Ice and Fire: A George Weasley Love Story

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Hey guys this is Ice and Fire: A George Weasley Love Story. I originally had this on quizilla but wasnt getting a lot of views so now im trying here.


Okay, so here’s some info ‘bout me:

Name: Ellie Valerina Underwood


Age:16 (same year as the twins)

Height: 5 foot 6 inches

Roommates: Hermione, Angelina, and Ginny

Friends: EVERYONE! (except for those slimy Slytherins!)

I am 5'6 and have brown hair and blue eyes


I was hangin’ in the Gryffindor common room when my BFF Angelina and her boyfriend, Fred came over, George not too far behind with a sullen looking expression on his face.I have had a crush on him since 3rd year so I naturally became upset when I saw him looking so upset.

“What’s wrong Georgie?”I asked with a slight smile curling at my lips.

“Shutup Ellie, I’m having a bad day.” He replied glaring at me.

I had a reputation of being very VERY sensitive and I stood up saying.

“WELL SOOOOOORRRRYYYYY! I have a tendency to care about my friends feelings!” I then ran into my room. I heard Ginny come into the room and sit down on my bed.

“What’s wrong Ellie?” She asked.

I looked into her eyes, which were full of worry and concern. I smiled inside of myself; I absolutely loved how my friends cared so much about me.

“Ok, I will tell you what’s wrong if you promise not to tell ANYONE.” When she nodded, I continued. “Well you see, I have kinda had this crush on George since 3rd year and I hate how he hates me so much…”

“It’s okay Ellie, Fred and George are jerks sometimes, and ya know….. George is just having on off day because he’s tired of being pushed away from Fred.” Ginny replied.

“Oh, I understand how it feels when your twin abandons you for someone else. It totally sucks.” I sighed, remembering everything from when I was a kid.

Ginny looked confused. “What do you mean Ellie?”

I looked at her, silent tears falling down my cheeks. “I used to have a twin, but she was, along with my other 13 siblings and my dad, murdered when I was only 8 years old by Antonin Dolohov.”

Ginny’s eyes widened. “OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sooooooooooooooo sorry! I had no idea! Why did he do that to your family?!?!?!?!”

I looked at her, and the tears came more heavily and that’s when Angelina and Hermione burst into the room and Angelina ran over and hugged me tight and the four of us set to gossiping about the latest stuff and who’s dating who. Before you knew it we were all in our pj’s and sound asleep in bed.

The next morning we all got ready for school and we were walking down the steps into the common room when last night’s events coursed through my mind. I stopped and Ginny smiled at me and then she held out her arm dramatically and I laughed and took it and the two of us skipped the rest of the way down.

Hermione said. “I’m amazed! Ellie didn’t fall on her face!” Mainly because I had another reputation as “The Klutz.”

I heard a yell behind me and I saw my other best friend, Lilly Abbott (the only Abbott that is in Gryffindor), running I turned around to see Fred and George beside themselves with laughter and I storm over there and say

“Now, before I kill the two of you, would you like to tell me why you did that?”

George said, before Fred could stop him. “Well, Frederick here has a crush on her! Oh and by the way sorry about last night, didn’t mean to say that I was just a little…. Well upset.”

“It’s okay.” I said

Fred was pissed off but walked over to Lilly and started talking to her, before you knew it Lilly was squealing with delight and I rushed into the dorm room to find Angelina looking out the window. I walked over to her and she looked at me and I asked her if she was alright and she said

“Well I had broken up with him in the first place so yes, yes I am.” She smiled but I knew there was more to it than what met the eye, but I shrugged and hugged her then we went downstairs to meet everyone else.

When we got down I looked around and saw that the room was filled 2 the rim with smoke and it smelled like a dragon’s end.

“FRED AND GEORGE ARE DEAD!!” I screamed over the chaos.

And then Lilly skipped over to me and said

“OMG YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE…” She stopped when she saw Angelina next to me. “Ummmm…. I GOT AN A ON LAST WEEKS POTIONS EXAM!”

“Nice cover but we saw it all.” Angelina said. “Anyways today is the first day of classes.”

Lilly smiled and said. “Well, sorry.”

Angelina told Lilly it was ok than Lilly skipped off to find Fred. Angelina and I then plugged our noses and left the common room. When we got outside, we bumped into none other than the Weasley Twins themselves.

“Enjoying the chaos?” Angelina asked. Looking away from Fred and mainly looking at George.

“Yes. We are.” They replied in unison.

“Well, I’m hungry.” I said before skipping down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I had a tendency to not give a crap to what others thought of me.

I was eating pancakes and looking at my new schedule for the new year. Here it is




Free Period


Ancient Runes



“UGH!” I said. “I thought I dropped out of divination!”

It turns out I had Transfiguration, Double Potions, and Divination with Angelina, Double Potions, Free Period, and Charms with Lilly, and Transfiguration and Free Period with the Twins.

“Well,” said George. “Looks like you’re stuck listening to Trelawny talk about seeing the future and reading tea leaves all year.”

“Shutup.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “It’s not my fault my mom thinks it’s a good idea!”

“Wow, I didn’t know you could be so…mean!”George faked crying and then we all laughed and walked off to our classes all the while I couldn’t get him out of my head.

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