgitating all of my food. My mother, and Marylynne. They were placed in tanks with burning yellow liquid in them. It sure looked like a dead human in a bright lava lamp. Attached to them are tubes that are pumping the same potion I saw in the dream. Is dad trying to revive them? Is this what he was doing all along? Do I have enough proof to confront him about this?

"No!" I scream hoarsely, my freaking dad was coming down the old stairs, that I now believe are truly dyed in blood. My dad reached the bottom of the stairs, and found me on the ground, sobbing like there was no tomorrow. He slowly walked up to me, finally taking the hint that I was too persistent to hide his secret from.

"My son, look here," he instructed, gently prying my wet hands off of my tear-stained face. "You see, when Marylynne and Caroline died, there was no true accident. They were merely my first test experiments. My test, and now my ultimate goal in life, is to create a mixture that will revive the dead. In other words, they will become pseudo-vampires. They will be "undead," as you call it, but they will not have to drink blood. Ingenious isn't it my son?"

"No! You vile creature! How could you do this to your own wife and daughter? Did you consider how I would feel? Well no, you did not! I disown you as my father!" I faltered though, because I saw a flash in my dad's eye. Not only anger, but pain, misery, and devastation all passed through, and I was certainly scared.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry-" my dad tries to apologize, but right away, a glass tube exploded. Wait, no. All the glass tubes exploded. My dad's expression changed once again, this time to relief and joy. Ahhhhh. So he planned this to happen. In all of this commotion, I had forgotten about mom and young Mary. It seems they are out as well.

Burning smells of smoke and tar filled the room as the undead "soldiers" stumbled lazily across the room. Boiling acid. A lot of boiling acid. Pouring through the opening and following the zombies. Think. Think. Think. My heart stomach rose to my throat as I figured out the quickest way to kill them all.

I quickly dart to a table and grab a sharp blade. "Sorry, but I have to do this," I mutter to myself, thankful that nobody heard me. I made a horrible decision by attacking my dad first. The zombies just followed me around wherever I went. I dived and created a deep gash in my father's calf as he fell, and acid engulfed him, burning him beyond recognition. Now this will be hard.

I braced myself as My sister ran ahead to bite me, tear my flesh, and spread the infection. Tears pooling in my eyes, I jab her with the blade. Through her head. She was very short for his age, but it was hard to kill my dead sister a second time around. My mother was always very cunning. She attacked me from behind, using the acid to distance herself from me. Here it is, my time to shine. I thought giddily to myself. The salty tears once pooled in my eyes, are now dried, evaporated by the sheer heat of the acid.

I rapidly dashed towards my mother, not caring that the acid was burning through my rubber soles. We played a rough game of "tag", and the battle eventually came to a cease. I was too burned to continue, surviving only on my thriving willpower. My mother on the other hand, was perfectly fine. "Well, so much for a quick death," my mom's raspy voice rung around the room. "We shall now end it!" I cried, my voice harsh.

We each ran at each other and clashed in the centre of the room. My blade slashed her head off, but not fast enough. My body could not take it anymore. I collapsed on the spot, drowning in pure misery, dilemma, and burning acid.

"You people all around the world. Are you listening? You'd better be. I just saved all of you guys from a giant zombie apocalypse and a living nightmare, but I was not able to save all but five valuable things to me. My sister, my mother, my father, my father's sanity, and myself. Yes, I am broken, and am dying in a pit of acid. Goodbye." In my last moments, I made this remark proudly, honoured to save the world with my own two hands, but engulfed in sorrow about what I couldn't save.

I have an axe to grind with you in our next life, my family. Our next life for sure. With that thought, I numbly drifted out of the premises of the living world.


This was supposed to be a short, one-part story. I may or may not add another part. It is

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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