Chapter 8

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When I walked down into the kitchen and smelled the pancakes, it was like I went to heaven. I had some pancakes and then went back upstairs, took a shower, got dressed, and went outside into the winter wonderland.

It was absolutely beautiful outside. I twirled around in my step and felt like the princess in the Nutcracker. Before you knew it I felt a light tap on my left shoulder. I turned around and saw George standing there. I smiled at him and he said

“May I have this dance?” Bowing dramatically.

“Of course, sir.” And we danced around in the snow to absolutely no music at all. We didn’t care though. We were laughing and smiles were all over both of our faces. George smiled and dipped me low so my head was in the snow. Sadly, I wasn’t wearing a hat so my head was freezing.

“Pull me up pull me up! THE SNOW IS REALLY COLD!” I said. He laughed and pulled me up and said

“Really? I never would have guessed!” He smirked and I laughed and we continued to dance for a long time. When we were tired we just stood there. And then George leaned down and picked up some snow but before he could throw it at me I had put some down the back of his shirt.

“Of course you know, this means WAR!” He said, throwing some snow that hit me in the stomach. About an hour after we had started our snowball fight we walked in and it was 3 in the afternoon, we had been outside for 6 hours! When we got in there we received smiles from everyone in the room my hair was covered with a carpet of snow so I did that thing that dogs do and shook it all off, most of it hitting George. I laughed, really hard.

“That wasn’t nice at all!” He said, feigning being upset. I laughed and sat down at the table next to Ginny. I looked at her, knowing all too well that she would want to know everything that happened outside. So, I whispered in her ear

“I’ll tell you everything later.”

She smiled and nodded. Fred looked over and said

“Oh God, they are whispering, protect your feet!” I laughed remembering when I stomped on his foot yesterday.

George looked over and said, “I don’t have to worry, Ellie doesn’t have the guts to hurt ME!

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” I said smirking at him. George smirked back.

“Well, I guess I have permission to prank.”

“You know what we need now?” I said.

“What?” Asked Ginny.

“I think this calls for……A PRANK WAR! Boys vs. Girls! Losers have to do everyone’s chores for a week.” I heard a chorus of “It’s on’s” and “YEAH’s” but then Mrs. Weasley stepped in and said

“THERE IS GOING TO BE NO PRANK WARS UNDER THIS ROOF OR ON MY PROPERTY!” Everyone was a little upset but no one dared argue with her. We all sighed but then everyone went off and did their own thing. Hermione, Harry, and Ron went to Ron and Harry’s room, Fred and George went to their room, probably to plan their next prank, and Ginny and I went to our room. When we got there she looked at me and said

“Okay Ellie, now spill.” I smiled and laughed. I told her how we waltzed around for 4 hours or so (long time right?) and then had a snow ball fight. The snow in my hair was from when George dipped me and my head fell in the snow. She smiled and said

“Ya know, George really loves you.”

“I know,” I said smiling, “And I really love him.”

The next couple days went by quite similar to one another, everyone did everything they could to make sure George and I could be together more, even though I insisted I help prepare for Christmas Eve dinner. But, neither of us minded. We spent a lot of time, outside, in the snow. You would think I didn’t like snow, with my ability to set myself on fire, but I loved snow. One night (the day before Christmas Eve), George and I were lying down in the snow, looking at the sky. And George looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. It was like in those fairytales right? Well, I thought it was. On Christmas Eve, I heard a knock on the door. I had been downstairs on the couch talking to Harry about tactics for the next task and we looked at the door. Mrs. Weasley rushed to it muttering something about it being rude to visit people on Christmas Eve when they should be with their own family.

Well, she ate her mutterings when she opened the door to see Billy and Charlie at the door. She gave them both huge hugs. Charlie looked around saw me, and I jumped up and ran over and gave him a huge hug. Charlie always thought I was awesome and I did with him. He WAS awesome anyways.

“What’s up Ellie?” Charlie asked ruffling my hair.

“Nothing much.” I said fixing my hair.

“I hear you’re dating my brother.” He inquired looking at me with a grin on his face.

“Yeah, I'm dating George.” I said. I couldn’t help but grin. I tried really hard but I couldn’t keep a straight face. Charlie grinned. Billy looked at me and winked. I smiled even bigger. I loved it here.

We spent the rest of the day laughing, joking, and hanging out. I looked over and saw that Harry was standing apart from everyone else. I caught Ginny’s eye then looked at Harry and she blushed then smiled and nodded and went over to Harry and talked to him. Very soon afterwards she grabbed his hand and the two of them sat down on the couch and started having their own conversation. I smiled and stood up and walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I thought of the last Christmas I had spent with my family, as in all of them, not just my mom. We always had a great time, just like here. A tear started rolling down my cheek but a hand stopped it.

“I won’t have my girlfriend crying on Christmas Eve.” I heard George say. He kissed me softly and slowly where he had stopped the tear. I smiled and the two of us sat there in a silence that was comfortable. When everyone came in for dinner we stayed where we were. Ginny sat down on my other side and smiled at me. I looked at her and smiled. After dinner, George and I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. We stayed there, holding hands, silent for a long time. After a while I said

“Well I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed.” He smiled and we stood up and he walked me up to Ginny and my room. He looked at me and he took both my hands in his and kissed me. It was magic; no pun intended it was gentle, slow. I kissed him back. I could feel the fireworks.

“Happy Christmas.” He whispered, smiling ear-to-ear. I smiled back and said

“Happy Christmas.” He stood there and watched me walk into the room. When I closed the door I smiled and sighed a happy sigh. I leaned against the door and slide down slowly. Ginny saw how happy I looked and woke up Hermione (She stays in Ginny’s room too) and the two of them came over and they asked me why I was so happy.

I sighed and said “George kissed me, like a real kiss, my first kiss, there were fireworks. It was perfect.” They looked at me and squealed with delight.

“Congratulations!” They both said. I fell asleep dreaming of that kiss.

Ice and Fire: A George Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now