Differential: Division Three

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Differential: Division Three

My body reacted first, my mind still stuck on the fact that this girl would die.

An Aduroum's speed is far greater than a humans. They move almost at the speed of light. Granted, they are practically made of pure light.

My human side weakens my speed, but not by much. I had the little girl in my arms, and back to her mother in the amount of time it would have taken someone to blink.

I heard several other people shouting, just as the truck topped the hill and flew by.

No lights.

The woman immediately had her child in her arms, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh thank you, oh my God-thank-" The woman stuttered, burying her face into the girls hair.

When my heart finally slowed, and my mind caught up with itself, I realized I was so screwed. At least a dozen people had just witnessed-

"How did- you were right here.....-"

The woman continued to mumble to herself, and I slowly backed up as people called 911 and rushed to the woman.

I was just turning around and leaving when a felt a hand on my shoulder.

"How'd you do it?"

I spun, quickly putting a mask over my features. Nothing inordinate had happened.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

The person before me was a man, tall and muscled. His dark hair fell to shoulder length.

"I saw you. Here then there. How'd you do it?"

I shook my head, quickly denying everything.

"I'm sorry sir," I tried to seem polite but assertive. "you must be mistaken, I was with the girl. I heard the vehicle coming and I grabbed her."

The man studied me for a moment, and I took a step back, escaping his grasp. Before he could say anything more, I turned and began jogging back toward my house.

This was so bad. Bad bad bad. Like up the proverbial creek without a paddle. Except my problems were real now. My secret could be out.

If anyone found out what I was, or partly was, there would be chaos. Most would want me dead, just for the simple fact I was different. Others would realize, the Aduroum were- and still could be- on Earth.

I pushed myself, wanting to be home. I should leave. But then, that would be too risky. It would be fleeing the scene of the crime. It would just reinforce any ideas people had.

And who knows, maybe no one saw anything important.

And maybe Mr. Monroe would stop hating me.

Yeah, right.

I flew up the stairs to my porch, quickly going inside and locking the door.

I leaned against the door, letting out a breath. I needed to slow down and think.

Okay, figure there were thirteen people who could have witnessed the event. Figure half would question something, would see something off. Especially where the white haired girl was involved.

That still has at least five people who could possible say something about me. Which was five too many.

A more.....realist of a person would have a specific plan for this. A plan that involved a number of people disappearing. But I couldn't- wouldn't do that. I was half human after all. And I would not have that on my conscious for the next hundred odd years.

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