Chapter one

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First of all Allysia is pronounced-


And Alysa is pronounced-


And Twisha is pronounced-


(But that last name isn't used for a while)

Secondly- welcome to my first fanfic! Sorry if it's not too good, but if you comment anything that I can do to improve then I don't mind and I'll try to do that! And also- I just want to say that parts of this story might be triggering :/

Chapter one

I've had a rough childhood, most of it has been spent in a care home; nobody wants to adopt a teen nowadays

My mum died when i was 6 and I first went into care aged 8 when my teacher found out that I was being abused by my dad. Now I'm 14, and stuck in the same care home. I have been fostered once or twice but it never seems to work out- after my dad I hate all men

"Allysia, come down here someone wants to see you" Sophie the head of our care home yelled up to me from her office. Sophie was a fresh faced newbie to the world of care-kids, with a vision of 'matching every kid in care to their perfect family' and all that rubbish. So far she's lasted 3 months at this place and for that I have the slightest bit of respect for her, and I'd prefer to have her than some troll like we sometimes end up with. I dragged myself up off my bed and made my way down the stairs to her.

Inside the office I could hear two voices, one of Sophie and the other.. I didn't quite recognise. I anxiously knocked on the door praying that she hadn't tried to find me a foster family again, they never work out and to be honest I can't be bothered to go through with all the hassle to just end up back where I started, what's the point in it?

"Come in" she said. I slid open the door and glanced round. There was Sophie in the room, (obviously) and then this woman who had short blonde hair, that seemed both stylish and different at the same time. I walked in and took a seat next to the woman in front of Sophie's desk.

Sophie started saying random stuff about me to the woman which made it obvious that she was planning on fostering me.. Why do they bother? I tuned out until Sophie finally introduced me "and this is Allysia.." She started to say, but I cut her off

"Sophie how many times? I hate that name call me Alysa" I started to sulk, what is the point in this, what's the point in me, all of these people making hassle over a nothing, a nobody who deserves to be punished and may as well not exist.

The woman turned round to me in her chair and stool out her hand "hey Alysa, I'm Jessie" she beamed a massive smile that seemed to warm me up inside. She had a strong essex accent that made it clear she was from round here and her short blonde hair was styled into a side fringe that actually really suited her. I took her hand and muttered a "hey" back to which she replied to by giving me a massive bear-like hug. Nobody's ever given me a hug before, that is, without the reason being pity. I was starting to like this Jessie person.

I listened in for once to what they were saying, genuinely interested. They explained that I would be going on days out with Jessie so that I could get to know her better, which has never happened before- its normally a matter of pack your bags we're going.

Eventually the meeting came to an end and it was decided that I would be meeting Jessie for a day out on Wednesday, in 3 days time.

Sophie dismissed us from her office and made a big deal out of shuffling and re-arranging her paperwork on her desk.

We walked out the door and as we got out the room and the door was closed behind us Jessie asked me what I thought of her maybe being my foster mum one day-

I shrugged, my head down I pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I hate it when they think things are going to work out, especially when I know that it won't. Jessie gave me one last smile and as she left the building she gave me a small wave, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

I made my way back upstairs to my room but just as I got to the top of the stairs Beth and Megan appeared at the top of the stairs arms on their hips, and I inwardly groaned, for some reason they've always hated me and they go out of their way to make sure that I know it. "I wonder what that lady wanted with that looser" Beth said directing it at me. "I don't know" continued Megan "perhaps she wants some company like an old lady has a pet cat for." I pushed past them and ran to my room, locking the door as I went in. Why do they hate me so much? I sat down and in the corner of my eye I saw the answer to my worries. As if I wasn't in control of my body anymore I walked towards the box and got it out. I rolled up both of my long sleeves and repeated what I had done so many times before now, again and again and again not caring about the scars that would be left

I woke up at 5am, groggy and with a tearstained face. I looked downwards as I got off my bed to find my slippers and had to hold in a gasp from shock when I saw my top. The blood had soaked into my sleeves staining them even though I had thought I had cleaned myself up last night. I guess I had got a bit carried away. I silently went out of my room and went into the bathroom to try and get rid of the stains. I took off my top and started washing off the blood on my wrists and arms wincing as the cold water hit my cuts. I washed it off as much as possible and returned to my room. Knowing that there was no way I could get back to sleep now, I opened up my wardrobe and put on my school uniform. I hate Mondays.

At 7am I ran downstairs and despite how early it was I left the care home for school. This was the best way to avoid Megan and Beth, and it also meant that I could not only get a coffee from Starbucks to wake me up, but I could have time to walk to school instead of catch the bus where all of the other kids would be.

I wandered through the silent streets of London longing for the warmth of the Starbucks café. Soon enough I arrived there and ordered my caramel creme coffee. I found a small table towards the back of the café and embraced the boiling hotness of it in my gloved hands. I was wearing my favourite pair, fingerless and black.

Time passed and after I had finished my drink and set off, it was soon 8:20 and I had just enough time to get to school.

Once I was at school, I slipped into my normal routine of blending into the background in every situation possible, until it came to pe fourth period and I had to get changed. Pe was the worst lesson because Megan and Beth were in my class and that meant I had to get changed at the same time as them, which is even worse because they always stare at my scars on my arms.. Today it will be freshly made scars that they'll be looking at. Self consciously I hurry to get changed as quickly as possible in my corner of the changing room. In the background I can hear their clique's spiteful laughs and comments as they see the new marks, while others look at me in pity. I'm like a lost cause. The troubled kid from care who nobody can help.

I manage, somehow, to survive the rest of pe and soon it's the end of the day. And again, I run upstairs, lock my door, and prey that Megan and Beth will leave me alone.

A/N (authors note) so hey! Please give me feedback, I'm going to be trying to upload every other day for now, and I'll see how it goes, this kind of fan fic is kinda different to other ones I've read, but I hope you like the difference!!

~Jessie xx

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