Chapter 15

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Three Weeks Later

When I woke up I took a shower and got ready for another day free of anything. I tried to push it away, but I had to admit, I was home-sick or well castle-sick, maybe I was just people-sick, to be more specific, friend-sick, I missed them and I had to admit it to myself, but I just couldn’t. If I did, I would’ve gone back to school, that would lead to admitting my weaknesses, and I couldn’t do that. Everyone would call me weak, and I couldn’t stand that. I was looking out the window when I saw Amy flying towards me, and it looks like she was flying with George’s owl too. She came in the window and dropped the letter on the floor, and flew over to the bed I made her and fell asleep. I opened the letter, it was from George

Hey Ellie,

How are you? How have you been? School is finished and everyone is home, why don’t you come? I mean, you wouldn’t possibly go an entire summer without me! Don’t answer that, hahaha. Write me back as soon as you can and let me know you’re answer, we all miss ya.

Love, George

I sat there and thought about it for a minute, then started packing, I put everything, and I mean everything, into my small little handbag (Ya the back pack was too hard to carry around) and got ready to go. I wrote back saying I was coming and gave it to Amy, and she flew off. I waited about five minutes, to ensure that Amy got there before I did. That wouldn’t be good if I showed up before the letter saying I was coming did. So, when I took off and got past the charms and jinxes and curses I set up to make sure that my house wouldn’t be caught, I couldn’t see it. I smiled; I did a good job there.

About an hour of flying later, I could see the Burrow, and I smiled and laughed to myself, though sadly failed to realize the speed I was still going at and accidently zoomed right past their house. I turned around and landed at the front door and knocked. Mrs. Weasley opened the door and hugged me tight.

“Have you been alright? George, Ginny, and well, everyone told me about what happened. I would be upset, but I'm just happy you’re alright.” She said

“I'm fine, it’s kinda lonely there, but, it’s quite peaceful there.” I assured her. She nodded and I walked into the living room and, well, that’s where everyone else was. Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, and George. I smiled. When they looked up and saw me they would have asked me questions, but they thought better of it. I sat down next to George, who engulfed me in a hug. I laughed and it settled into an awkward silence. I didn’t even want to know why everyone seemed so sad. I looked around, everyone was upset, and sad. Harry looked totally pissed off, Ginny and everyone else looked scared and upset.

“Okay, I can’t take it anymore, why are you guys all so upset?” I asked

“Cedric Diggory was murdered by Voldermort.” Harry told me.

“WHAT, you’re telling me he- he’s BACK!” I exclaimed. I was scared, I mean, here I was safe, but I mean, if Dolohov told Voldy about my abilities, then well I'm screwed. George squeezed my hand; he obviously knew that I was scared half to death. Harry nodded and I probably had a freaked out expression on my face because George asked me if I was alright and I nodded slightly, even though I was far from alright. I should have seen it coming, I mean, I had been going great, 3 weeks of nothing bad happening, and now, WHAM! I get slapped in the face with a bad event. UGH!

“Well then, this is not good.” I said

“NO DUH IT ISN’T GOOD ELLIE! WHILE YOU’VE BEEN OUT PLAYING HOUSE I GOT TO SEE CEDRIC DIGGORY GET MURDERED BY THE SAME GUY WHO KILLED MY FAMILY.” He shouted. I looked at him, actually, a better word for that would be glared at him, but it’s all the same.

“Calm down, Harry.” I said. He stormed out of the room, muttering something about me, and that I shouldn’t be here. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen and sat down. Mrs. Weasley came in and told me we were heading to Harry’s Godfather’s place. Then she explained the Order of the Phoenix to me. I nodded and just sat there, thinking. Well, after a while we all left to Grimmauld Place number 12.


I spent the rest of the summer there, and sadly, George was able to convince me to come back to school. I was upset, but not at him, no, I can’t stay mad at him, I fail at things like that. I sat down on my bed there and just sat there, I couldn’t think straight. My mind was a jumbled mess, twisting this way and that, like an impossible maze that even the wisest and best at mazes couldn’t get through it. I smiled at the thought of anyone trying to understand my mind even on a good day. When we went to Diagon Alley and got the supplies for our last year at Hogwarts, I looked at Fred and George and said

“You know, since this is our last year, we are going to have to prank enough so that it will be memorialized.”

Fred and George laughed “Ya, we will.” They said.

We walked around after we finished and I smiled. This was going to be a fun year, I hope everyone is prepared.


Well, with a new year, I should give the updated information about me so here it is

Age: 17 FINALLY!

Height: 5’8

There you go, that’s all that has changed.

On, the train I was sitting with Angelina, Lilly, Cece, and Remy (she is my other best friend). We all talked about how we were all excited about our last year of school, even though we all knew we would cry on the last day of school.

“Okay, I’m going to the bathroom to change; we will probably be at school soon.” They nodded and I went to the bathroom, and on my way back I heard a loud bang and turned around to see that Fred and George had played some pranks on a bunch of first years. I smiled and laughed but said

“Don’t scare the poor kids before they even get to school!” I said between giggles. I turned and started walking back to my compartment when one of the kids Fred and George pranked came up to me. It was a little girl with long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She tugged at my robes.

“Miss,” She said, “Could you get this dirt and smudge off of my face?”

“Yes, I can.” I told her. I kneeled down and seconds later she thanked me and skipped off back to her compartment. I got back to mine and got to sit there for like five minutes before it was time to go to school. I sighed and got ready for a year that no one is going to forget.

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