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Awwwww thank you so much for reading my story!!! Love ya!



Well, the wedding ended up being a lot more extravagant then I had wanted but even when I had asked George to side with me he looked at me and said

“Well, Ellie, if you’re lucky you will only get married once, so you might as well go all out.” That made Mrs. Weasley very happy. Bloody traitor. Well, I got over it, because that day turned into my favorite day ever.

When Mrs. Weasley finished getting me all glamed up for the wedding, she put me in front of the mirror and I gasped. I looked amazing no I LOOKED BEAUTIFUL! Then Mrs. Weasley hurried me out into the front yard, and I smiled. They had really outdone themselves once again. But I didn’t mind. I loved it, to tell the truth. And I saw my bridesmaids (Angelina, Ginny, Cece, and Hermione) walk in and then Mr. Weasley smiled at me (I had to walk in with him because my dad is dead *tear*) and I smiled and took his arm and smiled when we walked in.

The organ began to play a Wizard version of the wedding march and everyone stood up and turned to watch me and Mr. Weasley walk up the aisle. I saw my mom smile and wave, though she looked out of place with all these Wizards being around her and she being a Muggle. But that only made me happier. When we got to the altar, Mr. Weasley let me walk the rest of the way up to George, who, by the way, looked AMAZING in his tux. We faced each other and took each other’s hands and waited, listening to the man at the altar talk about the importance of the day.

When he got to the vows, they were full of “Yes” and “I do’s” and when the man looked at me and said

“Do you, Ellie Underwood, take George Weasley as your loving Husband?”

“I do.” I said, smiling at George.

“And you, George Weasley, take Ellie Underwood, as your caring Wife?”

“I do.” George said, smiling back.

“Then, by the power entrusted in me, pronounce you two bonded for life, you may now kiss the bride.”

George leaned in and kissed me and we heard clapping in the crowd and when we pulled away, everyone was standing. Sorta like a standing ovation.

Ron (the ring bearer) came up and handed the rings to us. And when I was looking at the ring I smiled, it was beautiful.

We smiled and walked to the center of the room, and people moved out of the way as a slow ballet started to play, and we danced. We actually did pretty good to tell you the truth. And soon, many people were dancing; you could literally see the happiness coursing its way around. I looked around and grins were plastered across everyone’s faces. I smiled and returned my attention back to George. And soon the music sped up and we were all moving fast.

It was so much fun, I couldn’t believe it. After the dancing was over, I walked over to my mom, who looked quite out of place and confused on what she should be doing. When she saw me, she congratulated me and I looked at her and said,

“Mom, leave, I know you feel uncomfortable, and I don’t want you to feel like that.” She sighed happily and congratulated me once more, then left. I smiled and then I felt and arm around my shoulder. I looked up at George (who was still a good amount taller than me), and smiled. He kissed my forehead and the two of us went outside and watched the stars shine. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. And there I knew that my life was perfect, and that nothing bad could happen to me every again. Or was I wrong?



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