Raising The Jarvis Twins {9}

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                Ali and I jumped apart and raced up the stairs to the boys’ bedroom. I threw the door open and they looked at me in panic. “What’s wrong?” Ali and I cried at the same time.

                “There was a bee on me,” Shawn said and pointed at the window. “I hit it and it flew out the window and we shut it. Sorry.” His eyes were still red from crying and his voice was shaking, making me feel guilty. No. I warned him I’d spank him hard if he swore, and he did it anyways.

                They boys sounded the same, hopefully something that would change as they got older, so it was almost impossible to tell which one had just screamed. And since Shawn was still shaky from his punishment, it was hard to tell if he was lying or not.

                I was about to ask Shane, he would stutter if he were lying, but Ali placed a hand on my arm. “Are you boys okay?” They nodded. Ali tugged on my arm and pulled me out of the room. “They’re okay Ben,” she said softly as she shut the door. “Leave them alone.”

                Sighing, I followed her back downstairs to the couch. We sat together and watched a documentary on Netflix about Warped Tour 06. “Well look at that!” I cried eagerly. “Casey still alive!”

                Ali smiled at my excitement. 10 years later, and Hawthorne Heights was still my favorite band. To me, Casey Calvert would always be the best screamer. “When did he die?” she asked. “2007,” I said and smiled as Casey spoke on the video.

                We watched the documentary and then Ali made dinner and called the boys down. They came down and sat. Actually, Shane sat. Shawn awkwardly stood and refused to meet our eyes.

                We ate dinner and then the boys went upstairs to do their homework and get ready for bed. “I’ll start working with Shawn on his academics tomorrow,” I said and kissed Ali. “Well for right now, feed the dog,” she said as Wallace sat at our feet whining.

                “Aw shut up you fur ball. I’m getting to it,” I said and scooped some food into his dish along with cold water from the sink. Ali and I sat down together and did some stuff for work before cleaning the house and getting ready for bed.

                We laid down on the bed and I wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her neck and closed my eyes. “Night love,” I muttered. “Goodnight Benjamin,” she whispered before we both fell into an exhausted sleep.

                “Daddy?” someone was shaking my arm. “Mommy?” Ali let out a little groan. Someone was probably shaking her arm too. “Dad?” “Mom?”

                I cracked my eyes open and noticed the time. It was 3.12 in the morning. “What do you want?” I mumbled, not even sure who I was talking to.

                “Can we sleep with you guys?” I was assuming that was Shawn since he didn’t stutter. His voice was coming from Ali’s side of the bed. “Why?” Ali’s sleepy voice asked.

                I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes as the boys fell into a guilty silence. My foggy brain suddenly recalled something I had noticed while cleaning up the living room and putting videos back. “You guys were watching The Shining, weren’t you?” More guilty silence.

                I sighed. “That’s why you screamed?” “There was blood in the halls!” Shawn said in fear. “It was scary dad.” I sighed again and moved closer to Ali. She moved closer to me. “Fine. Tonight, and tonight only. This bed is not big enough for 4 people. You’re big boys now.”

                The crawled onto the bed and instantly, everything was squished. “Oh god, Chris was right,” I grumbled. Way to go Ben. Wrap it before you tap it. That would’ve been really nice advice 10 years ago, Chris. Thanks.

                Still, I slung an arm over Shane and he squished closer to me. It was silent for a couple minutes as we all tried to get back to sleep. I was just drifting off when Shane’s voice cut through.

                “Daddy?” “Yes Shane?” He went silent, and I almost wondered if he had gone to sleep. “W-Why do people hurt their k-k-kids?” I fell silent this time. “Because they have problems Shane. Sick problems.” I knew that from personal experience.

                “In the m-movie, he w-w-wants to k-kill his s-s-son. Would you ever k-kill Shawn or m-m-me?” “Never,” I whispered, mortified. “God no Shane. I love you and your brother.” “Would you e-ever kill m-m-mom?” “Never. All though I think she gets the urge to kill me about every 3 weeks or so.” An elbow dug into my side and I grumbled out a slight protest of pain. Yep. Ali was still awake.

                Things went silent again and I closed my eyes. “Dad?” “Yes Shane?” “I love you.” “I love you too buddy.” I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me. I wished Shawn was over here too. I suddenly wanted nothing more than to hold my boys to me and let them know how much I loved them, and how sorry I was for being a terrible father to them.

                I drifted off to sleep and my alarm went off in the morning sometime later. Shane shut it off for me and Ali and I got out of bed as the boys went back to sleep for a little.

                “What are we going to do about Shawn? He’s suspended,” Ali said as she took her clothes off to shower. I ran a hand through my hair as I reached for my toothbrush. “Shit. I didn’t even think of that. My dad has to work and Chris probably has to work too. What about your parents?”

                She nodded. “Give my mom a call while I shower.” Ali’s mom had retired. She had breast cancer and it really took a ton out of her. She just couldn’t work anymore. Ali’s parents were older than mine. Mine had had me young.

                I called Ali’s mom and she happily said she’d keep an eye on Shawn. I made it very specific that he was not allowed to watch TV or play video games or anything. He was in trouble.

                “Don’t worry Ben. I’ll play cards with him. Oh, he’ll love it! Shane always loved to play cards with me!” Ali’s mom always used to watch Shane. Shane had had mono and stayed with her, and she had taught him how to play cards. He loved it.

                I smiled softly. “Okay Mrs. Zandi. I’m going to get ready for work and I’ll drop him off on my way.” “Alright Ben. I’ll see you soon!” I hung up and went to get ready for work. 


A.N.- This chapter is dedicated to Jim, who taught me how to play cards when I was sick. Rest in peace Jim<33 :(

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