Chapter 2

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Well, after classes I walked into my dorm just for a sec and noticed something, my eyes. I mean, I have seen them before but…. They looked just like my dad’s… I felt a tear, but wiped it away, fixed my makeup and went downstairs. I sat down between Fred and George and they started laughing as soon as I sat down. I shot up quickly.

“What did you do?” I asked… more like demanded.

“Whadoya mean?” Fred asked, with a very good poker face. BUT, I know him too well and I saw right through it.

“Very funny. Well I’m gonna work on my homework… catch up with you guys later. Okay?”

They nodded and I headed up to my room. I sat down on my bed and stared at my stupid potions crap that virtually no one except Hermione likes… I prefer Charms class.


Seconds later Hermione burst…. No barreled…. No EXPLODED through the door and sat down next to me… glaring at me might I add. Tehe.

Well we got started… and finished in about 2 hours. Fun.

After we finished my homework I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, gosh things were weird… but more on that later.

I was sitting in the common room late that night, after everyone had filed up to bed.I was staring at the fire and could only remember the fighting, all the disasters in my life. I tear rolled down my cheek. I shook my head and walked to my room, and went to bed.

The next day I went through my normal rigorous day and my stupid classes… grrrrrr. On my way to the Great Hall for a snack, I saw two siblings fighting, and remembered all the times I had fought with my siblings long ago… yeah; suddenly I wasn’t so hungry… I decided to head back up to the Gryffindor Common Room instead. When I got in it seemed all eyes were on me…. normally this didn’t bug me as much, but whatever.

When I was passing the couch I heard two people grab my wrists and drag me backwards. Normally I woulda flipping hit this/these person/people, but I guess I didn’t feel like it. I just let these people drag me.

“Ellie, we have this awesome idea for a prank.” I turned and saw Fred and George smiling.

“Not in the mood.” I said. They responded with blank stares of confusion.

“HUH?!?!?! You’ve NEVER EVER turned down a prank!” said Fred.

“What’s wrong….?” From George.

I thought about it…… no, I can’t tell them…..

“What’s wrong with you…. Gosh Ellie.” Piped Fred.

I shook my head and ran to my dorm.

Soon I heard the door open up again and saw Angelina, Hermione, and Ginny sitting around me on my bed.

“What is this, some kind of cult or something?

“What’s up E, you seem to be pretty upset lately.” Angelina asked.

“Ginny, I think it’s time I explain this.” Ginny nodded and I dove into the story of my life.

“When I was 8 years old, I was hangin around with my slightly large family (13 siblings and two parents), when the door was slammed down and Antonin Dolohov was standing there… my parents and older siblings fought them and me and the younger ones ran away, but most of them died. The family continued to fight Dolohov off, but with no luck.

Eventually, my dad, and all of my siblings (yes all 13 of them) were lying on the ground dead. My mom eventually defeated Dolohov though sadly failed to kill him, she has always hated killing things. Luckily, there was a loft above the store that my mom worked in that we moved our stuff into. When we went back to our old house my mom sent me in to burn the house. When the house was completely burned down to ashes my mom found me in the center of the house crying my eyes out but completely unharmed.

When I finished telling my story I had tears rolling slowly and quietly down my cheeks. When I calmed down we went into the common room where Lilly explained everything to Fred and George and Lilly and Fred sat down and Angelina and Ginny went back upstairs and Hermione went to hang out with Harry and Ron. That just left me and George. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

George looked at me and asked me if I wanted to go out on a walk with him. I nodded and off we went.

Ice and Fire: A George Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now