Sorry for the A/N again

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Sooo I'm gonna start writing again, starting today!! It's over 6 months since I last updated and I feel really bad about it, and I'm slowly getting better health wise.

Notttt gonna make this into a sob-story like I did last A/N, but I've had my heart op, I'm (probably) healthy now heart wise, and my head is getting better too.

My social life is in pieces, but that's what writings for right, escaping to somewhere else.

Feel like I should be writing something more hereeeee..

But yeah idk when the next update will be, but I am gonna start writing it from tomorrow!!

&ty to the person (new reader) who commented on my last A/N, your comments one of the things that's making me write again!

~ Jessie xx

& 2 weeks until Sweet Talker aaaaarrrgghhhhh!!!! 😱😂

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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