Chapter 4

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Wow you guys, this story is really horrible isn't it? Jesus... Sorry I wrote this when I was in like, the 7th grade... Enjoy!


The next morning at 7:30 am I looked at my calendar, it was November 15. Well, 15 days until I get on a plane for 2 days to go to Hollywood. Fun.

My phone went off, but I grabbed it before it woke anyone up, it WAS Saturday after all, they need to sleep. It was a text from Matt. It said

Heyy Ellie, How are you? Can’t wait to see you, anything new going on at school? ;P From, Matt

I smiled and decided he could wait until after breakfast for my reply.

Oh and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but this year is the Triwizard Tournament. Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory are representing Hogwarts. Fleur Delecour is representing Bueaboughtons. And Viktor Krum is representing Durmstrang. And on November 30, there is a Yule Ball. And since I was sitting next to George he just looked at me and we both nodded and I rested my head on his shoulder and that was that. I smiled and I heard a bang and a scream outside of the Great Hall. Then I stopped smiling and looked over, along with everyone else in the Great Hall. I’d blame it on Fred and George but they were next to me so it couldn’t be them. Unless, they gained the ability to cause mischief without trying. Crap that would end the world.

Fred, George, and I walked into the hallway to see who took our job as the pranksters. It turns out the bang was Malfoy hexing Fleur because she wouldn’t go to the Yule Ball with him. I ran over to Fleur (over the past few weeks we had become good friends) and helped her up. I told her to run off to the rest of her classmates.

“How cute.” I heard Malfoy say. I stood up; fists clenched, and turned around.

“I swear Malfoy, you fail at life.” I said. I heard Fred and George snickering behind me. Before I knew it, Malfoy was pointing his wand at me. I had mine pointing at him before you could blink.

“EXPELLIARMUS!” Malfoy screamed. Now my wand was in his other hand. Fred and George started to run to my side but I stopped them.

“I can handle this.” I said. They looked at me funny but they both knew I was really strong. They had learned that from experience. Malfoy sneered.

“Yeah, you can totally handle this, when last time you ended up nearly dying.”

“So did you.” I shot back.

He frowned, then shrugged, then smirked. Ugh I hated that smirk. If I had a galleon for every time someone wanted to kill him, I WOULD NEVER HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! I could just sit at home. Well actually, I would have enough money that NOBODY would have to work or do anything!

I looked at him, and then I smirked, then closed my eyes and concentrated. Before you knew it I could feel the fire flaring on my skin. I took a couple more deep breathes and the fire turned into a fiery monferno. I opened my eyes and raised my hand, palm facing Malfoy. He was awestruck and frozen in place. The fire around me flew to my arm, twisting around my arm and then, it shot towards Malfoy so quickly there was no time for him to react. In the end, I got 2 months of detention and a wink from Professor McGonagall. So I knew she was happy I taught the slimy ferret a lesson. Of course I was bombed with questions and comments from Fred and George. Apparently Lilly never told them about my magical power.

“THAT WAS AMAZING!” They said in unison.

“You sure taught HIM a lesson!”George said.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Fred asked.

“Especially me!” George said. He looked upset but before I could say anything he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

“OKAY, OKAY BREAK IT UP. IM STILL HERE!” Fred said. We all laughed and then we walked back to the common room. And when we got into the common room I started to work on my homework but the Twins asked me if I wanted them to help them with their latest prank. I nodded and off we went. Ya, there are reasons that Fred, George and I are known as “The Pranksters.”

Well, we were walking around in Hogsmade and we OBVIOUSLY went to Zonko’s Joke Shop, our main supplier for pranks. It was bright and happy in there as always. When we were done shopping we left and went to the Three Broomsticks before I remembered I was going to meet Ginny and Angelina to look for dresses for the Yule Ball.

We went to three different stores but eventually we all found dresses. (Sidebar)

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