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"mianhe, i got dismissed from class late." i apologized as i made my way to the locker room to change into my daycare uniform. cracking the code to my locker i immediately stuffed all of my belongings while taking off my shoes in a rushed manner that my visioned was covered with hair.

"hyun-ah! you're here!" yeonhwa, the only person that i considered to be my close friend as it seemed that all of the workers here are old or middle aged. plus, we're both 17

buttoning my pastel pink blouse while adjusting the red ribbon that came along with it in place and zipping on my work shorts as i put on my gray loafers. putting my hair in a low ponytail before greeting yeonhwa, "what happened? got another tantrum crisis from that junyeong kid?"

she shook her head before pursing her lips from the smile she's holding. "nah, i got that covered. it's that su-jil kid. he wants you as his personal caretaker."

i raised my brow up and bit the inside of my cheek. "what does he want now? isn't he old enough to be in this daycare center?"

"give it a try, hyun. he's only 15, nothing wrong with that." but i rejected the idea

"i'm not in the mood to take care of a fifteen year old spoiled brat." slamming my locker in complete irritation. "besides, he should be in school. not in a daycare center."

she sighed at my irritation. "hyun-ah, he's diagnosed with leukemia. have you forgotten that?"

"which also points out that he doesn't need to be here. he's sick, so why did his parents put him here?"

staring at me with sad eyes, i apologised.

smiling faintly as she lick her lips. "he's going to foster care tomorrow."

snorting. "i should care...because?"

"his parents died in a plane crash."

that made me gasp in shock and tears sprung to my eyes but end up pushing them away. "h-how..? what? oh god..."

"i'm sorry..."


a/n: hello guys :) hope everybody's doing alright. 

a lot of you have been very supported ever since and i thank you guys a lot. 

but i'm afraid that THIS will be the very last chapter of prose. 

i know i'll be a disappointment to some of you. /sigh/ i already am a disappointment in life

but i'll write an epilogue to this don't worry. i'm just reallyyy sorry i had to end it this way. 

i'm really sorry. it's not that i didn't enjoy this journey with you guys but-life just gets in the way. /sigh/

oh yea, almost forgot. they were amazing at mbc show champion. i teared up at the sight of them tbh. 

hope u guys understand. again, i'm really sorry. 

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