Chapter 17

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A/N: You might want to mentally prepare yourself I'm about to do what I do best; oh wait, no spoilers. Carry on!
"Please tell me you have other ideas on how to use that," Chat Noir eyed the knife worriedly.
Ladybug glanced around the room. Malina and Hawkmoth would be coming back in a few minutes, so she only had that long to come up with a plan. "I'm working on it."
In the reflection of the blade, she could see a network of pipelines above them, large enough to walk on.
"Maybe, we can take the battle off the ground," she suggested.
"Can't Hawkmoth fly?" Chat Noir questioned.
"He does have a butterfly miraculous, but I'm not sure. But I do know most of Hawkmoth's villains can't fly, so we have a bigger advantage up there," Ladybug explained.
"In that case, I'm with you." He outstretched his baton/staff and made his way on the pipeline, while Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo on a pipe and pulled herself up.

Soon enough, Malina was pulled back inside by a few more of Hawkmoth's villains. She had her hands tied behind her, and looked like she put up quite a struggle. "Resisting will only hurt you more," Hawkmoth said in a rather smooth voice.
"And not resisting would hurt me mentally more, so I see no difference," Malina spat.
Hawkmoth let out a disappointed sigh before noticing the two heroes' absence. "Where did those two troublemakers go?"
"Up here, little butterfly," Chat Noir waved down at them.
Hawkmoth sent a dirty glare their way.
"What's the matter? Can't fly up here to get our miraculouses? What you want?" Ladybug taunted. She had to admit, it was fun. She could understand why Chat Noir liked dissing villains with cat puns.
He kept his glare on them. Rather than zooming up to deal with the duo himself, he turned towards his villain companions. "Get them."

There were many ways Ladybug's plan could've gone wrong. The villains could knock them off the pipeline and they could get mobbed. They could call so many reinforcements, assuming that there would be some that can fly.
"What do we do?" Chat Noir asked.
Ladybug handed him her lucky charm knife as she saw Hawkmoth place Malina in the corner of the room before heading out.

"And where are you going?" Malina coughed at Hawkmoth. "You're running away?"
"No," Hawkmoth scoffed. "I'm going to have a private talk with my cousin."
And he left, with Ladybug trailing him from behind without him seeing.


Now that Chat Noir was left alone, he started to panic. How was he going to defeat all of these villains on his own?
If only he had Ladybug's lucky vision, that would make his life a lot easier.
Now think, he told himself, you've been in this studio a lot of times. What will help you?
His eyes drifted to a barrel on the floor. It looked like those containers full of smoke for special effects. If too much is inhaled, it puts people into a state of sleep. He wondered......
But there was no way he could use his catyclysm on the barrel without touching it. Then he remembered he held Ladybug's knife. Could his catyclysm stay on the knife long enough for it to hit the barrel.
"One way to find out," he sighed. Forgive me Ladybug.
He called for his catyclysm and grasped the knife. Not paying attention on whether the catyclysm stuck or not, he hurled it towards the large barrel.
At first, nothing happened. "Damn it," he muttered, but was quickly relieved when he saw the rust creep up the barrel. Within seconds, the barrel was gone, and a smoky screen spilled out all over the room.

"Malina!" Chat Noir jumped down from the pipelines, far from the villains. It was still weird to call his own mom by her name.
She looked up and over to the villains in smoke. "What's going on?"
Chat Noir untied the ropes around her hands. "Unless we want to be asleep like them, I suggest we go."
They ran out the door of the room and shut it closed.
"Smart idea," Malina smiled.
"Not smart enough," a voice behind them said. A boy stood a little down the hall from them. Now that they had a closer look at him, they could see his outfit had little feathers on it.
"Who are you?" Chat Noir readied his staff.
"They call me Dreamcatcher," the boy bowed.
"That explains the feathers," Chat Noir nodded slowly.
Dreamcatcher's glare hardened. "Just because Hawkmoth can't kill you doesn't mean I can't. He never said anything about needing you alive to get your miraculous." He twirled his hand, and an exact replica of Ladybug's lucky charm knife spun in his palm. "And, thanks for the weaponry idea. This means I can make your death quick."

The next few moves were a blur. Chat Noir couldn't hit him, and neither could Malina; it was like trying to hit a hallucination. But Dreamcatcher could land some hits on him. After a minute or two, Chat Noir was knocked off his feet when he hit a wall.
"Have any last words? Too bad," Dreamcatcher brought the knife down towards Chat Noir's neck.
He shut his eyes and expected to feel a wrenching pain as he died. But he felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

A/N: Muahahahahahahaha how do you like the ending? In shock yet? Stay tuned for the next episode!!!
I'm kidding, the chapter's not over yet. Consider that your commercial break. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the episode/chapter! I hope!
"Hello, cousin," Hawkmoth sneered at Gabriel, who was handcuffed to a chair.
"What do you want, Felix?" Gabriel huffed. (A/N: I keep hearing Felix Agreste everywhere and I'm confused who that is, so I just borrowed his name for Hawkmoth lol)
"Whatever you have now, will be mine," Hawkmoth taunted. "When I get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses, I'll have the ability to defy the laws of magic. I'll be able to bring back the dead, make none fall completely in love, and change the past."
"There will be deep consequences for your selfishness," Gabriel hissed.
"With that godly ability, consequences will be non-existence," Hawkmoth dismissed it.
"You're not a god yet," a voice came from out the door.
Ladybug twirled her yo-yo and smacked Hawkmoth straight on the head. Naturally, being caught by surprise, Hawkmoth couldn't move out of the way. He crumpled to the floor, unconscious.
"We don't have much time," she used her yo-yo on wire cut to slice the handcuffs.
"Ladybug! My wife, she's—"
"I know, I know," Ladybug pulled him up. "We need to see if they need help."

They ran out into the halls and looked around wildly. As they approached a turn, however, they heard a small gasp, and a cry. Chat Noir's cry. They hurriedly ran to the corner just in time to see Malina collapse right by Chat Noir's feet, and a teenage boy holding a knife with fresh blood.
Alright, now that's the end of the chapter. Now, raise of hands, who did I put in shock? Don't be shy!
2 or 3 chapters till the actual end of the book, so till then, please vote, leave feedback comments, and share this story! Lots of love💙

Update: this story is so close to 4k reads omg please help me get there, thanks!

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