Chapter 3

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George and I were walking down the stairs, and we just walked by the Great Hall. We were outside when it happened.

Malfoy saw us there and started walking towards us saying


“BUG OFF MALFOY.” I heard George say. Sadly, Malfoy caught when we both blushed, which only came to his famously annoying smirk deepening. I snuck a quick glance at George and I saw him looking up with a small grin on his face.

^Does he like being referred to as my boyfriend? ^ I thought.

No, he just like’s Malfoy’s stupidness, I mean George probably set up some sort of prank that Malfoy is walking into or something.

^First off, who are you? ^ I thought back.

Johnny Depp.


NO, I’m just your other inside voice.

^Oh, okay. Sigh. Now are you sure about George because he normally has a much better poker face when it comes to pranks. ^

Well, whatever I’m going now.

^kk ^


Now I was humming Poker Face by Lady Gaga and getting weird looks from both Malfoy and George. I looked up (both of them were like a lot taller than me) and said

“What? I can’t hum in Hogwarts? Is that some new rule I hadn’t heard of?” George smiled and Malfoy sneered.

“What do you want Malfoy?” I asked.

“For you to jump off a cliff.” He replied.

“In your dreams!” George said suddenly in front of me. I blushed inwardly.

“Lookie here! The boyfriend is protecting the wimp!” Malfoy said.

That was it, I couldn’t take anymore. I walked around George and pointed my wand (Willow, with phoenix feather, 6 ¾ inches) at Malfoy and screamed

“CONFRINGO!” Suddenly, Malfoy’s robes were on fire but then I heard a shrill voice scream. That scream belonged to no one other than Pansy Parkinson.

“AGUAMENTE!” And a blast of water hit Malfoy putting the fire out. George was still surprised that I joined into the fight and yelled

“BOMBARDA!” Making the ground in front of Pansy blow up. Pansy screamed and left running. Malfoy muttered something under his breath pointing his wand at me. All I remember after that is flying backwards.


“I think she’s dead.” Someone said.

“SHUTUP Seamus! Can’t you see this isn’t helping George at all?!” I could tell that was Fred, I think. He sounded upset.

Angelina said. “Okay well don’t worry; I think she is waking up.”

I punched the nearest thing to me. I heard laughter and said “Why are there guys in the girls’ dormitories?” That’s when it went silent.

“Why’d ya punch me?” I heard Harry ask.

“Sorry, thought you were Malfoy.”

“Well, Malfoy is on the other side of the room, unconscious.” Fred laughed.

I opened my eyes to see Hermione, Angelina, The Twins, Seamus, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Dean all around my bed. George was sitting on one side looking very upset. Harry was in the other chair almost asleep. I sat up and looked around. I was in the Hospital Wing, no doubt about that.

“What happened?” I asked.

Everyone looked from me to George and back again. Suddenly, Lilly burst in there screaming


We all looked at her and Fred wrapped her in a HUGE hug and asked her why she was so excited and she looked at us and said.

“I forgot…” Before you knew it Madam Pomfrey came in and told everyone they had to leave but in the end George was still in his seat. Madam Pomfrey told him to leave but he looked at her and asked

“May I please stay for a bit longer? I have to ask her a quick question.”

“Okay, you may stay as long as you want but if you get on my nerves your gone.” She said smiling at him.

“Thanks.” He said.

^Why is he still here? You woulda thought he would go with Fred^

Well, wait and see there is probably more to it than what you can see.

^Ugh your back^

And now I disappear.


“Why didn’t you go with everyone else?” I asked.

He looked at me before handing me something that had been in his hand below the table. I saw Fred at the door wink at me and I smiled but became slightly worried at what was going to happen next. I gasped. He was holding a single white rose. I gasped. He smiled a smile that could light up the entire castle. I felt my stomach doing front flips, back flips, cartwheels, round-offs, and all that other gymnastics stuff.

“So you’re the person who--” I said.

He smiled again and said “Yeah I am.”

I was speechless. He said “I didn’t know any other way to tell you.”

I smiled and said “Well I like how you did it this way.”


“I hate to ruin the moment but what happened to Malfoy over there?”

“Well,” He smiled. “After you threw you into the wall I got pissed off and well soon he was well bloodied up.” He now had a huge smile on his face now.

“So in short, you beat him up?”


Madam Pomfrey walked in there, saw us, then turned and walked back out. We looked at each other smiled and laughed.


About an hour later George left and Madam Pomfrey walked in and said

“He’s a nice boy.”

“Ya, he is.” I said smiling. “By the way, when am I able to leave?”

“Well, you are healing incredibly fast so ill venture a guess at tomorrow.”

“Ya,” I said. “I don’t know why that happens to me.”

“You gave us quite a scare though girl, you were unconscious for 2 weeks and most of the time I had to be constantly at your side because of you getting really close to dying. You had a lot of close calls there girly. I almost sent you to St. Mungo’s but that boy of yours said we should wait a little longer.” I smiled when she said that.


Sure enough the next day I left around 3 pm. When I walked into the common room I was nearly run over by people who wanted to know what happened between me and Malfoy. But I walked past them and sat down on the couch next to George. When I did that I got stares from a lot of people. Angelina and Hermione were open mouthed, Ginny smiled and winked. Lilly on the other hand, was to wrapped up in Fred to notice when George draped his arm around my shoulder. I was happy, and it was about time.

Ice and Fire: A George Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now