Chapter 7

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Manon didn't like teleporting. Especially in puffs of smoke. As far as she knew, she had been standing with Nino and Uni (Alya) when something invisible picked her up and carried her off. She had been too surprised to scream, and when her two babysitters found her in the alley, whoever had carried her off decided to teleport in smoke to this warehouse. "Where are we?" Manon called out to no one in particular. After all, the place looked deserted. "Just some place to keep you long enough for people to notice that you're missing," someone in the room said. "What for?" Manon had a little attitude in her voice. "I know how much Chat Noir and Ladybug care for you," the person said. Being the smart-arsed girl she was, she started firing questions. "What if they're not in town? Maybe they are taking a holiday?" The voice didn't respond. Manon thought back to the strange villain that had attacked the city in the morning, before Alya came to look after her. Ladybug and Chat Noir didn't come to the rescue, but an elderly man wearing a green mask did. That would mean the normal two heroes were out of town, right?
"You might be right," the person muttered. "That means I have no use for you anymore." And Manon disappeared in another puff of smoke. The person took off their invisibility cloak to reveal a man in a purple suit, with a butterfly brooch clipped on it. Hawkmoth. "Thank you for helping me, SmokeScreen, your services are no longer needed," Hawkmoth said. A girl about 15 years old appeared in a puff of smoke, and glared at the ground. Hawkmoth never revoked akumatized victims' powers, but if they don't draw out his nemesis, they were practically useless. SmokeScreen was engulfed in white light, and turned back into a girl wearing a light blue-green shirt and grey jeans. Better known as Mireille. "What happened?" Mireille blinked. "Where am I?" By then, Hawkmoth was already gone, leaving Mireille to find her own way home.


(A/N: I have never been to Tibet, so this is all on my imagination. Please don't expect to find any of here places if you take a vacation there.) The plane landed in Tibet. Tikki and Plagg hid back in one of the luggage bags. Nathalie came into their cabin to check in. "Are you two ready to go?"
"Yea," Marinette yawned, and Adrien nodded. "That was a long nine hours," she blinked to keep awake. "But I made it all worthwhile," Adrien winked. When Nathalie was out of earshot, Marinette whispered to him, "Your Chat is showing."
"My apologies," he bowed jokingly. She giggled as they exited the plane.

As soon as they stepped outside the airport, Marinette was immediatly awed. The city lights shone brightly, but not bright enough to block out the sight of glittering stars in the sky. "Wow," Marinette marveled, taking another look around. Shops were booming with business, despite it being late at night. "So, where are we staying at, Nathalie?" Adrien asked. "The hotel is only an hour's drive away," Nathalie informed as she called a taxi. Except, it wasn't exactly a cab. It was a black, mini limousine. Nathalie climbed in first, and took the shotgun/passenger seat. Marinette's jaw dropped lower as she whispered to Adrien, "Are your travels always this luxurious and expensive?"
"Not always. But dear old dad does try his best," he chuckled lightly, though his eyes showed he was feeling the opposite of happy. Marinette smiled lightly, eyeing him with those bluebell eyes of hers. "What's wrong?" she asked as they got into the limo. His green eyes gazed back at her. "I'll tell you one day. But not now." She decided to let the subject drop from convernsation, but definitely not from her mind. She could see a little sadness lingering in him, and she kept wondering why for the entire ride there.

When they arrived at the hotel, Marinette's jaw dropped once again. "This is no hotel, it's a freaking palace!" she gasped, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Adrien chuckled, smiling at her. She looks awfully cute when she's excited, he thought, the sight of her cheering him up immediatly. "Come along," Nathalie managed a small smile as she walked past the doorman, giving him a little nod.
After checking into their suite, they tossed their luggage into their own rooms. The suite was split into 4 different rooms, 3 bedrooms, and one living room (with a bathroom). It's been a long day of travel, and Marinette couldn't stay awake long enough to admire the room. "I advise you two to get some sleep. Goodnight," Nathalie walked into her room. Marinette didn't have to be told twice. She walked to her room and collapsed on the bed. Tomorrow might be a long day, she thought, I need to get all the rest I can.


Alya had been stressing about Manon's disappearance all day. She wished Marinette was around; she knew that kid better than she did. But unfortunately, she had to go on a trip with her not-so-little crush. Alya was happy for her, sure, but it was emergencies like these where she wished she hadn't encouraged her to go spend time with her love. Ughhhh, hopefully Ms. Chamack was optimistic and didn't take out her anger on, well, anyone. She was about to give up when she stopped in front of a forest. Since when did Paris have a forest nearby? A girl, who she couldn't see too well, walked out of the forest, stumbling. "Manon? Is that you?" Alya called. The girl seemed to look at her. "Who's Manon?"
Awe, dam, I'm sorry this chapter really sucks. It's probably going to be boring for te next few chapters, so I hope you are patient! So, please give feedback and share this story, thank you💙

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