Chapter 2- Nando's

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Chapter 2

Soon enough, Wednesday was here and it was the end of the day. Jessie was meant to be meeting me at the care home and taking me out for tea or something, and I have to admit it- I've been looking forward to it quite a bit. And maybe slightly nervous about it too. When I get home, even though I'm early, Jessie is already there eagerly waiting for me.

"Hey" Jessie greeted me, and she actually looked kind of nervous too.

"Hiya" I replied, praying that the rest of the night wouldn't be like this- really slow- because that would be SO awkward.

"Do you wanna go get changed into something comfortable, we're only going to nando's" she asked me.

I nodded in reply, and ran upstairs to my room and got changed quickly into a pair of jeans and a deep purple (long sleeved) top. I dragged from under my bed the one designer thing that I own, my high top black converse, grabbed my small leather shoulder bag and ran back down the stairs to her. She signed me out and we left.

"Where's your car?" I asked her.

"I thought we could walk" she replied "it isn't that bad weather really except a bit cold". I agreed with her, but still inwardly groaning, walking means effortttt. I tucked my hands into my pockets and I was glad that I had chosen to wear the fingerless gloves again.

On the way there we mainly walked in silence, though it wasn't really an awkward silence, more like a content one. Both of us in our own worlds we almost walked past the restaurant and we lightly giggled at our stupidity. I told Jessie what I wanted and left her in the queue to order so that I could save us a seat. I managed to get us a table right next to a radiator and embraced it's warmth. Soon Jessie returned with our meal and I tucked in greedily. I love nando's, just I barely ever get to have them!

Jessie- "so what do you like then?" She asked as she sipped her drink.

Alysa- "um.. Not much really, I don't really do anything just watch movies and sit on my butt all day"

Jessie- "is that all?!" She replied laughing

Alysa- "well I guess there's school"

Jessie-"do you like school?"

Alysa-"not really..." I hesitated on what I could tell her.. "The teachers aren't the best and, well, it's school!"

Jessie- "haha you got many friends?"

Alysa- "a few.." I said without making eye contact..

The conversation continued, and we just talked about random stuff- and then I had the realisation- Jess barely ever shuts up!! I mean I'm not complaining, but I never thought she was so chatty! You could say it's just I don't speak much because I've got no friends, but I don't think so! I hate that, the fact that just because Beth and Megan hate me nobody wants to be my friend. Everyone's always giving me pity yet not one of the people in my year has ever had a conversation with me that's not to do with school or agreeing with what Beth and Megan have said to or about me.

Eventually I had chance to get a word of my own in, and I actually got to ask her something-

"Why did you want to foster me, out of everyone there" I asked curiously.

"Because, well, I really want a family, and I like making people happy too" she replied beaming. I actually feel bad now. None of my social workers ever tell the people who want to foster/adopt me that I can't live with men, so the chances are that she doesn't know about it, and when it comes to me staying over and her boyfriend (I mean face it, she's a nice looking woman in her mid 20's, she must have a boyfriend) is there and I freak out... I can already tell it's going to break her. I thought about this sadly as we continued to chat about random things, holding onto that tiny ounce of hope that this might actually work out and focusing on that and that alone. We arrived back at my care home, and after signing me back in again she told me that if I wanted to I could sleep over on this Saturday night and we could watch loads of movies! I agreed with her and got another amazing Jessie hug (which by the way are the best) and actually returned it for once! I waved her off as she shivered into the night on her way home and then ran safely up to my room, where for the first night in ages it didn't even come into my mind to cut, at all.

A/N- Wow I wasn't expecting that reaction! When I got home from school/my Grandmas yesterday I was so happy and amazed at the reaction that the last chapter got! Sorry this chapters slightly shorter, it was even shorter but I decided to add more detail. I've decided I'm gonna update at least every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night, but if you're lucky then I might update earlier than that :)

Thankyouuu :)

~Jessie xx

Random.. But my cat is on my bed and she's cleaning herself, and I think she's biting her claws..?! o_O :D

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