Chapter 5

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"How do I convince my parents to let me take a trip to Tibet? Tell them I left something there? Tell them I want to go see something? They'll never believe me!" Marinette said, overreacting as they got closer to the bakery. "Say that we're married and I'm taking you to Tibet for our honeymoon," Adrien suggested, smirking lightly. Marinette stared blankly at him. "Are you serious? We're 15!"
"But we both know that if I proposed, you wouldn't be able to say no," his smirk grew bigger. She continued staring blankly at him, then shoved him lightly into the bakery.

"There you are! We expected you back earlier. Anyway, how was your last day at school before break?" her dad, Tom, asked. "It was fun! Our team practically killed the volleyball tournament," Marinette cheered. "That's my girl," Tom gave Marinette a hug. "Um, anyway," Marinette remembered that she needed her parents' miraculous permission to go to Tibet with Adrien. "So, since it's break, can I possibly, uh, go to Tibet with Adrien?"
Tom raised his eyebrows up higher than the Eiffel Tower. "Why would you two need to go to Tibet?"
"To help my son find his mother," a new voice answered for her. Adrien gasped as his father entered the bakery. Wait, find my mother, what? I thought she was gone, Adrien thought. "Gabriel, what can we do for you?" Tom questioned. "You can grant your daughter permission to accompany my son to find his mother," Gabriel repeated. Tom hesitated at first. "Please, Dad, I really want to help him!" Marinette pleaded. "Alright," Tom nodded. Marinette was about to cheer when Tom continued talking. "Who's the adult escort? I can't let my daughter be left alone with only a boy of her age."
"Nathalie, my assistant, will escort them here and back," Gabriel replied. Tom nodded sadly. "My little girl is growing up so fast, helping her friends find their family."
"Aww, Dad," she gave him another hug. "So, I can go?"
"Yes," Tom nodded. "When do they leave?"
"Tomorrow morning," Gabriel answered. "But, miss," he pointed to Marinette, "you might want to start packing now. You're spending the night at the mansion so Nathalie can drive you two out bright and early."
"Okay," Marinette pecked her father's cheek with her lips. "Thanks again, Dad!"
Tom smiled and nodded, then ushered her and Adrien upstairs.


After Marinette finished packing (okay, fine; Marinette freaking out about what to pack, with rambles about "but is the weather there hot or cold?" and "what do I have to prepare for?" while Adrien and the kwamis packing the bag for her), they were in the car to the mansion. "Are you okay?" Marinette asked Adrien. He seemed a little blank, staring off into space. "My mother was presumed dead, and here's my father, telling me she's still alive," he muttered. Marinette patted his shoulder. "We might be able to find her," she offered. " But how does my dad know about kwamis, miraculouses, or rather, that we're even going to Tibet?" he questioned. She shrugged. "We could ask him when we get there. Or maybe ask during dinner," she suggested.


Tikki and Plagg were eavesdropping from the trunk of the car. "It's true, how does Mr. Agreste know so much about it?" Tikki wondered. Plagg shrugged. "I just know this guy must really care about his wife."
"He does," Tikki agreed. "Aw, we're already here," Plagg complained. "I don't wanna go back into the bag."
"Well, too bad," Tikki pulled him into the bag they were supposed to stay in. "I really hope this goes well."


Marinette was instantly awed by the mansion the minute she stepped inside. Sure, she had been here before, but she never really got the time to admire how beautiful it really was. After all, all the times she had visited the place, she was either there to save someone, stop a villain, or to do something that took all her focus. Now that she had nearly nothing to worry about, she could see the magnificence of the place. "Wow," she marveled. "Would you like me to store your bags in the guest room?" Nathalie offered. "Yes, thank you," Marinette smiled. "You can go explore the house to pass the time before dinner will be ready," Nathalie suggested, taking her bags to a room somewhere upstairs. Adrien bowed to her. "Shall we begin the grand tour?"
"Haha," she giggled at him. "Lead the way."


After their 'tour', Nathalie called the two of them to dinner. Gabriel was already there, eating his steak. "Are your meals always this fancy?" Marinette whispered. "Yep," Adrien hissed back. As they are in silence, the wind howled from the nearby window. "Oh, we forgot to ask you, how did you know about us wanting to go to Tibet?" Adrien asked. "Master Fu told me," Gabriel replied, finishing the last bit of food from his plate. "Did he tell you why we were going?" Marinette added. "No, he said it would be best if I didn't know," he answered. Adrien had a hard time asking the last question on his mind. "Why did Mom have to go to Tibet?
Gabriel sighed before answering. "Hawkmoth had never liked our family. Always had been jealous. He took it out once on your mother's family. Then she spoke of something that could defeat him, so he would never bother us again. She took a trip to Tibet, and never returned."
"But, Hawkmoth only got the butterfly miraculous a few months ago," Marinette pointed out. "Even without his miraculous, he was powerful. He had the ability to manipulate the desires of others, even without the akumas," Gabriel sighed regrettably. "Did Mom hold a miraculous?" Adrien peeped. "She had the peacock miraculous. When she disappeared in Tibet, the miraculous was the only thing of hers found. So I kept it in a safe, in memory of her," he said. Adrien nodded slowly, becoming more sympathetic for his father. He was strict because maybe, his father didn't want to lose him too. "Well, I'm stuffed," Marinette finished up her food. "Me too," Adrien just noticed his plate was empty. "You two better get some rest. Your flight leaves very early," Gabriel handed them flight tickets to Tibet. "Thank you, father," Adrien managed a smile. Marinette headed up to her guest room first. Adrien was about to follow when his father stopped him. "While you're in Tibet for whatever reason, please, be careful. I already lost your mother, I don't need to lose you too. And, if you see your mother, tell her I miss her dearly."
Adrien smiled sadly, and to his own surprise, he hugged his father for the first time in a while. "I'll try," he nodded, then headed to his room.


Everyone in the house was asleep by now. The only ones who were awake were Tikki and Plagg. They perched on top of the mansion, staring out into the city. "You see that? It looks like a bunch of bright Camembert," Plagg sighed wistfully. Tikki rolled her eyes. "If I had to try cheese, you're trying cookies," she pulled out a cookie she saved from earlier. Plagg widened his eyes. "Is it good?"
"It's better than cheese," she stuck out her tongue and broke off a piece of the cookie to give to him. He accepted it and took a tiny bite with no remark, only a small, satisfied smile made it on his lips. "You like it, don't you," Tikki cooed. "Hmm, still not as good as Camembert," he mused. After a while, he broke off another piece of the cookie and ate it. Tikki grinned. "You liiiiike itttt!"
"You like Camembert too, so I guess we're even."
"No!" Plagg stuck out his tongue. Tikki blew a raspberry at him, and they threw cookie crumbs at each other till the waxing gibbous moon became a full moon at the stroke of midnight.
Wooooo look! Another chapter (this one's kinda bad, I know)! I feel like this thing is gonna be Tikki x Plagg and Adrienette, but you have no problems with that, right? Anyway,mplease comment feedback on this story, and I'd like it if you shared this story to others!

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