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addressed to joo raehyun

rae, i miss you. :(

please write back. how's jiyeo doing?



"hey–jiyeo? what are you doing here?"
"i wanted to see my best friend. is that bad?" she smiled sadly
i grinned, "i guess not. i missed you,"
her smile faltered but maybe it was my eye playing tricks on me, "right back at ya, rae."

"THAT WASN'T EVEN FUNNY!!" 2 hours later in my room and empty pints of ice cream and chocolate cookies. it was fun catching up to jiyeo

she's gonna go study abroad in a few weeks and said taehyung already ended things between. which i still question, but she would answer me with "we wouldn't handle a long distance relationship very well." it was sad but she brushed it off by saying they're still good friends.

and then she mentioned someone that made raehyun's heart ache.

"heard he's a trainee at BigHit." she said, munching on a cookie
i sigh and gave a small smile, "he's gonna debut soon, but he didn't tell me what date."

she was silent for no good reason and i was curious. she's never been silent around me, even with jungkook. unless..she's hiding something

no, jiyeo wouldn't hide anything from me, would she?

after 7 hours of waiting in line i finally got my semester schedule and class started yesterday...sigh

welp double update bc #ican

and maybe i won't be able to for a few days but i will try my best!

happy reading lovelies ;)

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