Chapter 2

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"Done!" Marinette set down her homework. "Ugh, I forgot how confusing linear equations were," she collapsed on her bed. Tikki flew and sat on the desk, nibbling a cookie. "Now that your homework is finished, how do you feel about Adrien being Chat Noir?" she asked her. Marinette sat up straight. "Honestly, I'm glad is was him. My partner in fighting crime is my crush!" she squealed. Then she remembered when they faced against Timebreaker. "And that means my crush sacrificed himself for me, twice!" she added as she remembered Chat Noir taking an arrow for her during their battle with Dark Cupid. "And, oh my god, I kissed him too!" she turned pink. "Well," Tikki started, "at least you're luckier than most people. Not everyone can say that their crush was their partner in fighting crime, and sacrificed themselves for them twice."
"True, but what if he doesn't like me?" Marinette dug her face in a pillow. "I'm very sure we both heard him say he loved Ladybug to Lila," Tikki pointed out, finishing her cookie. "That's the thing. He likes, or loves, Ladybug, not me," she sighed. "Cheer up, Marinette. We don't know that yet," Tikki said, flying over and sitting next to Marinette. "You are one optimistic kwami," Marinette chuckled and brushed Tikki's head with a finger.


"Are you done yet?" Plagg asked as he ate his Camembert. "Plagg, you already have your cheese, what else do you want?" Adrien scribbled on his work. "Just a little curious, how do you feel now that you know Marinette is Ladybug?" Plagg wondered as he zipped around the room. Adrien stopped writing on his paper and turned to his kwami. "If you want me to be really honest, I'm glad it was her. She resembles Ladybug so much, I feel really blind I couldn't guess it was her before," he admitted. "Yea. They both even stutter when they talk to you. I wonder how you missed that," Plagg said sarcastically. Adrien smirked and said his wonderful phrase, "Shut up, Plagg."
"Just pointing out," Plagg shrugged.
The door opened unexpectedly, and at the doorway was Gabriel Agreste himself. Adrien rarely saw his dad, and if his dad actually comes into his room, it's normally because he was worried about something. "Adrien, where's my—" Gabriel laid eyes on Plagg, who still sat on top of the sofa. "What's that?"
"Uh," Adrien hesitated. "This is—"
"That's a kwami," Gabriel cut him off. "And where there's a kwami, there's always a miraculous nearby."
"Father, how do you know about this?" Adrien asked. "Doesn't matter. If you have the miraculous for this kwami," he glared at Plagg, "please hand it over."
"No," Adrien said stubbornly. "Adrien, please—"
"I think I know why you had that book. And why you want my miraculous now," he said angrily before grabbing a bag near the door which was already packed, and stormed out of his room, leaving Gabriel inside alone.

When Adrien shut the door to his room, Gabriel followed him to the front door to his mansion. When the front door shut, he sighed. His son had run away due to a misunderstanding. Gabriel walked towards his office and opened the safe behind the portrait of his family. Inside was a map with Tibet marked on it, a picture of his wife, and a peacock miraculous. "Everything alright, sir?" Nathalie peeked her head into his office. "I saw you come in here pretty glum."
"I just didn't want to lose my son to it," he sighed, looking at the picture of his wife, "like I lost her."


Everything was going well at the bakery. Marinette was sitting at the table, watching her parents work, when rustling was heard outside the nearby window. She went over and looked outside. A dark figure leaped inside next to her. She recognized him immediatly now. "Adri—Chat?" she hissed. Chat Noir looked up at her. "Same thing, right?" he said nervously. He took off his ring so he would change back to just Adrien. "Hello, M'lady."
"Adrien, what are you doing here?" Marinette asked. "Shouldn't you be doing your work?"
"Yea, I finished, but, um, I kind of ran away from home," he grinned sheepishly. "Ran away from home?!" she nearly screeched. "Why?" She invited him up to her room so her parents couldn't hear their convernsation.

