Chapter 3- Sleepover! part one

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Chapter 3

Saturday soon came and I was so excited but still so nervous! A day to just relax and spend some time with Jessie and to get to know her better.

I packed my bag, throwing in a set of pj's, socks, underwear, a brush and my face products and a DVD box set of harry potter, I can't believe she told me on Wednesday that she's never watched it before, I have to correct that! I changed into my leggings with shorts on top, a white top and a navy blue jacket.

"Allysia here" Sophie called up to me.

"It's Alysa" I reminded her for the fifty billionth time as I put on my converse.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and ran down the stairs. I scooped my hair into a ponytail and smiled at Jessie happily.

"Heya Jessie" I greeted her.

"Hey, someone's happy today" She cheekily smiled. I shrugged and started on my way out of this hell hole..

"Waaaiiitttt a second" Jessie grabbed my by the hood of my Jacket "your social workers still got to do the last bits of paperwork"

I rolled my eyes- that's all they ever do, complete paperwork.

After about a year Sophie had finished all of it and we were finally allowed to leave. "We in the car this time then?" I asked her, seeming as there was a car I've not seen before in the drive.

"Yeah if that's okay with you" she smiled at me.. She was so nice, but the more I think about it the more I realise she might have a boyfriend or something... And then everything will be wrecked. I looked down in my lap in sadness.

Jessie- you okay Alysa?

Alysa- yeah.. Sure

She reached out and grabbed my hand-

Jessie- you know you can tell me anything right?

I sighed... I was going to have to ask her sooner or later so why not now..

Alysa- well... The thing is... And I'm not being personal.. But do you have a boyfriend because if you do then I don't think you can foster me because I'm afraid of men after what my dad did to me and Twisha, my sister, when we were younger and I'm really sorry because you are nice but I really can't be around men anymore I freak out..

I rambled on and on, until a tear escaped my eye whilst I stared at my lap. I hadn't even realised the car had stopped until she turned to me. "It's okay" she said, "that's horrible that whatever your dad did has effected you this much... And.. Ah- well no I don't have a boyfriend, I'm single. But if anything I'm not entirely into men that much" I giggled at her, she was genuinely embarrassed, yet if anything that's good because it means that I have a better chance of getting along with her!

We stepped out of the car and I lugged my bag over my shoulder. As we walked into her house, I looked around me.. There was lots of photos, presumably of her and her family.. And then, I paused as I thought, there was a framed platinum record, with the name 'Jessie J' on it.. That couldn't be her could it? But then, the blacked out windows in the car, and her house was quite big really for someone living alone..

Alysa- are you famous?!

Jessie- umm, maybee

She said with a glint in her eyes

I froze in shock, who famous would want to foster let alone adopt me!

Alysa- sorry I didn't notice before, it's just we never have technology stuff really at the home so I didn't know..

I was still in shock, why me!

Alysa- if you're famous then why do you want to foster me?

Jessie- well I love kids, and it's unfair nowadays, people always foster the babies and leave out the kids your age who want a family just as much

She is so sweet! I smiled and gave her a hug.

Jessie- do you want to come and put your stuff in your room?

Alsa- okay

I followed her up the stairs and at the top you could see there were 5 doors to choose from, Jess pointed me to one and I eased open the door. The room was so big! There was a built in mirror-wardrobe on one side of the room, a double bed, a side cabinet and my own dressing table! All of the furniture was white, the carpet was a creamy white and the walls were painted in a subtle shade of pink with one accent wall opposite the mirror that was white with a repeat pattern of pinky shades of birds on a similar colour branch that spiralled across and down the wall.

Alysa- is this MY room?!

Jessie- yeah, if you like it then it is for now.

I looked around, yeah it might not be what I'd usually go for in a room, but it still looked amazing!

Jessie sat on my bed- so what do you want to do now?

She asked me. I placed my bag on the floor and started to drag out the box set. She gave me a confused look.

Alysa- you told me you've never watched harry potter

She just laughed as I eventually got it out of my bag.

Jessie- okay then, leave your bag in here and take them downstairs, I'll get some blankets and pillows for us.

A few minutes later and she appeared at the top of the stairs with about twice the amount of her in blankets. I laughed and ran up to help her. We both hobbled down the stairs and when we got to the sofa we just collapsed in one big heap on it.

We climbed out of the mount we had created and I went to put the first DVD in the tv when Jessie stopped me, a serious look on her face-

Jessie- what about the popcorn?

I started laughing and wow, when I'd started, I really couldn't stop!! And because Jessie can laugh so easily and can be started off just by someone else laughing we ended up rolling on the floor in fits of laughter for about 20 minutes!!

Eventually we got a grip and we staggered to her kitchen, her leading the way, and I put some microwave popcorn in the microwave. Jess made hot chocolate and soon we were back on the sofa and had started to watch the first harry potter film!

After what seemed like seconds later the fourth film was over and we were stating to get hungry.

Jessie- why don't we make some chocolate cake so that it'll be ready by the time we've finished the 5th one?

Alysa- sure I haven't baked in ages!

We got out the ingredients and got to work. I was on mixing duty and Jess was on passing-me-the-ingredients duty! When we'd mixed it all together we put it in the oven and I started to wash up the pots from all of our baking, and I was thinking how amazing this day had been when suddenly Jessie breathed out questioningly and in a deathly serious voice-

Jessie- Alysa..

A/N- I'm sorry!! For both the cliffhanger and for the really late update, I'm uploading it now even though I haven't proof read it but I feel ultra bad about how late I am! I was going to continue but if I did then I wouldn't be able to update tonight... And the chapter was an okay length so yeah :P

By the way feel free to comment any ways I can make it better, and thanks for all the votes! I didn't think I'd get this many in a week let alone the amount of reads I've got! (139 reads and 19 votes, literally thanks so much!) I should be updating tomorrow, so see ya then :)

~Jessie xx

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