Chapter 12

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Adrien could barely sleep that night. When morning came, you can clearly tell he didn't get enough rest. The "perfect model son" was now a little less perfect. His eyes drooped. Dark circles surrounded his eyes.
"You don't look any better than I do," Marinette came out of her room, yawning. Her hair was a mess, and dark circles also circled her eyes. "How can I sleep when Plagg and Tikki are missing?" Adrien sighed. "That stupid prophecy those people had was right; all magic comes with a price. Why did it have to be the kwamis?"
"I don't think it was a prophecy. When we were in the park, didn't you feel that little gust of wind heading the opposite direction as the rest of the breeze?" Marinette pointed out. "It could've been someone literally whisking them away from us. And didn't Master Fu say that this place was a bad place for magical beings?"
"This is also the center for magical beings. Why would it be dangerous?" Adrien raised an eyebrow. "Maybe magical fights, ransom for items, or in our case, for small magic entities," she suggested. "Then Plagg and Tikki have got to be around here somewhere," he started to brighten up. "Yea, but let's hope to find them and 'Hawkmoth's weakness' before that villain decides to expand his domination," Marinette headed out the door, with Adrien following behind, eating a crossiant.


Rin, Sofia, Lindsey and Katsina were already in the park, waiting for the duo. The gauntlet was wielded by Lindsey, who seemed unsure if the thing was safe to hold. "It's a gauntlet, Linds, it's not going to blow up in your face," Sofia chuckled. "You don't know that," Lindsey replied. "Actually, I do know, since I've seen weapons and how they work, and gauntlets are not explosives," she pointed out.
Katsina eyed Adrien and Marinette as they approached. "Your kwamis are gone, aren't they," she guessed. "How did you know?" Adrien asked, although he was very sure he already knew the answer. "I know magic. Kwamis are magic entities who give off a tingling vibe. And yesterday, it abruptly stopped as soon as we left the museum," Katsina shrugged. "Wait, wait," Marinette held up her hands, "you knew Tikki and Plagg were gone, and you didn't say anything??"
"Many magical items give off tingles too. Don't blame her for assuming that it was just the room," Sofia crossed her arms. Marinette sighed in defeat. As much as she hated it, she couldn't blame anyone. Except for whoever supposedly took her little friends. She was going to give them a well deserved whack in the head. With a yoyo. And if she got a chance to be Ladybug again, then she would whack them with a lucky charm too.
"Well, I hope wherever they are, they're okay," Marinette sighed. "I'd offer to help look, but in a city like this, anyone can mask anyone's presence. It would take forever to find them," Rin spoke up. "Yea. As much as we want to help, whatever the gauntlet leads us to first is faster to find. After we find that, then finding your little friends should be eas—" He was cut off by a deafening screech. "Okay, what was that?" Adrien peeped. "You have heard about how this city is the center for magical beings and items?" Sofia said. "That includes demigod-hunting monsters."
"Flipping sirens," Lindsey had a bow in her hand, and her backpack was now a quiver full of arrows (Adrien will never understand how these weapons appeared out of nowhere). Sofia unsheathed a sword that wasn't there before, Rin had his flying Converse and pistol, and Katsina had twin daggers. "What are sirens? Like police sirens?" Marinette questioned. Rin shook his head. "Sirens as in the ones that change their form to match the face of the one you had loved and lost."
"Sounds like a nightmare," Adrien muttered. "They are nightmares," Sofia gritted her teeth.

The siren approached, although instead of a screech, it seemed to be singing something. Maybe Ariel's voice in The Little Mermaid? To Adrien, at first it looked like a vulture/human hybrid. When it landed, she seemed to be morphing into a full human. "Don't worry," a voice spoke in Adrien's head. "It's just me." It took him a while to figure out it was the siren who was talking to him. He looked up to see that the human form it decided to take on was his mother.

"My son, I have finally found you," she spread her arms like she wanted a hug. Adrien hesitated. "You're not really her," he pointed shakily. "That may be true, but deep inside, you want to believe so. How old were you when she left. 11? 12?" Her voice echoed in his mind.

"Adrien?" Marinette called, although her voice was muffled. All he could focus on was his 'mom', who was trying to walk closer. "Sometimes an illusion is better than reality," the siren spoke in his mind again. He shook his head hard before tackling it/her to the ground. "Where's my real mom?!" he demanded. "Such high hopes," her voice sounded like a pure now, "such wasted potential."
"Where is she?" he asked again. "If you try to find her, you'll never save your city in time. Let her come. If she doesn't, then there's no point in searching. Same with your, ah, small friend," her voice hissed. "How do you know about Plagg?" he screeched. I speak in your mind," she hummed, "Inknow what goes on in it too."
"Adrien!" Marinette shook his shoulder. "Whatever she's telling you, don't believe her!"
"All I speak is the truth," the siren said to him. "The girl is foolish. But what will you choose, dear boy? Your city, your small friend, or your mother? You have to choose one," her voice sang in his head. "Stop!" he scowled at her. He was barely aware of the convernsation the others were having around him.

"I can't get a clear shot!" he heard Lindsey complain. "She's got him trapped in one of those alluring mind convernsations!"
"I hope he can get out of her grasp. Any longer and he's done for," Sofia hissed. Marinette was still trying to shake him off of the siren, hoping that he can at least focus on somewhere other than the deathly convernsation.

"Decisions, decisions, they can really drive you crazy," she maintained her calm voice. She did resemble his actual mother so much it gave him a headache. Or was that just him thinking too much on his choices? "What will you choose, darling?" Adrien had shaken his head so hard he almost cracked his neck. He finally stepped back from her. "I don't have to choose one. I can find a way to find them all," he said shakily. Marinette pulled him back as Lindsey shot an arrow, Rin tossed a throwing knife, and Katsina shot a ray of magic at her. As she was disintegrating to ashes, her words echoed in Adrien's head. "Choose wisely."

"Are you okay?" Marinette waved her hand in front of his face. "Yea, yea, I'm okay," he panted. "Any longer, and you could've died from a mad headache," Rin said. "But I'm glad you managed to survive."
"Thanks," he managed to stand up. "Out of curiosity, what did she say?" Marinette asked. "She said I could only save one of three things. My mother, the kwamis, or the city of Paris," he sighed. "Is there even any questions that need to be asked?" Sofia questioned. Adrien was afraid she would choose only one, but she said, "We're going to try to save all of them."
"Think about it," Sofia gestured. "Sirens normally use their 'choices' to bait people, so that they would try to choose one. But by choosing one, that's what they want. So we can try to save them all to prove her wrong," Sofia explained. "You sure we can accomplish all of that?" Rin asked warily. "We have to," Lindsey spoke up. "Okay. So, first, do we follow the gauntlet?" Rin asked Katsina. She nodded, and held up the gauntlet. "We'd better hurry, then. I forgot to mention that we have a deadline for all of this."
"Come on! The faster we find this weakness of Hawkmoth, the faster we can try to find the kwamis, the faster we can try to find Adrien's mom if she's around, and the faster we can save Paris!" Marinette encouraged. "And I hope Alya and Nino are okay for now," she added in a small whisper. And they set off into the streets of a busy city.
What do you get when you're on writers block? A very strange chapter that actually makes 0% sense. I really hope the ending of the story makes up for all the chapters I failed at writing. Anyway, comment feedback, vote, and share? Thanks!

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