"So, my dad caught Plagg flying around my room. And he told me to hand over the miraculous Plagg was inhabited to. Obviously, I said no, but he got kind of close to demanding, so I grabbed a bag I had already packed and headed out," Adrien explained. Marinette shook her head at him. "Bad kitty. But why would you run away instead of just storm somewhere else?"
"Because if he knows about miraculouses and kwamis, and not confirmed a good guy, he's dangerous. And we don't even know who Hawkmoth is...." he hesitated. "You don't possibly believe that Gabriel Agreste is actually Hawkmoth?" Marinette exclaimed with wide eyes. "I'm not sure. I just want to stay away from home for a while. At least until Dad calms down. Or until he forgets about Plagg," he replied. Tikki popped out of a drawer. "Speaking of Plagg, where is he?"
"Oh, I forgot," Adrien put his ring back on. Plagg materialized in front of him. And the first thing he had to say was, "I'm hungry!"
"Plagg! I fed you not one, but two pieces of Camembert before Dad caught you!" Adrien complained. Marinette and Tikki giggled at them. "Marinette! Dinner's re—oh, Adrien!" Marinette's mom, Sabine, peeked her head into the room. "I didn't notice you coming over." Tikki and Plagg managed to hide in the drawer in time, and were eavesdropping.
"Uh, yea, I forgot I had a project to do with Marinette, so I came over at the last minute," Adrien lied. "Oh, okay," Sabine nodded. "Are you staying for the night?" she regarded the bag on the floor. "Uh," he hesitated. "A few days, actually," Marinette stepped him for him. "Adrien's allergic to something in his mansion, so they have to remove it."
"Oh, alright. There's a guest room downstairs, make yourself at home." Normally, other parents would ask specifically what happened, but Sabine seems to be different. "Well, when you two are ready, come downstairs and join us for dinner."
"Thanks mom," Marinette smiled. As soon as Sabine left, Tikki and Plagg flew out of the drawer. "Good thing Marinette's mom isn't nosy, or else I don't think you two would've been able to lie to all her questions," Plagg snickered. Tikki nodded in agreement. Marinette shushed the kwamis as she headed downstairs, Adrien following behind.
"They make quite a couple," Tikki pointed out as they left. "Like us," Plagg said suggestively. "Plagg!" she rolled her eyes. "No, just no."
"Maybe one day," he mused. Tikki smacked him lightly. "Marinette won't like hearing that you're flirting with me!"
"And Adrien won't like you smacking me!" he protested. The two kwamis flew around the room, throwing small objects at each other, calling each other a name while at it.

In fact, they didn't stop until they noticed how messy the room had become. "Marinette won't like it if she finds her room this messy!" Tikki gasped, desperately cleaning up the small objects. "I get the feeling Adrien won't like seeing Marinette mad, either," Plagg flew around, helping picking up some of the stuff he had thrown.

They were almost done with cleaning when Marinette and Adrien came back into the room. "Uh, what are you two doing?" Marinette asked, looking at Tikki and Plagg playing tug of war with a button. "Plagg started it!" Tikki exclaimed. "Tikki made the mess!" Plagg protested. "They make quite the couple," Marinette hissed to Adrien. "Like us two," Adrien replied. If they were Chat Noir and Ladybug, she would've shot a remark back at him, but this time, Marinette just turned a little pink. "I see a little bit of Chat Noir made it into your human form."
"M'lady, it's always been a part of me," he laughed. Marinette turned slightly redder. "Marinette, don't explode!" Plagg called. "Shut up, Plagg," she said back. "That's my line," Adrien pouted. She stuck out her tongue at him. "Guys, it's like, past 11 o'clock. You'd better get some sleep if you want to wake up in time for school tomorrow," Tikki reminded. "Yea, I am kind of tired," Marinette yawned. "Okay, I'll leave you to a good night's rest. See you tomorrow, M'lady," Adrien smiled and went downstairs to his guest room, Plagg flying behind. He stuck his tongue out at Tikki before the door closed, and Tikki blew a raspberry back at him.


After a ton of nagging and complaints, Plagg was finally satisfied when he got his Camembert. As Adrien crawled into bed, Plagg made himself comfortable in a tissue box. They were close to drifting off when Plagg had to make a final comment. "Does Hawkmoth just stay in a place with butterflies all day?"
And Adrien had to end the day with his favorite phrase,
"Shut up Plagg."
Please tell me I'm not the only one who ships Tikki and Plagg. If you don't, deal with it, I'm putting a lot of Tikki x Plagg in this story. Anyway, hope you like this story so far. Comment feedback?

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