Chapter 4- Shopping

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Chapter 4

I woke up to unfamiliar surroundings and it took me a few seconds to realise where I was. I swung my legs out of bed, pulled on a dressing gown and followed the sweet smell of pacakes to the kitchen.

Alysa- Morning Jess

Jess- Morning! I've got some pancakes for you, you do like them don't you?

Alysa- Yeah of course I love them, who doesn't?!

I didn't really notice this last night but her kitchen is probably the cleanest kitchen I've ever seen.. the black marble worktops shining with not a trace of dust anywhere. Two plates piled with pancakes were the only thing left on the worktop as she put the last of the washing up away.

Jess- What do you want on yours?

Alysa- just sugar and lemon please

Jess- Seriousy?! Ha! You're boring..

She then started putting on her pancake chocoalte spread, sugar, sprinkles and a whole load of other random sweet things she could find.

Alysa- how can you even eat that!? Actually more importantly how can you eat that without turning into an elephant!!!!

Jessie paused and put her fork-full down just before she had shovelled it into her mouth. She was now sat opposit me and had a deathly serious look on her face.

Jess- Now that, is a question I have been myself for years

I couldn't help but burst into laughter... someone with severe OCD in tidiness who eats all of that.. that MESS and doesn't think twice about it. How does that even happen. She pauses and looks up at me innocently while she attempts to shove another massive forkfull of the pancake concoction in her mouth, and I can't help but laugh even harder.

As we finished our pancakes I thought about this, how I had never got along with anyone this well before; let alone someone that might be fostering or adopting me. Though I guess all of the other people who wanted to adopt me were at a disadvantage because it always seemed to be couples that want to adopt and with couples come men. I hate what my dad did to me. I hope that he regrets what he's done and is suffering the concequences more than I think, because up until now I think I've more or less got the worst out of this rather than him. Knowing him he probably doesn't even feel guilty about my sister. I bet Jessie would have loved my sister; from what I know about Jess she always thinks about the good side of things like my she did.

Jess- Hellooo?

she sang at me with a curious look on her face

Alysa- sorry did I tune out? Have I missed anything?

I fee bad for not listening to her now and for tuning out.. though she does talk a lot- it might be quite good when I have to go back to the care home because my ears can rest!

Jess- Nah it's fine, I was saying what do you want to do today, It's only 10 and they said you can stay with me until half 3 so we've got quite a bit of time to spare.

Alysa- Umm I dont know really, could we go shopping? I think I might have some money in my bag and I've not been in a while?

Jess- yeah sure, and don't worry about the money it'll be your treat off me!

Alysa- You sure?.. thanks! Should we go at 'bout half past so we have enough time to get ready?

She nodded in reply and I put my empty plate in the sink before going upstairs. When I got to my room I put on my shorts and leggings from yesterday and a new t-shirt with my jacket on top. I dashed into the bathroom just before Jessie got there and started my mile long face routine that I have to complete every day just to get a clearish face. Once I'd finished my face I brushed my teeth and pulled half of my hair into a pony while leaving the bottom bit down for once to make me look slightly more girly than usual. Not sure why but today seems to be one of them random days where I feel like being just a touch girly. Tidiying up the stuff that I had used on my face and brush into my washbag I left the bathroom and passed Jessie sulking stood next to thee door. I gave her a mixture of an evil and a smug smile and left her to use the bathroom.

I shoved my stuff into my bag and made my bed, then I went downstairs to wait for her. Somehow she was already there waiting for me, and had even managed to do (natural) makeup.. was she really quick or was I just majorly slow?!

Jess- you ready then?

Alysa- yup

We walked out of the house and Jess walked straight past her car and onto the path.

Uuuugggghhhhh I groaned... We were walking a 20 minute walk in September... Like seriously?! It's rainey and cold and eeehhhh who can be bothered in September?

Jess- I take it you don't like walking then

She laughed as I pulled a 'it-is-kinda-obvious-yes-I-do' face at her.

Jess- so then, what did you do in the school holidays

Alysa- nothing much, my care worker forced me to go on a two week camp that I knew nobody at which was reaaaalllyy annoying as I really didn't want to go but the rest of the time I just sat in my room reading and stuff... Not that I'm boring but I don't have a computer or iPod.. Or even a decent phone so that's pretty much all I can do except from daydream

Jess- ah that's not to bad I guess, at least you don't hang around in gangs and that

She joked at me, I just pulled another 'are you kidding' face at her and, yet again, she was laughing.

Alysa- Aree we nearly thereeee yett

I moaned at her purposely, acting like a little kid and trying to wind her up.

Jess- I thought you live in London! You know we nearly are we've only got about 10 minutes to go and we can get some hot chocolate from a café to warm us up

Alysa- with marshmallows, because, you know- they're awesome

Jess- just because I'm nice sure you can

Finally we got to the shopping centre and had a big hot chocolate each, although she ended up finishing mine they were so big!

We near enough went round every single shop there and we gradually got more and more bags of shopping. As many times as I objected Jessie still insisted on getting me loads of new clothes and new things including awesome water speakers which actually look so good!!

For our lunch we went to McDonalds to have a burger each and once we'd finished we made our way home with our arms dropping off. how had we managed to get this many things!

When we got home we left all of the bags in the corridor from the door and collapsed in a big heap on the sofa. I've never known bags that heavy!

Alysa- ugh we've only got an hour before I have to go back there now.

Jess- well you can always come back next week, what do you want to do for now?

Alysa- To be honest I can't be bothered to do anything productive, can we just stay here and watch something on the tv

Another thing I forgot to mention, her tv is massive!! It's one of them flat screens that you mount on the wall and hers is black which contrasts the rest of the room which is all shades of white and light pinks. She grabbed the remote and I stretched out on the sofa, putting my head on her lap. Whilst she flicked through the channels she started to play with my hair, and I slowly felt myself falling to sleep..

A/N- I really am so so so so so so so so so so sorry for the wait.. I am a terrible person! hope you like this chapter, sorry that nothing happened in this chapter but I promise more happens in the next few. Vote +comment whatever @J_J_HB says about not voting don't listen to her, she's being evil XD

lastly- I have already got mostly written two chapters after this so I should be updating in the next few days! hope you all had great christmasses and happy new year!!

~Jessie xx

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